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Page last updated on March 13, 2024 at 12:16 pm

The Hiring Process

The Bloomington Police Department conducts a very thorough hiring process to identify and select the highest quality candidates for the position of probationary police officer. There are a number of steps associated with the hiring process. The following is an overview of the hiring process.

  1. Submit a preliminary application for the position of probationary police officer. The department accepts these year round.
  2. Pass the Physical Fitness Assessment test.
  3. Pass the Written Assessment test.
  4. Pass a structured Oral Board Interview with members of the department.
  5. Pass a rigorous Background Investigation.
  6. Approval by the Board of Public Safety to be extended a conditional offer of employment.
  7. Pass a Truth Verification Test. This would include a polygraph or voice stress test.
  8. All applicants must be accepted into the Indiana Police and Fire Pension Fund. This step includes a medical examination and a psychological examination.

The entire process will take 3-4 months. All applicants will be contact promptly regarding their status in the hiring process.

Indiana Law Enforcement Academy

All officers new to law enforcement must complete over 600 hours of training at the Law Enforcement Academy. Most officers attend the training in Plainfield, Indiana. The major training topics are criminal and traffic law, firearms, emergency vehicle operations, physical tactics, and human behavior. Some other training topics include criminal and traffic accident investigation, domestic violence and sexual assault, investigating intoxicated drivers, crime prevention and community policing, and evidence collection. The academy consists of classroom and practical exercises that better prepare an officer for their duties once they return to their police department.

Field Training Program

Once the officer returns to the Bloomington Police Department, the officer must complete a Field Training Program. The program is designed to transition from the academic setting to the real-life performance of law enforcement duties within the community. The academy provides an introduction to law enforcement. However, officers cannot be expected to immediately function as an experienced officer without further training.

The new officer is assigned to a Field Training Officer (FTO) who closely monitors the new officer's progress. It is the FTO's responsibility to teach the training materials to the newly assigned officer and to demonstrate proper procedures for handling various situations that will arise. Before being released to perform duties on his/her own, the new officer must perform various law enforcement duties and demonstrate knowledge of law enforcement concepts. The program is designed to improve the quality of officers that will serve the Bloomington community. In turn, the community is guaranteed better police service from the Bloomington Police Department.

Continuing Education

To maintain the highest level of proficiency in all areas of law enforcement training, officer training does not stop after completion of the academy and the Field Training Program. Each year, every officer in Indiana must complete at least twenty-four hours of continued education. Most officers at BPD greatly exceed this minimum.

Some continuing education topics include CPR, defensive tactics, firearms, emergency vehicle operations, domestic violence, cultural diversity, blood-borne pathogens, and hazardous materials precautions. There are also classes available for officers that have more specialized duties in law enforcement including but not limited to burglaries, sex crimes, child abuse, narcotics and financial crimes.