Website & Web Services Feedback
614 N Grant ST
- Case Date:
- 8/13/2019
The water supply has had a noticeable odor an taste, over the past few weeks. Both at home, and at work. I've asked around and all of my colleagues on campus agree.
Potholes, Other Street Repair
501 N Morton ST
- Case Date:
- 7/1/2019
Hello! I'm writing to request repaving of Uppington Court in Sherwood Oaks. We've had a water main break several months back and now a layer of pavement is chipping off and causing debris where our children play. The condition of Uppington Court can be improved and made safe for our children to scooter and ride bikes by repaving. There is also a person who parks his trailer on the street over where the water main burst and is just filled in with rocks and no curb. It would be best if he could park his trailer and truck on his own property and so that this repair/repaving can be done. Thank you for considering this project! The children in the cul-de-sac (and parents!) would very much appreciate the repaving update.
Website & Web Services Feedback
501 N Morton ST
- Case Date:
- 6/17/2019
REMOVE MY NAME FROM INTERNET for security and privacy reasons, i opt out please remove my name from internet
#156286 details below
Water Utility Billing Problems: Comment
Other: Billing address change request. Addresses removed.
Reported By
Julie Bennett Dreesen
Assigned to
Triana Johnson
8/6/2018 09:33:58 Closed by Charles Brandt
PII removal complete
Sent notification to Triana Johnson, Julie Bennett Dreesen
8/6/2018 08:49:46 Updated by Charles Brandt
8/6/2018 08:48:47 Opened by Charles Brandt
Request to remove personal information
Sent notification to Triana Johnson, Julie Bennett Dreesen
9/29/2016 09:49:15 Closed by Triana Johnson
Customer contacted by phone.
Sent notification to Triana Johnson, Julie Bennett Dreesen
9/29/2016 09:47:00 Triana Johnson commented on this case.
I contacted Darrell Ooley who's name is currently on the account. I explained to him what he needed to do to end his service. He said he will submit a disconnect form when he is ready to end service.
Sent notification to Triana Johnson, Julie Bennett Dreesen
9/29/2016 09:40:17 Anonymous assigned this case to Triana Johnson
Sent notification to Triana Johnson, Julie Bennett Dreesen
9/29/2016 09:40:17 Opened by Anonymous
Disclaimer: Content submitted to uReport is considered to be a public record and may be p
Potholes, Other Street Repair
605 N Fairview ST
- Case Date:
- 3/2/2019
The small stub of West 10th Street that runs West from Fairview to another short street called Curve Street and runs for one block is a disgusting muddy mess. If you are not going to maintain this street why don't you dig it up and turn it into green space? During the recent rains the City storm water system was so backed up in this location that the entire area completely filled with water (causing water infiltration into the basement of the house I own at 605 North Fairview. The storm sewers are often blocked and the culvert at the bottom of the park is inadequate to handle the water that runs off Ernest Butler Park. The whole situaiton is a mess and largely caused by City mismanagement. Additionally, the City has repeatedly allowed Mr. Goodman to violate City rules and codes and directives and his mess and non-running cars adds to the mix of this mess--once again a case of City mismanagement. This horrible situation has persisted for years. As the owner of 605 N Fairview I am seriously considering hiring an attorney and taking formal legal action against the City for its inattention to its own rules. If the Goodman property were a rental property that I owned I would be getting a complaint notice every other day. Both Matt Murphy (who owns the commercial property which adjoins my house at 605 N Fairview) and I have invested significant money in keeping our properties nice and generally contributing to the uplift of the Near-Westside. Too bad the City is not helping us! My number is 812-322-2050 and I would be interested in hearing if anyone at the City has viewed the situation on this one block section of West 10th Street.
Website & Web Services Feedback
501 N Morton ST
- Case Date:
- 1/18/2019
commercial water rate vs industrial water rate