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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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TO AMEND TITLE 12 OF THE BLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND STORM SEWERS" Re: Amending Various Chapters to Update References to the City Engineer, to Update References to the Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan, to Amend Language about Trees and Vegetation in Chapter 12.24, and Using this Occasion to Make Typographical and Grammatical Updates

This ordinance amends Title 12, "Streets, Sidewalks and Storm Sewers" of the Bloomington Municipal Code and comes forth at the request of city staff. The ordinance makes the following changes: • Replaces references to the city's transportation and traffic engineer with city engineer; • Capitalizes department names (i.e. Department of Public Works), board and commission names (i.e. Board of Public Works), and legal document names (i.e. Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, etc.); • Removes references to "his or her" and replaces it with "their"; • Removes references to the "Thoroughfare Plan" and its associated effective dates and replaces them with references to the "Transportation Plan" and its associated effective dates; • Makes various other updates, including grammatical and typographical corrections; and • Revises BMC Chapter 12.24 (Trees and Flora) to add or amend standards for appropriate tree protection, update terminology, and add relevant definitions. Note: At the February 14, 2024 Regular Session, the Council adopted Amendment OJ to the ordinance, which replaced a reference to the transportation or traffic engineer with a reference to the city engineer and made a minor grammatical correction.

Amends CodeYes
Final 2024-02-14 pass 8-0-0