
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Ordinance 05-09 (Passed) download

Ordinance 05-09 To Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled "Historic Preservation and Protection" to Establish a Historic District Re: Brick Streets in University Courts (Bloomington Historic Preservation Commission, Petitioner)

Resolution 05-09 (Passed) download

Resolution 05-09 To Confirm Resolution 05-08 Which Designated an Economic Revitalization Area, Approved a Statement of Benefits, Authorized a Period of Tax Abatement, and Declared Intent to Waive Certain Statutory Requirements - Re: 1010, 1018 and 1026 W. 14th Street (Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County, Inc., Petitioner)

Appropriation Ordinance 05-08 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 05-08 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Fleet Maintenance Fund, Parks & Recreation Fund, and Sanitation Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Various Transfers of Funds Within the General Fund for Animal Care & Control, Clerk's Office, Common Council, Community & Family Resources, Housing & Neighborhood Development, Planning, and Police Departments; Appropriating Transfers of Funds Within the Parks & Recreation General Fund and Within the Sanitation Fund; and Appropriating Funds from the Fleet Maintenance Fund, the General Fund - Fire Department, and for Fuel)

Resolution 05-08 (Passed) download

Resolution 05-08 To Designate an Economic Revitalization Area, Approve a Statement of Benefits, Authorize a Period of Tax Abatement, and Indicate Intent to Waive Certain Statutory Requirements Re: 1010, 1018 and 1026 W. 14th Street (Habitat Humanity of Monroe County, Inc., Petitioner)

Ordinance 05-08 (Passed) download

Ordinance 05-08 To Amend Title 2 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled "Administration and Personnel" (Adopting Chapter 2.28 Entitled "City of Bloomington Living Wage Ordinance")

Resolution 05-07 (Passed) download

Resolution 05-07 To Approve Applications and Authorize Grant from the Business Investment Incentive Fund (Bloomington Area Arts Council, Petitioner)

Appropriation Ordinance 05-07 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 05-07 To Specially Appropriate from the Park Land Acquisition Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (To Purchase Land Adjacent to the Griffy Lake Nature Preserve and Cascades Park)

Ordinance 05-07 (Passed) download

Ordinance 05-07 To Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled "Historic Preservation and Protection" to Establish a Historic District Re: "The Fleener Building" at 112 East 3rd Street (Bloomington Historic Preservation Commission, Petitioner)

Resolution 05-06 (Passed) download

Resolution 05-06 Authorizing the Allocation of the Jack Hopkins Social Services Program Funds for the Year 2005 and Other Related Matters

Appropriation Ordinance 05-06 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 05-06 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund and Risk Management Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating a Transfer of Funds Within the General Fund - Animal Care and Control Division; Appropriating Funds from the General Fund - Fire Department for Overtime; Appropriating Grants Awarded to the Police Department; and Approving Funds from the Risk Management Fund for Workers Compensation Charges)

Ordinance 05-06 (Passed) download

Ordinance 05-06 To Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled "Historic Preservation and Protection" to Establish a Historic District Re: "The Garton Farm" at 2820 - 2920 East 10th Street (Bloomington Restorations, Inc., Petitioner)

Ordinance 05-05 (Passed) download

Ordinance 05-05 To Vacate a Public Parcel Re: a Right-of-Way Located at 600 West 6th Street Which Runs North/South Between 6th Street and 7th Street (Fairview United Methodist Church, Petitioner)

Appropriation Ordinance 05-05 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 05-05 An Ordinance Adopting a Budget for the Operation, Maintenance, Debt Service and Capital Improvements for the Water and Wastewater Utility Departments of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, for the Year 2006

Resolution 05-04 (Passed) download

Resolution 05-04 To Authorize Expenditures from the Industrial Development Fund for Attainment of Benchmarks by the Schulte Corporation at the Indiana Enterprise Center

Ordinance 05-03 (Passed) download

Ordinance 05-03 To Amend the Ordinance Which Fixed the Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees of the Civil City for the Year 2005 (Ordinance 04-19) Re: Positions in the Animal Control Division, Mayor's Office, and Planning Department

Appropriation Ordinance 05-03 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 05-03 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Risk Management Fund, Telecom Fund, and Municipal Arts Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Funds from the General Fund for the Animal Care & Control Division and the Community & Family Resources Department for Various Purposes; from the Risk Management Fund for Increased Hours for the Assistant City Attorney; from the Telecom - Infrastructure Fund for Expansion of the Bloomington Digital Underground (BDU) and Wireless Internet Access in City Hall; and from the Municipal Arts Fund to Reimburse the General Fund for a Percent for the Arts Project)

Resolution 05-03 (Passed) download

Resolution 05-03 To Authorize Expenditures from the Industrial Development Fund for Attainment of Benchmarks by Cook Pharmica LLC at the Indiana University Enterprise Center