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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on March 7, 2023 at 4:06 pm

For more information, please contact

Andrew Krebbs, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor or 812-349-3406




City Reminds Residents of “No Turn on Red” at 82 Downtown Locations to Protect Cyclists and Pedestrians

Bloomington, Ind. – In April of 2021, the Bloomington City Council voted unanimously to add nearly 80 “No Turn on Red” signs in the downtown and campus areas to increase safety. Both the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission and the Traffic Commission endorsed the measure, which was taken to protect pedestrians and cyclists, the most vulnerable users of roads, in the areas of heaviest pedestrian and bicycle traffic.


New signs were installed at 78 locations in 2022. This week, the vendor that installed the signs is installing some re-sized signs.


“The Department of Public Works concerns itself with the daily ability of Bloomington residents and visitors to move comfortably and safely throughout our City,” said Public Works Director Adam Wason. “We are grateful to Bloomington City Council for this decision and to the Public Works employees that maintain our streets, signs, and sidewalks every day.” 


Under Indiana law, vehicles are allowed to make a right turn against a red traffic signal if the way is clear from oncoming traffic and there is no sign prohibiting it. Left on red is also allowed though only from a one-way street onto another one-way street. 


“Bloomington’s downtown is a busy and bustling place that should welcome and keep safe people using all forms of mobility,” said Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton. “We have seen pedestrian loss of life in the past and that should never happen again. Asking traffic to fully stop and wait before turning is worth everyone’s time.” 


Intersections that were amended with no turns on red include:

  1. Atwater Avenue & Eagleson Avenue from West to South
  2. Atwater Avenue & Woodlawn Avenue from West to South
  3. College Avenue & Eleventh Street from North to West
  4. College Avenue & First Street from North to West
  5. College Avenue & Fourth Street from North to West
  6. College Avenue & Kirkwood Avenue from North to West
  7. College Avenue & Second Street from North to West
  8. College Avenue & Seventh Street from North to West
  9. College Avenue & Sixth Street from North to West
  10. College Avenue & Tenth Street from from North to West
  11. College Avenue & Third Street from North to West
  12. Dunn Street & Third Street from North to West
  13. Eleventh Street & College Avenue from West to South
  14. First Street & College Avenue from West to South
  15. First Street & Walnut Street from East to North
  16. Fourth Street & College Avenue from West to South
  17. Fourth Street & Walnut Street from East to North
  18. Hawthorne Drive & Third Street from North to West
  19. Henderson Street & Atwater Avenue from South to East
  20. Indiana Avenue & Tenth Street from North to West
  21. Indiana Avenue & Tenth Street from South to East 
  22. Indiana Avenue & Third Street from South to West 
  23. Eagleson Avenue & Atwater Avenue from South to East
  24. Eagleson Avenue & Law Lane from North to West
  25. Eagleson Avenue & Law Lane from South to East
  26. Eagleson Avenue & Tenth Street from North to West
  27. Jordan Avenue & Tenth Street from South to East
  28. Kirkwood Avenue & College Avenue from West to South
  29. Kirkwood Avenue & Rogers Street from West to South
  30. Kirkwood Avenue & Rogers Street from East to North
  31. Law Lane & Eagleson Avenue from West to South
  32. Law Lane & Eagleson Avenue from East to North
  33. Lincoln Street & Third Street from South to East
  34. Madison Street & Third Street from North to West
  35. Madison Street & Third Street South East
  36. Rogers Street & Kirkwood Avenue from North to West
  37. Rogers Street & Kirkwood Avenue from South to East
  38. Rogers Street & Third Street from North to West
  39. Rogers Street & Third Street from South to East
  40. Second Street & College Avenue from West to South
  41. Second Street & Walnut Street from East to North
  42. Seventh Street & Walnut Street from East to North
  43. Sixth Street & Walnut Street from East to North
  44. Smith Avenue & Walnut Street from East to North
  45. Sunrise Drive & Tenth Street from South to East
  46. Tenth Street & College Avenue from West to South
  47. Tenth Street & Fee Lane from East to North
  48. Tenth Street & Indiana Avenue from East to North
  49. Tenth Street & Eagleson Avenue from West to South
  50. Tenth Street & Eagleson Avenue from East to North
  51. Tenth Street & Sunrise Drive from West to South
  52. Tenth Street & Union Street from West to South
  53. Tenth Street & Union Street from East to North
  54. Tenth Street & Walnut Street from East to North
  55. Tenth Street & Woodlawn Avenue from West to South
  56. Tenth Street & Woodlawn Avenue from East to North
  57. Third Street & Bryan Avenue from East to North
  58. Third Street & College Avenue from West to South
  59. Third Street & Atwater Avenue from West to South
  60. Third Street & High Street from West to South
  61. Third Street & Hawthorne Drive from East to North
  62. Third Street & Lincoln Street from East to North
  63. Third Street & Madison Street from West to South
  64. Third Street & Madison Street from East to North
  65. Third Street & Rogers Street from West to South
  66. Third Street & Rogers Street from East to North
  67. Third Street & Walnut Street from East to North
  68. Third Street & Washington Street from West to South
  69. Union Street & Tenth Street from North to West
  70. Union Street & Tenth Street from South to East
  71. Walnut Street & First Street from South to East
  72. Walnut Street & Fourth Street from South to East
  73. Walnut Street & Kirkwood Avenue from  South to East
  74. Walnut Street & Second Street from South to East
  75. Walnut Street & Seventh Street from South to East
  76. Walnut Street & Sixth Street from South to East
  77. Walnut Street & Tenth Street from South to East
  78. Walnut Street & Third Street from South to East
  79. Washington Street & Third Street from  North to West
  80. Woodlawn Avenue & Atwater Avenue from South to East
  81. Woodlawn Avenue & Tenth Street from North to West
  82. Woodlawn Avenue & Tenth Street from South to East