
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (1653)

closed #200873

Street Lights

3320 S Oaklawn CIR

Case Date:

The S Sare Road location - marked above has very few streetlights located only on junctions and so I wanted to request the possibility of having more street-lights on this road since getting back home in the dark makes it risky to even walk around at night. Thank you!

closed #200840

Nuisance Lights

503 W Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

open #200772

Parking on Unimproved Surface

121 W Allen St

Case Date:

There are many abandoned cars parked in the city right of way.

closed #200743

Request a new Street Light

Case Date:

My report on 12/23 (#199755) was closed, but the two street lights are still not working; thanks

closed #200737

Street Lights

411 N Lincoln ST

Case Date:

200735 just entered this ticket and can see it open but cannot add to it. There are four street lights not working that are on the west side of the street including mine. You can clearly see this is not fixed.

closed #200729

Street Lights

480 N Morton ST

Case Date:

The streetlight on the southeast corner of Morton and 9th is out. I submitted to both Duke and the City of Bloomington and both said it was not their light. Is there another party that is responsible for maintenance of this light? There are multiple of the same type of light down the east side of Morton and all are working.

closed #200672

Nuisance Lights

2104 E Woodstock PL

Case Date:

Exterior lights on this house are so bright it is hard to sleep, even with curtains to try to block out the light. It’s ridiculous, and it’s illegal light pollution. Please make them stop doing this. They are on all night.

closed #200671

Request a new Street Light


Case Date:

There are no lights on this street, at all. The lack of light makes it feel even more unsafe and allows the transients in the area to break into cars and houses.

closed #200670

Nuisance Lights

2104 E Woodstock PL

Case Date:

Bright unshielded lights on east side of house left on all night. Light trespass interfering with neighbors and disruptive for bats and other beneficial animals. Constant violations from this property- please enforce!

closed #200656

City Performance

401 N Morton ST

Case Date:

Don't wait 7 days to respond to sidewalk snow removal complaints and then mark them "closed" when it's 54 degrees out and all the snow is melted. Cool how you can just not do your job if you wait until the snow is melted. Maybe we should stop plowing the streets too?