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Bloomington Takes Another Step Toward Broadband Infrastructure


March 31, 2016

For more information, please contact:

  • Press Inquiries: Rick Dietz Director of Information & Technology Services, City of Bloomington,, 812-349-3485

  • Vendor Inquiries: Julie Martindale, Purchasing Manager, City of Bloomington,

Bloomington Takes Another Step Toward Broadband Infrastructure

Bloomington, Ind. - The City of Bloomington has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to identify and gauge the interest and proposed approaches to make Gigabit-class broadband available to all Bloomington homes and businesses.

Mayor John Hamilton stated, "I believe digital connectivity is to the 21st century what electricity and water infrastructure were to the 20th century. We need to move Bloomington ahead now."

Bloomington's digital infrastructure plays a central role in the community's economic prosperity, economic development and quality of life. Robust connectivity is essential for modern businesses, education, the creative arts, healthcare and home life. It is also critical for Bloomington to remain competitive as a city and for it to be positioned to take advantage of advances in healthcare, education and smart city innovation.

Hamilton continued, "With this RFI release we are continuing the momentum toward our digital future. Earlier this month we hosted a groundbreaking Next Generation High Speed Network Symposium on next generation networks. And today we are releasing an RFI to seek potential partners in our quest to secure the 21st century digital infrastructure our community needs."

In his State of the City Address Mayor Hamilton articulated three guiding principles for what Bloomington's 21st century broadband infrastructure should be: community wide, community controlled and revenue positive. The RFI released today seeks partners to help Bloomington achieve those goals, and welcomes a broad range of options and partnerships.

Respondents will have 6 weeks to respond to the RFI. Information on the RFI including documents, timeline and contact information can be found at: []
