closed #127966
Fire Hazards
- Case Date:
- 8/19/2012
Someone is burning wood in an open fire behind the old red brick apartment building at 2nd & Henderson, around 9:15 this morning.
Someone is burning wood in an open fire behind the old red brick apartment building at 2nd & Henderson, around 9:15 this morning.
I live in the 600 block of west 7th Street. For the past two nights there has been an acrid smoke filling the air in our neighborhood. I am asthmatic and have had to use an emergency inhaler to breath. Can you find out who is burning what that is causing this terrible smoke and get them to stop it? Thank you!
I was burning leaves today, unaware of the city policy. The fire department came to my house, kindly asked me to extinguish the fire, and informed me about our policy. Even though I had done wrong, they were kind and helpful, which made it a pleasant learning experience for me. I love that in a town this size, people are so friendly and positive. Thank you city of Bloomington.
Exit light out
My next door neighbor, Carl James, (at 703 W. 7th Street) burns trash and plastic and Styrofoam in his wood stove. The smoke is heavy, black and acrid. It is polluting the air. I think there must be regulations against burning trash like this. We have asked him not to do this and explained to him that it creates toxins in the air. A group of neighbors chipped in and bought him two ricks of wood recently, but his son took most of it and resold it. We do not know what else to do. Can someone from the City talk to him about this? Thank you.
To whom it may concern, I am not sure who I should address my question to, so please forward this question to the correct person. I am getting married on May 3, 2014. At the end of our ceremony, we would like to go outside and release paper lanterns to float off into the sky. It dawned on me that I should ensure this idea is permissible within city limits. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you.
Open burning - fire pit. I could see and smell a cloud of smoke covering my neighborhood 933 w. 6th
Open burning withing the city.
on Oct 15, 2014 Bloomington Township Fire Department responded to a fire at my mobile home. they responded quickly and professionally we want to say thank you. God bless you all
Account 16820-010 - Following activation of new services, water was turned off Friday, July 26, 2019. The home is occupied and residences are in temporary housing until servcies are reactivated and returned to normal servcie .