- Case Date:
- 12/16/2024
A report from a neighbor identifying a storm culvert issue: a bicycle is in the ditch and about to enter the storm drain area that runs under the N. Glenwood West street. Need COB staff to pull the object out of the storm culvert and dispose of it. Thanks -
Neighbor report to me:
In addition to leaves clogging pipes on Morningside that have sent water and leaves into the street, Matt has a red bicycle stuck in the concrete chute emptying water from his front yard into the ditch and the exit under the street. It needs to be dragged out of there before it goes into the culvert under Glenwood West.
Sewer Problems (Sanitary Sewers)
3519 E Morningside DR
- Case Date:
- 7/9/2024
During heavy rains, we have been having sewage backing up into our basement. I suspect the cause may be rain water entering the sewer system through this manhole.
3449 E. Longview Ave. Bloomington 47408
- Case Date:
- 1/11/2024
Re: Case 184904 Attn. John Hewitt, Anna Killion-Hanson
Update: The enclosure fences have been constructed just this week. The pooling water continues to be an issue. Thanks -
Water Utility Problems
3601 E Park LN
- Case Date:
- 7/31/2023
low water pressure
Drainage or Runoff
3701 E Morningside DR
- Case Date:
- 4/19/2023
leaking water line
Potholes, Other Street Repair
3449 E Longview AVE
- Case Date:
- 4/9/2023
Good Street Dept. staff - bringing your attention to a street in the Park Ridge neighborhood: East Longview Ave. The photo shows some deterioration of pavement. Granted a water issue that is slowly being corrected by City staff though still an issue due to pooling water. You can see two layers of pavement coming up. WE were hoping the repaving on Longview would extend into the neighborhood but it stopped along the entry by the apartments. Please address this issue with patching or even better, milling and repaving. We would really appreciate the attention. We respect your huge responsibility all over the City and also our little corner. Thank you for considering this item - it is a well traveled road by neighbors, a bike path route so many bikers, walkers, etc. And those avoiding Pete Ellis and Third St. to travel east.
Parks & Playgrounds
3421 E Longview AVE
- Case Date:
- 2/16/2023
Hello -- Steve Akers here in the Park Ridge neighborhood. I have some items to bring to your attention regarding the Park Ridge park. Most are pretty obvious in terms of regular park maintenance and other points are from our stewardship observation as park users and close by residents. Please read through these points and be sure they are part of the on-going maintenance as we get closer to Spring, thanks.
- Mowing: the contractor you have subbed out the mowing to is mowing whether it needs it or not. This has been the case for the past year. The result is literally no grass. Granted the park is heavily used including a nearby daycare visiting 2-3 times per week. With this what we believe is excessive mowing, the leaves are ground to a power and the grass is till. Granted it's quite shady - but please manage the mowing service and please for a pretty aggressive seeding and fertilizing. The park is now just dirt so users have to clean their shoes after use, etc.
- Wood chips - regular maintenance. A good dose of chips are needed after a winter season use.
- Powerwashing: the equipment is in decent shape and not too dirty but a good power washing of all equipment would be great before the spring/summer season.
- Erosion: this issue is most noticeable in two locations. The hill to the south and the hill area beside the bike/ped path. With improved mowing and seeding, these areas may recover. But they do need some soil and minor leveling.
- Canopy: it's still an awesome upgrade but does need power washing/cleaning, or possible replacement.
We look forward to the park transitioning from winter to spring. The grill will hopefully be unsecured (the homeless have moved on) and the water fountain will be turned back on.
I am happy to meet you or any staff at the site to discuss my items.
One additional item: the Park Ambassador program does not include our park. I made an inquiry when the program began and was told the Park Ridge park was not part of the program. Would you reconsider? I know of neighbors who are willing to be named the Park Ambassador.
Potholes, Other Street Repair
3449 E Longview AVE
- Case Date:
- 2/16/2023
Hello - (Joe VanDeventer) Bringing to your attention the need to repave E. Longview Ave. Your department repaved a section of E. Longview in 2020 but the repaving stopped short of the Park Ridge residential neighborhood. This road needs repaving badly and I ask that you consider it on your repaving schedule ASAP. The photo above is an example granted from a water pooling issue that is still being resolved after some drain work, thanks! But the full length of E. Longview needs repaving. It is part of the E-W bike corridor, no sidewalks so lots of pedestrian traffic and bike traffic and a cut through by many avoiding Third St., and we have traffic calming bumps that will need reinstallation like you completed on Morningside Drive in 2020. Thank you for your consideration on this item.
Steve Akers, living on E. Longview Ave. (32 years)
Park Ridge Neighborhood Association, Secretary
Water Utility Problems
100 S Glenwood AVE W
- Case Date:
- 12/24/2022
Water is not coming out of faucets.
Parks & Playgrounds
3421 E Longview AVE
- Case Date:
- 6/1/2022
Water fountain is not turned on, it had some teenager damage from last year, perhaps there is a work order in on it? I tried replying to your email last time, no go, and for some reason, I could not find a staff directory on the city's website.