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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on February 1, 2022 at 4:18 pm

As a standing committee of the Bloomington Common Council created by Resolution 20-01, the Sustainable Development Committee is authorized to consider legislation referred to it by the Council and to focus on promoting and implementing sustainability as a guiding principle in the city’s economic development efforts.


Recommends Appointments To:  


Arts Commission                                                        Redevelopment Commission

Economic Development Commission                     Commission on Sustainability

Industrial Development Advisory Commission      Urban Enterprise Association


Committee Charge: 


To support the Department of Economic and Sustainable Development and to provide a consistent, direct link to City Council.


To consider legislation that focuses on economic resilience in Bloomington, and to report back to the Council with recommendations on passage, amendments, or other actions.


To provide a venue for hearings and dialogue with Council on matters that are not necessarily the subject of legislation.
