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Volunteer Guide Released by City

For Immediate Release
July 12, 2010

For more information, please contact:
Bet Savich, Director, City of Bloomington Volunteer Network, 349.3472,
Jared Schlemmer, Assistant Deputy Mayor, City of Bloomington, 349.3406,

Bloomington, IN-- The City of Bloomington Volunteer Network recently released the Volunteer Guide, a comprehensive resource for locating and linking to community serving organizations in Bloomington and Monroe County. The Volunteer Guide provides organization names, descriptions and contact information. It also features a map of downtown Bloomington which pinpoints 38 local organizations which rely on volunteer assistance. Through volunteering, individuals can build on community assets and address community issues while exploring personal interests and passions.

Individuals are encouraged to pick up a copy of the Volunteer Guide from the Community and Family Resources Department of the City, which is located in City Hall Suite 260. Copies are also available in the Indiana Room of the Monroe County Public Library and at the United Way office.

The community is also invited to subscribe to the VolunteerBloomington! Weekly Update, an e-newsletter that highlights five current community needs which volunteers can meet. In addition, opportunities are updated daily on the city website, To request that a copy of the Volunteer Guide be mailed to you, or to sign up for the e-newsletter, contact Bet Savich at 349-3472 or
