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TO SPECIALLY APPROPRIATE FROM THE GENERAL FUND, PUBLIC SAFETY LIT FUND, ARPA LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUND, PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL FUND, CC JACK HOPKINS FUND, THE RENTAL INSPECTION PROGRAM FUND, LOCAL ROAD AND STREET FUND, PARKING FACILITIES FUND, SOLID WASTE FUND, FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND, AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND EXPENDITURES NOT OTHERWISE APPROPRIATED (Appropriating Various Transfers of Funds within the General Fund, Public Safety LIT Fund, ARP A Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, Parks & Recreation General Fund, Local Road and Street Fund, Parking Facilities Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Fleet Maintenance Fund, and Appropriating Additional Funds from the CC Jack Hopkins Fund, Rental Inspection Program Fund, and the Housing Development Fund)

This ordinance appropriates various transfers of funds within the General Fund, Public Safety LIT Fund, ARP A Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, Parks and Recreation General Fund, Local Road and Street Fund, Parking Facilities Fund, Solid Waste Fund, and the Fleet Maintenance Fund. Note: This ordinance was revised after distribution in the Legislative Packet but before introduction at the Regular Session on November 16, 2022. The revision included the addition of an intra-category transfer within Classification - 4, Capital of the Local Road and Street Fund and a corresponding Whereas clause.

Amends CodeNo
Final 2022-12-07 pass 9-0