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City Seeks Applicants for Banneker Community Center Advisory Council

March 28, 2016

For more information, please contact:
Leslie Brinson, Facility/Program Coordinator, [City of Bloomington Banneker Community Center|banneker], 812.349.3734 or [|]

Bloomington, Ind.-The City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department is seeking two people to each serve a two-year term on the Banneker Community Center Advisory Council.

The Banneker Advisory Council acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Park Commissioners and City Parks and Recreation staff in policy matters pertaining to the operations of the Banneker Community Center. Banneker Advisory Council members also cooperate with other civic groups and governmental agencies to promote the use and facilities of the Banneker Community Center for the entire community.

Advisory council members must be City of Bloomington residents, and may not hold any other elected or paid public office in Bloomington.

The Banneker Advisory Council is comprised of seven regular voting members, plus two ex-officio non-voting members who represent youth in the community, and the west side neighborhood.

The next Advisory Council meeting takes place April 1 at 9 a.m. in the Evans-Porter Memorial Library at the Banneker Community Center, 930 W. Seventh St. in Bloomington.

Appointments to the Banneker Advisory Council are made by the Board of Park Commissioners. To apply to serve, contact Leslie Brinson at 812.349.3734 or by e-mail at [|] to receive an application, or [download the application|file:fmacapp.pdf] here and e-mail to [|]
