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Page last updated on May 7, 2020 at 6:20 pm

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Yaël Ksander

Communications Director

(812) 349-3406



City Shares COVID-19 Case Information

Bloomington, Ind. - Mayor John Hamilton and his wife Dawn Johnsen wish to share the news that Johnsen has received a positive test result for COVID-19.  After experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, Johnsen received a positive diagnosis on Thursday, April 9. Johnsen, a professor at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, has been self-isolating at home since first experiencing symptoms.

Following CDC protocols for those who feel healthy but have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, Mayor Hamilton has since Johnsen’s diagnosis self-quarantined and will stay home for 14 days, check his temperature regularly, and self-monitor for symptoms.  Since mid-March, the mayor has been practicing physical distancing and other recommended protocols and teleworking.

“Dawn and I are so grateful for the good wishes of so many, and we will follow the health protocols that help keep each other and our community safe,” said Hamilton.  “I will continue to work from home while I focus on helping Dawn recover and return to good health. I appreciate the dedication and expertise of all City government employees who keep our community functioning during this health emergency, together with all those healthcare workers on the frontlines.”

The City of Bloomington during this public health emergency will continue to provide updates about confirmed cases among or affecting staff while protecting employees’ privacy.  Since March 28, the City has announced two confirmed cases of COVID-19 among its staff. The first employee has made a full recovery and returned to work at the FIre Department, and the second, an employee of the Parks and Recreation Department, continues to improve. 

The City continues to implement multiple protocols and guidelines aligning with best practices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Indiana State Department of Health to protect the health and safety of employees and the greater community.  The City’s Human Resources Department has apprised all employees of new options for paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave available as of April 1 through the new federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act