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TO AMEND TITLE 4 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED “BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS” Re: Replacing Section 4.04.110 (Lunch wagon) and Chapter 4.16 (Itinerant Merchants) with Chapter 4.16 (Itinerant Merchants, Solicitors, and Peddlers)

This ordinance amends Title 4 of the Bloomington Municipal Code entitled “Business Licenses and Regulations” by deleting the section on “Lunch wagons” (BMC 4.04.110) and the chapter on “Itinerant Merchants” (BMC 4.16) and replacing them with a new Chapter 4.1 entitled “ Itinerant Merchants, Solicitors, and Peddlers.” It requires potential vendors to appl for and obtain a license before conducting business in the City. Licensees are prohibited from conducting business in certain locations and are held to certain standards of conduct. Applicants and licensees whose license is denied, revoked or suspended and any person who is issued a citation may appeal that decision. Note: On April 15, 2009, the Common Council adopted this ordinance as amended by Am 01 and Am 02.

Amends CodeNo
Committee 2009-04-08 3-1-5
Final 2009-04-15 Passed 6-2 (Wisler, Ruff) Mayer absent