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New Water Heaters in City's Outdoor Pools Make Water Temperatures Comfortable for Opening Weekend


May 20, 2014

For more information, please contact:

Mark Miller, Aquatics/Fitness Coordinator, City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, 812.349.3769 or

John Turnbull, Sports Division Director, City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, 812.349.3712 or

New Water Heaters in City's Outdoor Pools Make Water Temperatures Comfortable for Opening Weekend

Bloomington, Ind. − The City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department announced today the City's two outdoor pools, Bryan Park Pool and Mills Pool, open for the 2014 season Saturday, with newly installed water heaters upping the pool temperatures to a balmy 83 degrees.

"Projected air temperatures on Memorial Day weekend may be perfect for swimming, but the water in the pool takes a little longer to heat up enough to make swimming fun," said Mark Miller, Aquatics/Fitness Coordinator. "The newly installed pool heaters will be up and running by Wednesday, so the water temperature will be comfortable for swimming this weekend."

The 'smart system' controls on each heater help maximize efficiency by shutting off the heater automatically when water temperatures reach 83 degrees, and during the evening when the pools are not in use.

Bryan Park Pool, located at 1020 S. Woodlawn Ave., hosts four, two-week sessions of swimming lessons this summer. The first session begins June 3. Historically, parents have shied away from the first session because of the cool water temperatures, but Miller said children this year will be able to enjoy the early season lessons in the heated water.

Heaters will be up and running this weekend at Mills Pool, located at 1100 W. 14th St., too. The 155,000 gallons of water at Mills Pool will take a shorter time to heat than the 330,000 gallons at Bryan Park Pool, but both pools will utilize the heaters as needed.

Aqua Fit classes for adults at both Bryan Park Pool and Mills Pool will also benefit from the warmer water temperatures. Shallow Water Aqua Fit classes meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at Mills Pool. Deep Water Aqua Fit meets Saturdays at 10 a.m. at Bryan Park Pool. The deadline to register for both the Aqua Fit class sessions is May 30.

Bryan Park Pool hours are extended, from 11 a.m. through 8 p.m. daily beginning May 24. Mills Pool is open daily beginning May 24 from 11 a.m. through 7 p.m. Admission to each pool is $4 for adults and $3 for children ages 17 years and younger. Swimmers can opt to ride the waterslides at Bryan Park Pool as well for an additional $2.50.

Bloomington Parks and Recreation continues to promote sun safety with its longtime partner IU Health by providing free sunscreen at both pools. Area businesses have also supported sun safety by sponsoring 10-foot umbrellas that provide shade and sun protection at each pool. Sunbrella sponsors include IU Health, Papa John's, and the Rotary Club of Bloomington.

For more information about renting Bryan Park Pool or Mills Pool for a private party, or about swimming lessons, Aqua Fit classes, or Discover Scuba sessions, visit the Parks and Recreation Department Web site at For information on pool hours of operation, or weather-related closings and special events, call the Pools Hotline at 812.349.3741.
