Blocked Street
415 E Smith Ave
- Case Date:
- 1/14/2025
There is ice on most of this portion of South Kirby Alley from E Smith Ave to the Burnham rentals in the alley. There is a car stuck that hasn't moved in days in the alley which could block bigger cars like a dump truck or a ambulance. I would appreciate it if we could get some ice removal or salt before the weekend when people are more intoxicated.
Potholes, Other Street Repair
312 W 6th St
- Case Date:
- 1/4/2025
There a deep pothole next to the north crosswalk near the westside Bloomingfoods--about a dozen feet from the Bfoods--a real ankle breaker. It seems like the Gigabit now crew drilled the hole, covered it, but the cover has come off. I already heard someone in Bloomingfoods complaining loudly that he had twisted his ankle falling into the hole. Someone placed a milk crate over it, but it is in Madison St, so that might cause an accident. THis is dangerous and needs attention soon. Thanks!
Traffic Related Complaints
Gates Dr & Alexander Dr
- Case Date:
- 1/3/2025
When there is medium to heavy traffic, this 4-way stop sign between Jonathan Dr and Alexander Dr becomes dangerous. Drivers lose their patience and take off when it is not their turn, resulting in near accidents and testy confrontations. Additionally, the traffic begins to back up into the more busy streets (3rd St and the shopping plaza), causing further delays.
We need a roundabout at this 4-way stop to alleviate traffic and dangerous interactions. This would also provide better crossing infrastructure for pedestrians who use the sidewalk. Thank you!
- Case Date:
- 1/3/2025
Clarification for case #199848: We believe the report was meant for 415 E. 10th. The people involved with the demolition are *very* amateurish - blocking traffic by running out in the street, and the bucket used to tear down the building almost fell over a couple times. hould have been done more systematic so that some of the materials could have been saved. Did they even have a permit to do this? This is a Brawley slum rental, currently listed for sale:
Potholes, Other Street Repair
1619 S Troy CT
- Case Date:
- 1/3/2025
Workers cut a hole in the blacktop and the fix isn't holding.
Parks & Playgrounds
605 S Madison St
- Case Date:
- 1/2/2025
One can see that this lamp on the NE corner of the picnic area on Hopewell Commons has one of its pair of lights out. You might want to have the contractor replace this obviously faulty bulb.
City Construction Projects
512 E University ST
- Case Date:
- 12/27/2024
Not sure who to contact for fiber installation issues. The workers installed a plastic access pipe in people front yard in the corner of driveway and sidewalk. Inevitably, a large truck is going to drive over it and crush it, potentially damaging the fiber. They removed the tarp with dirt, so I a now assume they are done? Would like to see this access moved farther from
Utilities Construction
512 E University ST
- Case Date:
- 12/27/2024
Not sure who to contact for fiber installation issues. The workers installed a plastic access pipe in my front yard in the corner of driveway and sidewalk. Inevitably, a large truck is going to drive over it and crush it, potentially damaging the fiber. They removed the tarp with dirt, so I a now assume they are done? Would like to see this access moved farther from driveway.
3701 E Post Rd., corner of post road and Meadowlark Lane
- Case Date:
- 12/26/2024
When the street light was installed a few weeks ago, the company working for Bloomington had to come back and cut into the boulevard and the street. They patch the street but left the hole in the boulevard. I don't know if they're done: if they are they should come back and fill in the hole. If not they should come back and rope it off. The hole appears to go under to street. There are residents walking and could step into the hole and get hurt, possibly sprain and ankle or fall. Please note this corner is also a pick site for students riding the bus.
Traffic Related Complaints
W 1st St
- Case Date:
- 12/24/2024
W. 1st seems to be open through Walnut as of 12/23/24. There are no speed limit signs anymore. It used to be 20 I believe.
People are zooming by excite that it’s open but it’s dangerous for animals and pedestrians. Also does no parking still apply?
Speed Signage and oversight needed asap.