
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (33)

closed #187726

Excessive Growth

2414 E 7th ST

Case Date:

Property manager does not maintain sidewalk clearance. Passersby have removed obstructive invasive branches which remain piled in the yard. The tree in the photo has multiple invasive weeds that need to be removed as well as the tree trimmed back from the sidewalk. There is another tree north of this location that is in similar condition. I personally brought this to the attention of the property manager with no response. Hence turning to uReport. Thanks.

closed #186076

Excessive Growth

230 S Hillsdale DR

Case Date:

Hillsdale Ct/Drive - Invasives in ROW near stop sign. • White mulberry (Morus alba) • Rose of Sharon • Sweet autumn clematis & Asian bush honeysuckle (Lonicera maacki) attacking an otherwise healthy silver maple.

closed #186052

Blocked Street

229 S Hillsdale DR

Case Date:

Vegetation from the yard (North of driveway) is six inches into the street.

closed #185840

Blocked Sidewalk

230 S Hillsdale DR

Case Date:

Low hanging branch of what looks like an invasive bush honeysuckle. Needs pruned back or even better removed and replaced with a non-invasive plant.

closed #185494

Excessive Growth

229 S Hillsdale DR

Case Date:

open #185403

Blocked Sidewalk

201 S Jefferson ST

Case Date:

This 4th street corridor path has weed growing up through the path along the western end. It sure would be good if it was regularly maintained and kept free of vegetation.

closed #185402

Blocked Sidewalk

121 S Jefferson ST

Case Date:

This path (4th street corridor) is not being maintained. IT was razed some time back and is getting worse.

closed #185160

Blocked Street

229 S Hillsdale DR

Case Date:

Vegetation growing into roadway. It is thorny and a hazard to cyclists or automotive finish. I understand the vegetation is allowed to grow wild within the property, but this is clearly impinging upon the travel lane of Hillsdale Drive.

closed #185021

Biking & Walking

302 N Clark ST

Case Date:

Trees impinging the bike route on 7th st. They also block the view of oncoming traffic.

closed #185009

Potholes, Other Street Repair

206 S Clark ST

Case Date:

"Road Construction Ahead" sign is still at 206/208 South Clark St. even though the work on East Third appears to be finished.