closed #192257
102 S Overhill Dr
- Case Date:
- 7/17/2024
Storm damage pickup
Storm damage pickup
Path along IN46 is partially blocked with overgrowth. I can report to INDOT if this is not maintain by CoB.
Trash in ROW overnight, not taken by crew on 7/17/2024. Perhaps an oversight or intentional for some reason. No one occupying the home currently. So it's going to site there until next week unless the property owner/manager deals with it.
7th Street Greenway section between 8th street and the IN46 underpass is getting overgrown in the corner, hindering line of sight.
Path along IN46 is partially blocked with overgrowth. I can report to INDOT if this is not maintain by CoB.
Every other street in our neighborhood has a "No Outlet" sign at the intersection before the end of that street, but we do not have one on N Roosevelt. We get a LOT of people trying to use Roosevelt st as a through road to 10th street, but the road ends. I live at 429 N Roosevelt, and it is really tight at the end of the road and we get countless people a day using our yard to turn around, damaging our yard. This could be solved by putting a "No Outlet" sign, similar to the same signs on Clark and Adams, so that people do not mistakenly go down our road and have to turn around in my yard. Thank you!
Property is on SE corner of N Bryan and 7th St. The traffic calming bump out on the 7th street side is overgrown with Johnson grass and has been for months. A look at google street view shows it was overgrown in July of last year, showing this is a chronic issue at this location.
See the picture. Location is 5th st btw Jefferson and Bryan. There is a utility line in that mess as well.
Large pile of debris. Also invasives returning in force to strangle the pine tree and starting to block the sidewalk.
Large pile of debris. Also invasives returning in force to strangle the pine tree and starting to block the sidewalk.