
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (16)

closed #176474


420 S Eastside DR

Case Date:

Property overrun by trash, multiple vehicles in yard, hazards throughout. Wants call from inspector.

closed #186069

Scooters, Bike-share and Related Issues

705 S Clifton AVE

Case Date:

Someone has left a Lime Scooter in the drainage swale outside 705 S. Clifton Ave. It risks blocking drainage and is also partly on private property.

closed #160777

Parking on Unimproved Surface

1800 E 2nd ST

Case Date:

Call in complaint about vehicles parking in the grass.

closed #167277

Parking on Unimproved Surface

1912 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

Tenants at 1912 E. Hunter parking on unimproved surface (lawn) on Anita St. side of property.

closed #167507

Parking on Unimproved Surface

1912 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

Tenants parking on lawn, Anita St. side of property

closed #200579

Parking on Unimproved Surface

612 S Eastside Drive

Case Date:

A white SUV has been parked for many weeks in the same spot at 612 S Eastside Drive without having been moved. Based on the Elevate Map it looks like this is even the ROW. Also, the car is partially parked on the grass, = unimproved surface, because otherwise it would stick out too far into the street. On top of this, the vehicle has a license plate that has been expired for more than a year. In fact, based on the Municipal Code, this is to be considered an abandoned vehicle. See 15.04.020 (Abandoned Vehicles) : a) this is public property and b) it has been parked there continually without having been moved for a multiple of 3 day-periods.

closed #200580

Parking Meters and Citations

619 S Eastside Drive

Case Date:

Sine there is no section PARKING VIOLATIONS so I chose this category. Please forward to the correct category superviser. The Red Ford Truck has been parked at 619 S Eastside Drive forever. The owner lives at 612. This truck has not been moved for 3 days continually and is on public property. It probably has not been moved in all the years that has been sitting there a 1000 times for 3 days. According to the Bloomington Municipal Code that makes it an abandoned vehicle. The owner will say it is not abandoned, but then you need to change the definition of 'abandoned vehicle' in your code. On top of this, this vehicle has a license plate that expired more than a year ago. The owner also owns a white sedan which has a license plate that expired more than a year ago as well.

closed #200581

Parking Meters and Citations

612 S Eastside Drive

Case Date:

No category for 'Parking violations' so please forward this to the right person. Since 1993, when the owner moved to this address, his white truck has been parked in the driveway at 612 S Eastside Drive. As can been seen in the picture from Elevate, it was there too when this picture was taken in 2015. It definitely is 3 or more model years old. The last license sticker that can be seen on it dates from 1975. So it clearly has been in the same location, visible from the street, for more than 20 days (Code 15.04.020 (6): Abandoned Vehicle. The question is: is it mechanically inoperable? That is up to the owner to prove when you ask him to.

closed #201436

Parking Meters and Citations

717 S Eastside Drive

Case Date:

This is not a complaint about parking meters or a citation, but I could not find another category that fits my complaint. Referring to closed case #201015. Reason for closing this case is given as: 'vehicle is located on private property'. See attached text of the Bloomington City Ordinance, 15.04.020 6). It seems that the grey Dodge without a license plate, parked next to the garage door in the driveway at 717 S Eastside Drive makes a prefect fit. One of the tenants at 717 S Eastside Drive has confirmed that the vehicle is inoperable. Whether it is older than 3 years will need to be determined. The vehicle is visible from the street and has been there for at least 1 year. HAND thinks that this is Parking Enforcement's turf, Parking Enforcement refers me to HAND. This car takes up one parking space in the driveway, resulting in one other tenant having to park their vehicle in the street, oftentimes right across from 704 S Eastside Drive. Especially after snowfall, it is very hard to maneuver out of 704's driveway with a car parked right in front of it.

closed #201015


717 S Eastside Drive

Case Date:

There is no category for my issue, so I chose miscellaneous. Parking complaint. Mechanically inoperable vehicle without license plate has been sitting on the driveway at 717 S Eastside Drive for at least a year. Grey sedan, 4-doors, parked next to the garage door. Because this vehicle takes up a parking space on the driveway, one other tenant has to park in front of the house. That often means they are right across from our driveway. Sometimes we hardly can get out.