
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #199678


3433 E 3rd ST

Case Date:

A report from a neighbor identifying a storm culvert issue: a bicycle is in the ditch and about to enter the storm drain area that runs under the N. Glenwood West street. Need COB staff to pull the object out of the storm culvert and dispose of it. Thanks - Neighbor report to me: In addition to leaves clogging pipes on Morningside that have sent water and leaves into the street, Matt has a red bicycle stuck in the concrete chute emptying water from his front yard into the ditch and the exit under the street. It needs to be dragged out of there before it goes into the culvert under Glenwood West.

closed #176321


810 NW 11th St, Washington, IN 47501, USA

Case Date:

Illegal Dumping in Drainage Easement and Common Conservation areas in Gentry South- Course construction sand (over 100 square feet and up to 10" deep) plus tree brush and other mulched woody material, large insect ridden sawed cut logs (including 47" logs), small rock and trash items have been dumped into the drainage easement area behind my house. The area that serves to hold flood water is being filled in, invasives are taking hold where the sand is, and the large debris is damaging trees. I know the area was free from this for at least 6 years prior, even during record water flow. The first occurrence was in early April 2020 and happened again the next year during early April 2021. These dumps are sudden. It was free of more sand at the end of March. Then, a week later there was suddenly a large dump of sand again. I was quoted $4,000 to remove the first dump of sand. Additionally, someone has dumped what looks like yard mulch/waste twice in this neighborhood’s Common Area/Conservation Easement.