Potholes, Other Street Repair
116 S Park Ridge Rd
- Case Date:
- 8/20/2021
Street needs repaved. Filed u-report 8/14/21 reporting same problem which was closed 8/19/21 indicating hot patch crew sent to area. Street in front of my property on west side of street and extending down to Saratoga Drive remains with areas of broken down and damaged pavement that was not hot patched. The patching is a temporary fix that does not last due to the poor drainage. The drain culvert in front of my house is filled with road debris, sand and dirt. After any significant rain, this collects water which does not drain as the culverts need repaired to allow for better drainage to the road drain near Saratoga Drive. The road slopes to the west which compounds the problem. Was told last year the issue with the water collecting in front of my house in the culvert was due to asphalt that was placed at the end of my driveway blocking the flow of the water. My driveway was replaced in March with nothing blocking the culvert now, and it continues to be an issue. I noticed the badly damaged road and culvert on Saratoga Drive was repaired thankfully. Would like to see the same kind of repair done along this area of Park Ridge Rd , however, the majority of the roads and culverts in the addition need attention.
Sewer Problems (Sanitary Sewers)
1310 E Matlock RD
- Case Date:
- 11/16/2023
There is water leaking on the pedestrian path on the North side of the bypass just East of Fee/Matlock. I smell an odor of sewage when I pass through the wet spot on the path.
Drainage or Runoff
202 S Rogers ST
- Case Date:
- 5/6/2021
The southwest corner of 4th and Rogers intersection has terrible drainage and creates a giant puddle that makes it impossible for pedestrians to cross without stepping into inches of pooled water. The harder it rains, the worse it gets. The giant puddle doesn't go away quickly, either. Please fix this sidewalk.
Unsafe Buildings
211 S Kimble DR
- Case Date:
- 6/4/2021
Apartment C14 has not been able to flush my toilet in 3 weeks. Same as Apartment 18, & a couple others in the Kimble Dr. Apt Complex. Apt. C18 has a ceiling in his Bathroom that is literally leaking water so bad into his tub. His Bathroom is Literally not FEASABLE. Can Not Use! People was Moved In During May 2021 to Apartments that was not ready to be moved in what so ever. no stove in 1, No Fridge in 1 & the Central Air in My Buidling-Apartment is on the 3rd Floor Upstairs on the LEFT... Is Not working Nor has it been or been fixed even looked at. Amy Deckard has been liveing there for 3 weeks. I have bben there for 4 months & I have a small whole in my bathroom ceiling from a leak in the above apartment PLUS Yes My Toiulet Wilkl not Flush Unless I Plunge It almost Everytime 1st. That has not been fixed. ALL THIS HAS BEEN TURNED IN TO EMPLOYEES>>>MOTHING DONE! Place IS Very UNSAFE & NOT LIVEABLE. Dangers Will Come if My Name is Brought To Attention. NO HOME, & ETC.
Blocked Sidewalk
228 W Kirkwood AVE
- Case Date:
- 3/10/2024
When it rains, water sheds to the west off the B-Line and drops sediment on the sidewalk along Kirkwood. It seems preferable that the water would shed toward Morton Street where the storm water drains can other job. The sediment deposit from the rain last week is still covering the sidewalk on the north side of Kirkwood.
Utilities Construction
719 W 7th ST
- Case Date:
- 12/15/2023
They had a water line or sewer line emergency at 719 W 7th and contractors tore up a lot of sidewalk on the South Side of W 7th Street in front of the house. Who is responsible for repair or sidewalk? This happened Thursday night and continued all day Friday 12/15. Contractor was Snedegar Construction.