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Page last updated on August 22, 2023 at 9:34 am

For more information, please contact

Marissa Parr-Scott, Special Projects Coordinator, Community and Family Resources Department or 812-349-3430


Angela Van Rooy, Interim Communications Director, Office of the Mayor or 812-349-3505


City’s Commission on the Status of Black Males Invites Local Teens to Fourth Annual Black Male Youth Summit

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Black Males (CSBM) invites middle school- and high school-aged males to attend a one-day Black Male Youth Summit at City Hall, 401 N. Morton St. Bloomington, IN 47404 on Thursday, September 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Connecting the Dots” is the theme of the fourth annual summit.  The summit, focused on African American and Latino male-identifying students, is open to young men of all races and backgrounds.


Partnering to present the summit, the Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC) will excuse registered middle school and high school attendees from classes during the hours of the summit. Registration for the free event must be made by Monday, September 11 at


"Creating a space where young Black and Brown students are not just heard, but actively listened to, seen, and fully included is paramount. It empowers them to share their unique perspectives, enriching our society with diverse voices that drive positive change,” said CSBM Chair James Sanders. “To ensure a better quality of life for these students, we must nurture their talents, provide equal educational opportunities, and dismantle systemic barriers. By fostering mentorship programs, promoting cultural representation, and advocating for inclusive policies, we pave the way for a brighter future that embraces and celebrates the limitless potential of every young mind.”


Students attending the Summit will have the opportunity to participate in workshops led by professionals, enjoy a lunch of pizza, win prizes and, connect to the Commission on the Status of Blacks Males. 


The Black Male Summit is dedicated to championing fairness and empowering, enhancing, and nurturing children and youth through community engagement.  More broadly, the goals of the summit are to provide space and opportunity for students of color to express themselves, learn and make memorable connections, and highlight men of color in our community who have skills and information to offer to our youth.  The summit also seeks to support students of color by coordinating and delivering resources and information specifically addressing the needs and concerns of this traditionally underrepresented group.  


For more information contact Marissa Parr-Scott, Special Projects Coordinator, at