
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (286)

closed #200531

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1200 N Lincoln ST

Case Date:

Multiple potholes on n Lincoln between 16th and 17th streets

closed #200163

Street Snow Removal

1210 N Washington ST

Case Date:

I am writing to express a concern regarding the recent snow removal efforts on N Washington Street between 16th and 17th. Currently, only one lane has been plowed, leaving large piles of snow in the street as well as in designated parking areas on the north side of the street. This has created significant issues for residents and visitors, as parking on the street is nearly impossible without risking falls or accidents due to the icy and uneven conditions. I kindly request that the street be re-plowed, with particular attention to clearing the north side, and salted to ensure safer access for pedestrians and vehicles. Thank you for addressing this matter promptly.

closed #199799

Water Utility Billing Problems

512 E 15th ST

Case Date:

I am still listed as the account responsible for the water bill on this address I have not lived here since last year.

closed #199500

Sidewalk Snow Removal

510 E 17th ST

Case Date:

This will be my 4th winter in bloomington as I am a senior in college and this city really needs some MAJOR renovations to the roads, sidewalks, trees blocking stop signs, etc. My particular issue right now is the extreme safety issue that it poses when the city fails to salt the sidewalks. In my hometown, there was RARELY a time that it snowed and there wasn’t salt on every sidewalk in town, or at least the sidewalks that any students would need to use to walks or ride buses to school. I understand that Bloomington is a bit of a larger town and some of this could be an issue for the IU campus management too, but it seems like the city fails to salt the sidewalks if they ever even do. They should be ensuring that sidewalks get salted even if there isn’t a high chance of snow. For example, tonight at the IU purdue game on november 30th, I saw so many people slipping and sliding and it did not seem like there was any salt on the sidewalks anywhere near 17th street. I almost fell multiple times and I was closely looking at the ground for salt and it did not seem like there was any. I have also noticed similar issues in previous years when there has been snow, the sidewalks are never salted or cleared for students walking to class from off campus. I know you can probably only control what is considered the city of bloomington and not IU campus, but if we are going to care enough about safety to line the entirety of 17th street’s sidewalks with fences and security guards, you would think the least you guys could do would be put down some salt. I’m really failing to understand why it is SO hard for this city to put salt down, like my dad taught me how to salt our driveway when I was like 14. I swear I could put salt down all of 17th street faster than this city could because this city isn’t even capable of maintaining streets and sidewalks that aren’t covered in potholes and uneven surfaces.

closed #199497


312 E 17th ST

Case Date:

This house has multiple overflowing trash bins with trash bags strewn across the ground behind the house.

closed #199318


1215 N Dunn ST

Case Date:

My daughter and 3 of her friends live in close proximity to the house in the photo. I understand freedom of speech and expression, but they feel intimidated by the flag being displayed here. They are 3 girls living alone, they were already nervous with all of the sexual assaults either reported or un reported in Bloomington and specifically the IU Campus. Please address this and have the guys remove this flag.

closed #199157


1215 N Washington ST

Case Date:

Received call to HAND Dept. Wished to remain anonymous. Reporting gravel from the alleyway extending into the back-yard, likely for parking and does not think this is allowed. Would like a compliance officer to observe and issue citation.

closed #198948

Blocked Sidewalk

321 E 14th ST

Case Date:

The issue associated with Case #193767 has not been corrected. Large, smelly dumpster on the east side of Lincoln between 14th and 15th Streets remains on the sidewalk and almost into the street. This really is not completely the fault of the property owner. Can Rumpke be fined for placing it in a public thoroughfare?

closed #198947

Blocked Sidewalk

417 E 15th ST

Case Date:

Cases #193296 (6 September) and #193766 (11 October) pertain to the same property/issus. Both are closed and marked "resolved", though issue remains. Invasives have grown over the retaining wall and are blocking the sidewalk. The steps lead to what appears to be a vacant lot, though there is a building at the far north end of this property. As per Elevate, owner is: The Teague Trust 2106 Casa Mia Dr San Jose, Ca 95124 If Bloomington would pass an ordinance restricting property ownership to local residents, and even better to require that property owners actually live in the buildings they own, most of the problems like this would go away.

closed #198920


1019 N Indiana AVE

Case Date:

There is an all too common issue regarding the people who pick up Bloomington’s trash. Every week I have witnessed these men refuse to throw out a garbage bin because the lid is slightly ajar. The disrespect to only complete have their job and just leave residents’ full trash cans on the side of the road is unacceptable. I’m sure the city doesn’t want trash being left on the streets all week. Our property management said that trash not picked up will results in fines from the city. Well, if the city isn’t cleaning up the trash in the first place, this will not be the case. Can we please get a trash policy change or allow these college apartments/ houses have more than one trash and recycling bin so that this is never a problem again. Thanks.