
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (794)

closed #199493

Water Quality

W Winding Way

Case Date:

Work was done overnight to repair a water main break at W Winding Way and Stoneycrest Dr in Fritz Terrace. The water is now dark brown coming out of faucets and when flushing the toilet. No known boil order notice.

closed #199492

Water Quality

3431 N Stoneycrest RD

Case Date:

Over the past months we have been experiencing too much sediments in the water. We have reported this last year and it improved a little bit. However the issue is getting worse and worse over time. And now, today there is not even water.

closed #199454

Water Quality

2942 S Walnut ST

Case Date:

No water in entire unit

closed #199356

Water Quality

118 N Hillsdale DR

Case Date:

Tap water is very murky, reddish in color.

closed #199253

Water Quality

1407 W 8th ST

Case Date:

Calcium deposits in the water are coming in the water lines. Please replace filter at meter.

closed #199202

Water Quality

4021 E Morningside DR

Case Date:

Plumber reported high water pressure today (over 80). Can CBU please check to ensure it is not a municipal issue in my neighborhood with high/fluctuating water pressure. Thank you.

closed #199130

Water Quality

606 N Walnut ST

Case Date:

please test the water here, my daughter has had a reaction that seems like she was burnt.

closed #199124

Water Quality

3890 S Claybridge DR

Case Date:

I’ve a question/concern about the coconut ingredient in the treatment mentioned in this article: https://fox59.com/indiana-news/bloomington-adds-cocunut-powder-to-drinking-water-after-taste-odor-complaints/. My sister is severely allergic to tree nuts, which includes coconut. She will be visiting during the holidays and I’m concerned about her using our water while here. Is there information you can provide about how much is in the water? Should we be safe and use bottled water? Thank you for your time and any information you can provide. Carolyn Blank

closed #199110

Water Quality

1122 W Sugarberry Ct

Case Date:

If I am allergic to coconut, will this powder you are adding to the water affect my allergy?

closed #199109

Water Quality

Case Date:

Is there any chance people with coconut allergies will be affected with the coconut powder added to the water treatment?