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Call for Entries- Second Round of Stop and StART Traffic Box Mural Designs


Call for Entries- Second Round of Stop and StART Traffic Box Mural Designs

The Bloomington Area Arts Council (BAAC) in partnership with the Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District (BEAD) announces the second call for entries for "Stop and StART" traffic box mural art. Artists or community teams are invited to design mural-style art to be painted on traffic signal boxes throughout downtown Bloomington. The finished boxes will continue to beautify Bloomington's unique downtown and serve as gateway artwork for BEAD. Last year's completed boxes can be seen [here|].

Any artist or community group may submit a design through the BAAC and chosen artists will paint their design on select traffic boxes. Winners will be awarded paint and an honorarium of $250. If interested, applications can be downloaded by clicking on the attachment at right, from the [BAAC's website|] or stop by the BAAC offices at 122 S. Walnut St. for more information.

The BAAC will accept submissions through Monday, July 6th, 2009.

Stop and StART is made possible through a grant from the City of Bloomington. The City takes an active role in supporting opportunities for its citizens to experience public art. Public art enriches individual and collective lives and promotes community awareness and understanding of the visual arts. To learn more about the City's public art initiatives please contact Miah Michaelsen, Assistant Economic Development Director for the Arts, at