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TO AMEND TITLE 15 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC" - Re: Adding Active Transportation Facility Definitions; Amending Bicycle Operation Parameters; Deleting Prohibition of Coasters, Skateboards and Roller Skates on Streets and Replacing It with Regulation of Coasters; Deleting Bicycle License Requirements, Bicycle License Issuance, Bicycle License Records, and Prohibition of License Decal Removal; Amending Bicycle Rentals; Deleting Bicycle Paths Established and Replacing It with Bicycle Lanes Established; Deleting Right-of-Way of Bicycle Riders on Bicycle Lanes and Replacing It with Use of Bicycle Lanes; Adding Penalties for Violations to Bicycle Parking; Amending Violation and Penalties for Bicycles, Skateboards and Other Foot-Propelled Vehicles from a Class E to a Class G Violation; Adding a Vulnerable Road Users Section and Opening Vehicle Doors Section to the Miscellaneous Traffic Rules; Amending the Class C, D, and G Traffic Violation Sections; and, Deleting the Class E and F Traffic Violation Sections.

This ordinance seeks to amend several sections of Title 15 of the Bloomington Municipal Code pertaining to bicyclists and other human-powered methods of transportation. The changes were suggested by the City of Bloomington Traffic Commission, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission, the Planning and Transportation Department, and the Legal Department. The changes include defining bicycle lanes, multiuse paths, trails, pedestrians, bicycles, and coasters for improved clarity. They permit bicyclists to operate on sidewalks, paths, and trails provided they comply with specified requirements. They provide regulations for users of roller skates, inline skates, skateboards, scooters and other similar devices under human power, to operate on certain City facilities, provided they comply with specified requirements. They repeal the bicycle licensing and related requirements. They prohibit parking in bicycle lanes and prohibit driving on bicycle lanes, with limited exceptions. They modify the requirements associated with bicycle parking permits. They protect vulnerable road users, including pedestrians and bicyclists, by requiring motorists to provide a safe distance when passing vulnerable road users, yield when turning across the path of a vulnerable road user, and exercise due care when operating or exiting a motor vehicle. They also specify penalties for violations of the code. Note: Ord 17-23 was revised after it was distributed in the weekly Council Legislative Packet on May 12, 2017 and introduced at the Regular Session on May 17, 2017. The revision affected Section 11 of the ordinance. Note: After postponement from the Regular Session on May 31, 2017 to the Regular Session on August 9, 2017, the Council considered six amendments and adopted three of them, which are identified below: - Am 01 made a minor change to Section 4 (BMC 15.56.025 - Regulation of coasters); - Am 04 deleted and replaced Section 3 (BMC 15.56.020 - Operating bicycles) to better mediate the potential conflicts between bicyclists and pedestrian; and - Am 06 deleted and replaced Section 4 (BMC 15.56.025 - Regulation of coasters) to parallel, in part, changes made in Section 3.

Amends CodeYes
Committee 2017-05-24
Final 2017-08-09 Passed 5-2 (Granger, Rollo) (Sturbaum, Volan absent)