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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on August 28, 2023 at 4:11 pm


Bloomington, being a beautiful, tree-filled city surrounded by fields and forests, provides the optimal location for experiencing wildlife.  Unfortunately Wildlife can become nuisances or even safety risks for our people and pets.  In order to keep Bloomington safe for people, pets, and wildlife here are a few easy rules to live by:

  • Keep all trash containers closed.  Open trashcans invite raccoons, skunks, coyotes and other wildlife to an easy buffet.
  • Do not feed pets outside.  These stations often invite unwelcomed guests.
  • If you have a wildlife issue make sure you are not providing easy food sources such as bird feeders, an never intentionally feed our deer.
  • Seal up holes in house that wildlife may enter.  Make sure there are not currently animals in the area before sealing them off.  Late fall and early spring are the best time to conduct this activity.
  • Conduct a yard audit (see below) to identify and remedy potential problem areas.
  • Keep wildlife wild. Do not feed, only observe from a distance.  Encourage their natural wariness of people through appropriate hazing.



When to call an Animal Control Officer (812-349-3492):

  • If the animal is a known carrier of the rabies virus and has bitten a person or a pet.  These species include: raccoons, skunks, foxes, coyotes, and bats.
  • Coyote or deer that are acting aggressive or appear to have lost their natural fear of people.
  • Injured or sick wildlife.  Some of these animals may have diseases that can be transmitted to humans or other animals.  Wildcare, Inc., our local wildlife rehabilitation specialists, can also insist with taking in and rehabilitating many of these animals. 
  • If you have wildlife in the living space of your home and you need assistance removing.  An open door/window and encouragement from a safe distance will be all that is needed, but sometimes it can be a bit difficult and we are happy to assist.



Nuisance Wildlife 

General nuisance wildlife in your yard, crawlspace, or attic falls under the responsibility of the home  owner.  The links on this page will provide a wealth of information for discouraging wildlife from entering these spaces and encouraging them to leave if they do.  If you require further assistance, contact a wildlife control operator licensed through the State of Indiana.

If you are having encounters with wildlife that you feel we should be aware of please use the link below to report a wildlife conflict.

