Page last updated on November 9, 2018 at 12:18 pm
For more information, please contact
Vic Kelson
City of Bloomington Utilities Director
CBU Requests Customers Conserve Water Following Main Break
Bloomington, Ind. - City of Bloomington Utilities continues to work to repair a broken water transmission main at 17th and Jackson Streets. Crews have been working through the night to isolate the break and repair the pipeline. The break has resulted in reduced water pressure for customers around the city. Indiana University Athletics events occurring this evening and tomorrow bringing visitors to Bloomington will place additional pressure on the local water supply. The City requests that residents and visitors limit water use to drinking, cooking, showering and other essential activities over the next 24-48 hours to allow the storage tanks to be replenished. CBU offers the following suggestions for conserving water this weekend:
Shower less frequently and shorten shower length
Turn off the tap while brushing teeth, washing hands, or shaving
Flush toilets less frequently
Conserve and reuse cooking water, dishwater, etc.
Delay operating dishwasher and washing machine
Postpone washing cars or watering the garden
CBU anticipates that the water main will be repaired by the end of the day, but conservation efforts will be necessary throughout the weekend to allow for the normal water supply to be restored.