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City of Bloomington Arts Commission revises purpose, membership, and name


April 18, 2011

For more information, contact:
Miah Michaelsen, Assistant Economic Development Director for the Arts, 349-3534

City of Bloomington Arts Commission revises purpose, membership, and name

Bloomington, IN-Recent action by the City of Bloomington Common Council approved several revisions to the enabling ordinance for the Bloomington Community Arts Commission (2.12.020). The Common Council approved the changes suggested by the Arts Commission including revision of its purpose, membership, and name.

The most recognizable development will be the Commission's name change to the City of Bloomington Arts Commission (BAC). The purpose of the BAC was also revised to better capture the Commission's growing relationship between the arts, community well-being and government. As a reflection of the economic and cultural importance of the arts in Bloomington, the BAC's revised purpose revolves around its responsibility of fostering "the conservation and development of the city's artistic resources".

As an initiative to increase the Commission's diversity and capacity for developing new programs, the BAC also approved an increase in membership from nine to 11 members. As part of the increase, six members of the Commission are mayoral appointments, and the remaining five are appointed by the Common Council. Currently, the BAC has five vacant positions, which are expected to be filled by June. Applications for the vacant positions can be found at and are available until April 28.

Established in 1983, the Bloomington Arts Commission provides a means for the City of Bloomington to stimulate and encourage community appreciation for and participation in the arts. For more information on the BAC, please visit

For more information, contact Miah Michaelsen, Assistant Economic Development Director for the Arts, at or (812) 349-3534.