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City of Bloomington Haitian Relief Efforts

The devastation in Haiti caused by the January 12th earthquake has many Americans wondering what can be done to help relieve the suffering being experienced by the Haitian people. Bloomingtonians are no different. [To assist community members in finding ways to help|], we've provided information on donating to disaster relief in Haiti via text messaging and links to organization, as well as a listing of local events, initiatives and volunteer opportunities that will benefit Haitian disaster relief efforts.

Please check back often for updates on local initiatives and events. If you have information on a local relief effort to include on this page, please submit it to [|].


Local Fundraising & Awareness Events

Date & Time Event
Ongoing [Haiti Earthquake Relief Efforts at IU Bloomington|]: In response to the tragedy caused by the catastrophic earthquake that hit Haiti, the Indiana University campus and community will be conducting a series of events to raise both awareness and funds to benefit the people of Haiti. Visit [|] for updated information.
Ongoing [Indiana University Center for Latin American and Carribean Studies (CLACS) Serving as a Collection Site for Haiti Relief Items|], 1125 E. Atwater Avenue, 812-855-9097. Priority items include wound dressings and bandages; non-perishable foods (canned items and dry goods). Visit the CLACS [Haiti Relief web page|] for more ways to help.
Ongoing [IU Hoosiers for Haiti Relief Campaign|]. Fundraising for Partners in Health, a international medical group that has beeen working in Haiti for over twenty years.

February 5 - March 24, 2010

The [Haiti Show features the work of celebrated local artist Wayne Manns|]. The exhibit will be held at the Gallery Group on 109 E. Sixth Street in Bloomington, and the artist and the gallery will together donate twenty-five percent of all sales from the exhibit directly to Haiti disaster relief efforts. The exhibit will be held from February 5th through March 24th. For more information, please contact the Gallery Group, located at 109 E. Sixth Street, telephone 812-334-9700. If you haven't had the chance to check out Wayne Manns' work yet, this is a wonderful chance!

Donations through February 13, 2010

"Cram the Container" for Haiti! IU is planning to send a cargo container to Haiti with the generous donations from the Bloomington campus and community. The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, which has been serving as a collections site for relief materials since news of the earthquake on January 12th, will help coordinate the collection for the cargo container. Click for more information on [donating high priority material items for the people of Haiti|file:Cram_the_Container_for_Haiti.pdf] and [requirements for sorting, labeling and boxing, and collection points|]. Please email Debra Unger Levinson at [|] if your organization wants to be designated as a drop-off site for materials or to send information on [volunteering to assist with filling the cargo container on Saturday, February 13|].

Sunday, March 28, 3:00 - 6:00pm
Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Pierre Garcon will visit Indiana University Alumni Hall Sunday 3-6 p.m. to collection donations and speak about his work with the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission and sign autographs. Garcon has family in Haiti. He plans to travel there in early April to provide food and disaster relief. Tickets are $10 at the door and all proceeds go to Garcon's Haiti relief fund. The event is hosted by the Indiana Memorial Union Board in collaboration with United for Haiti. First come, first serve; please arrive early!
Sunday, March 28, 7:00 - 9:00pm

There will be a Union Board Benefit for Haiti and Chile on Sunday from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Indiana Memorial Union Alumnia Hall. Union Board ICE Presents "Hope after the Quakes: A Benefit Program for Haiti and Chile". The purpose of this program to raise awareness about helping Haiti and Chile.

It includes performances from: The Henrys, International Folklore Performers, Gumboot Dancers, Full Frontal Comedy, and Voices of Hope. Haitian Creole Instructor David Tezil will be speaking about the effects of the earthquakes.

All donations are welcomed. There will be a raffle contest and free food. For more information, please contact [|].

Friday, February 26, 7:30 pm

Raise Your Voice for Haiti! Help raise funds for relief efforts to help with the continued devastation in Haiti - join in on "Raise Your Voice for Haiti". This fundraiser will be held at the Evangelical Community Church on Friday, February 26th from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. For more details, or to RSVP, visit The Evangelical Community Church is located at 503 S. High Street in Bloomington; phone: 812-332-0502.

Sunday, February 14, 11:00am - 9:00pm

Curtis Cantwell Jackson and a number of local musicians will unite to benefit the people of Haiti at Players Pub, 424 S. Walnut Street. More people are needed to donate their time and talents to make this Haiti relief effort a success. If you have music to share, art to donate, items to raffle, or are interested in sponsoring the event, please contact Curtis Cantwell Jackson at 812-651-6002.

Wednesday, January 27, 2:00 pm

The United Methodist Women of the [First United Methodist Church in Bloomington|] invites you to join in assembling [Health Kits for Haiti|], in Room 218 in the church. You may also [assemble kits or contribute needed supplies|] prior to the event, and drop them off at collection boxes located in the church, 219 E. Fourth Street.

Sunday, January 24, 9:00am to 2:00pm

[The First United Methodist Church Red Cross Blood Drive|] is being held to support medical relief operations in Haiti following the devastating 7.0 earthquake of January 12th, which have heightened the need to replenish the national blood supply.

