
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (13)

closed #187588

Blocked Sidewalk

100 N Morton St, Bloomington, IN 47404, USA

Case Date:

When it rains, water sheds to the west off the B-Line and drops sediment on the sidewalk along Kirkwood. It seems preferable that the water would shed toward Morton Street where the storm water drains can do their job. The sediment deposit from the rain last week is still covering the sidewalk on the north side of Kirkwood.

closed #187587

Blocked Sidewalk

228 W Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

When it rains, water sheds to the west off the B-Line and drops sediment on the sidewalk along Kirkwood. It seems preferable that the water would shed toward Morton Street where the storm water drains can other job. The sediment deposit from the rain last week is still covering the sidewalk on the north side of Kirkwood.

closed #187426

Blocked Sidewalk

Case Date:

Part of the city-maintained Hunter footpath between Eastside Drive and Mitchell is submerged by an overflowing spring that has flowed under the footpath for more than 30 years of my personal experience. The pipe which carries the spring under the footpath is apparently silted up and needs to be reopened. At present, the foot path is impassable for pedestrians due to the amount of water on the path.

closed #180071

Blocked Sidewalk

Case Date:

sidewalk on south side of 17th, just in front of trinorth. about 300ft east of the driveway onto 17th. ponded water still at 9:40pm. it stopped raining at 6:30p. much mud between here and the driveway cut. the sidewalk is obviously channelizing water. it is functioning as a culvert. thanks! good luck!

closed #179755

Blocked Sidewalk

Case Date:

The side walk along High Street, just south of Woodstock Place, has been partially blocked with the asphalt that was used to temporarily fill pot holes. As the water pushed out the asphalt, it has moved onto the sidewalk, making walking along busy High Street more dangerous.

closed #177855

Blocked Sidewalk

1303 S Rechter PL

Case Date:

The sidewalk has a serious dip and all the water collects here when it rains, making it unpassable.

closed #176162

Blocked Sidewalk

Rogers St and Coolidge Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403, USA

Case Date:

Broken water access cover

closed #175808

Blocked Sidewalk

Case Date:

Sidewalk on south side of W 17th just east of tri north construction entrance covered with mud again. I can't overemphasize that the sidewalk itself is serving as a culvert to drain several acres and this problem will not go away on its own when the construction crews leave. I'll try to remember to come out here with a ruler when it rains next week to record the depth of the creek. Kids will be using this sidewalk to walk to school even on rainy days and their shoes should not be completely submerged!! We are going to look into this today (5/17). We believe that a soil stockpile and a storm drain with inlet protection is not allowing water to flow into the storm drain. We are going to investigate again and see if we can identify the exact issue.

closed #175091

Blocked Sidewalk

1309 S Lincoln ST

Case Date:

It looks like the photo I'm trying to send may not be working.. but anyway.. In front of 1309 South Lincoln is a gutter that is NOT accepting water..the issue is NOT a plugged gutter at the street level because I have cleaned it out myself.. THis has been going on for YEARS and I've reported it twice..The city looked into it and said that there is no blockage,, but since the water backs up at Every rain, the something is obviously wrong..If you can't get a full street view from the photo I've sent with this message let me know where I can send an email with a photo attachment..Thanks.. Lee (I live at 1314 South Lincoln..)

closed #174933

Blocked Sidewalk

Allendale & Browning, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

Case Date:

School bus stop is blocked by Mountain of snow and water