
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Ordinance 81-99 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-99 To Amend the 1982 Salary Ordinance for Appointed Officers and Employees to Add Two Positions to the Human Resources Department 

Ordinance 81-97 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-97 To Amend Section 16.12.040 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Concerning Inventory and Damage Lists for Rental Units

Ordinance 81-95 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-95 Annexation of Adjacent and Contiguous Territory (137 Acres Bordered Approximately by South Walnut Street, Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Tracks, Hillside Drive, and Country Club Drive)

Ordinance 81-94 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-94 To Amend the 1980 and 1981 Salary Ordinances for Utilities Employees to Add the Positions of Plant Service Mechanic and Chief Operator

Ordinance 81-93 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-93 To Amend Chapter 15.26 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled "Emergency Removal and Impoundment of Vehicles"

Ordinance 81-88 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-88 To Amend the 1980 and 1981 Salary Ordinances for Utilities Employees to Add the Position of Maintenance Coordinator

Ordinance 81-87 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-87 An Ordinance Transferring Appropriations Within the General Fund and the Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund of the City of Bloomington, Indiana 

Ordinance 81-85 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-85 To Amend Various Sections of Chapter 6.06 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Regarding Procedures for Refuse and Weed Removal 

Ordinance 81-84 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-84 To Repeal Ordinance 80-95 Establishing a Procedure for Selling and Leasing Surplus Real Property by the City of Bloomington

Ordinance 81-82 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-82 To Amend the Bloomington Municipal Code to Set Fees for Police Department's Furnishing Traffic Accident Reports 

Ordinance 81-81 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-81 To Amend the Bloomington Municipal Code to Increase the Maximum Penalty Allowable under the General Penalty Clause

Ordinance 81-80 (Passed) download

Ordinance 81-80 An Ordinance Transferring Appropriations within the General Fund of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana