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One Million Stars to End Violence Installation - City Hall Atrium

December 1, 2016

For more information contact: Sean Starowitz, City of Bloomington Assistant Director of Economic Development for the Arts, 812-349-3534

One Million Stars to End Violence Installation - City Hall Atrium.

Bloomington, Ind. - A woven tapestry of handmade stars crafted by the local Bloomington community in support of the "One Million Stars to End Violence" initiative is on view in the City Hall Atrium. The exhibit opens on December 1st and extends through the end of January 2017. There will be an Opening Reception onFriday, December 2, 5-7pm.

Image removed.

The project was kicked off with a community star-weaving workshop on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 18, 2016), hosted by the Mathers Museum of World Cultures with support from the City of Bloomington Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commission. Lotus has been hosting One Million Stars workshops over the past year throughout the community and will host two workshops at City Hall: Wednesday, December 7th, from11:30am-1:30pm and Wednesday December 14th, from 5-7pm.

Lotus is one of only three US partners with the Australia-based initiative "One Million Stars to End Violence" and has committed to weaving and contributing at least 10,000 stars. Stars have been featured in an installation at the 23rd Lotus World Music & Arts Festival, and then as part of a worldwide installation of 1,000,000 stars at the Commonwealth Games in 2018