Thursday, January 21, 7:00pm [Decoding Disaster: Understanding the Haiti Earthquake of 2010 - A Campus-Community Forum and Call to Action|], Alumni Hall, Indiana Memorial Union. After the presentations, there will be announcements of ongoing activities through which the public can help. Presenters include faculty members, students, and members of the Caribbean community in Bloomington.
Thursday, January 21, All Day

[Eat at Buffa-Louie's All Day to Support Haiti|], Thursday, January 21. 15% of all proceeds will be donated to Haitian Disaster Relief. [This ticket|file:haiti_relief_ticket_buffa_louies.pdf] must be presented at time of purchase. 114 S. Indiana Ave; 11:00am to 12:00 midnight.

Thursday, January 21, 9:00pm to 11:00pm [Open Mic at Buffa Louie's: Haitian Earthquake Relief Night|;date=2010-1-21], 114 S. Indiana Ave. Donations will be collected.

To Donate Money

INFORMATION IS PROVIDED BELOW FOR DONATING VIA TEXT MESSAGING. TO MAKE A DONATION ON-LINE, BY MAIL OR BY PHONE: Please click the name of the organization for information and instructions.

[Click Here to Print Donor Information Cards|file:Haiti_Disaster_Relief_Flyers.pdf]

[Clinton Bush Haiti Fund|]: Text QUAKE to 20222 ($10 donation)
[Red Cross|]: Text HAITI to 90999 ($10 donation)
[UNICEF|]: Text UNICEF to 20222 ($10 donation)
[Clinton Foundation|]: Text HAITI to 20222 ($10 donation)
[YĆ©le Haiti|]: Text YELE to 501501 ($5 donation)
[United Way|]: Text HAITI to 864833 ($5 donation)
[Intl Medical Corps|]: Text HAITI to 85944 ($10 donation)
[World Food Program|]: Text FRIENDS to 90999 ($5 donation)
[UN Foundation|]: Text CERF to 90999 ($5 donation)
[Compassion Intl|]: Text DISASTER to 85944 ($10 donation)
[Intl Rescue Committee|]: Text HAITI to 25383 ($5 donation)
[The Salvation Army|]: Text HAITI to 52000 ($10 donation)
[Cure Intl|]: Text CURE to 85944 ($10 donation)
[Oxfam Intl|]: Text OXFAM to 25383 ($10 donation)
[United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)|]: Text donations cannot be accepted.
[Mercy Corps|]: Text donations cannot be accepted.
[International Firefighters Assistance|]: Text donations cannot be accepted.
[Lutheran World Relief|]: Text LWR to 40579 ($10 donation).
[The Lambi Fund of Haiti|]: Text donations cannot be accepted.
[Fonkoze|]: Text donations cannot be accepted.

Watch a video from the TODAY show about avoiding scams related to Haiti charity initiatives.


To Volunteer

You can make a difference by offering your time. Several Haiti relief organizations are seeking volunteer assistance, especially those with prior disaster relief experience, those with Medical Training and those fluent in French and Haitian Creole. These organizations are accepting all applications:

  • The [Indiana University Center for Latin American and Carribean Studies|] is serving as a collection point for material donations to be sent to Haiti. Priority items include wound dressings and bandages; rehydration packets; Chloroquine (anti-malarial); non-perishable foods (peanut butter, crackers, canned items, dry goods, etc.). 1125 E. Atwater Avenue, 812-855-9097, [|].
  • [The First United Methodist Church in Bloomington|] is [accepting donations for Health Kits for Haiti|]. Please deliver donations to collections boxes located in the church at 219 E. Fourth Street, by Wednesday, Jan. 27 at 2:00pm. Volunteers are also needed to [assemble the kits|].
  • [Center for International Disaster Information|] accepts applications for all types of volunteers, with strong guidance on their website. This database is then provided to agencies (governmental and non-governmental) that are working in the disaster location. - CIDI Volunteer Hotline 703-276-1914
  • [International Medical Corps|] is quickly assembling additional medical teams and sending them to join their emergency response in Haiti. They also need Non-Medical Volunteers to join these teams and for their offices in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and London.
  • [Healing Hands for Haiti|] is looking especially for health care professionals. They are also accepting applications for support volunteers, a role often filled by skilled workers and students.
  • [Catholic Medical Mission Board|] is accepting applications for licensed healthcare professionals to volunteer in Haiti to help with the recovery, for either a short mission of a few weeks or a longer commitment of a year.
  • [National Nurses United|] has launched a relief effort to send registered nurses to Haiti. Their RN Response Network is accepting applications from Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.
  • [Heart to Heart International|] is accepting Medical volunteers to go to Haiti. They are also asking people to help assemble their hygiene kits either locally or at their Global Distribution Center in Kansas City, Kansas.
  • [MedShare|] is calling for volunteers to help sort and pack surplus medical supplies to be shipped to Haiti. They have two volunteer sessions daily at both their Distribution Centers, located in Atlanta, Georgia and San Leandro, California.

For More Information...




