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2020 News Releases

Employees at City Hall and BPD Receive Positive COVID-19 Results

Two City of Bloomington employees have reported receiving positive results of COVID-19 viral tests over the past 24 hours.  Neither case has been traced to a previously reported case among the City’s workforce.  Details of each case are as follows: 

Study Shows Wastewater Monitoring to be Valuable Tool in COVID-19 Detection

Results of a monitoring program that has tested Bloomington’s wastewater for COVID-19 since August suggest that the virus can be detected in wastewater one week earlier than a hospital experiences an escalation in cases.   For ten weeks, wastewater professionals from City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) collected samples three times each week at eight sites across Bloomington, including each of the two wastewater treatment plants.  Testing of those samples was conducted by multiple private, independent laboratories in an effort to gauge viral prevalence in the community.

City Hall Employee Receives Positive COVID-19 Result

A City of Bloomington employee whose department is located in City Hall, but who works remotely, received a positive result today of a COVID-19 viral test administered Monday, December 28. The employee began experiencing symptoms on Sunday, December 27, and isolated.  No close contacts were identified among co-workers or the general public. 

Four City of Bloomington Employees Receive Positive COVID-19 Results

Four City of Bloomington employees received positive results of COVID-19 viral tests last week.  Details of each case are as follows:

City of Bloomington Releases Digital Equity Strategic Plan

The City of Bloomington has published its Digital Equity Strategic Plan in service of the goal of improving internet accessibility and affordability for Bloomington residents. This plan is available at

12th Bloomington Fire Department Employee Receives Positive COVID-19 Result

A Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test on Thursday, December 17.  The employee began experiencing mild symptoms on Sunday, December 13 during their shift and was sent home to isolate, where they are taking leave to recover. 

City Partners to Open Southern Knoll Affordable Apartment Community Downtown

The City of Bloomington announces the completion of Southern Knoll, an affordable apartment community in downtown Bloomington serving residents experiencing homelessness and those with intellectual disabilities. Located at 1105-1107 West Third Street in the Prospect Hill neighborhood, Southern Knoll Apartments will include 42 bedrooms in 31 units serving residents at 30 to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). A portion of the units will be reserved as permanent supportive housing for clients of Beacon and/or Stone Belt.  

City of Bloomington Awards 2020 Digital Equity Grant Funds

The City of Bloomington Information & Technology Services Department (ITS) announces Digital Equity Grants awards to support Bloomington-based nonprofit organization efforts to bridge the digital divide and increase digital resources for residents.  The grants are funded through Mayor John Hamilton’s Recover Forward initiative to help Bloomington recover from the pandemic and economic collapse, and advance racial, economic, and climate justice. 

City Invites Residents to Apply to Serve on Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington’s Office of the City Clerk and the Office of the Mayor are accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the City’s boards or commissions. Some of these bodies are anticipating vacancies as current terms expire in December 2020 and January 2021. Applications are sought to fill spaces on the Commission on Sustainability, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration, the Environmental Commission, Parking Commission, and a number of others. 

Sixth BT Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

A Bloomington Transit (BT) employee received a positive test result of a COVID-19 viral test on Saturday, December 12.  After first experiencing symptoms Monday, December 7, the employee began isolating on paid leave Tuesday, December 8.  The employee works in the maintenance section of the organization and does not interact with the public in the course of their work.

Indiana Supreme Court Finds For Bloomington in Declaring State Statute Unconstitutional 

This morning, the Indiana Supreme Court decided in favor of the City of Bloomington, declaring a section of the 2017 budget bill that stopped Bloomington’s proposed annexation unconstitutional.  The City of Bloomington had challenged the statute, passed by the state legislature in April 2017, in a declaratory judgment action against Governor Holcomb.  Special Judge Frank Nardi first heard the City’s appeal and on April 18, 2019, also found for the City.  

City of Bloomington Earns Perfect Score on Human Rights Campaign Index for Sixth Consecutive Year

In partnership with the Equality Federation Institute, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has announced that Bloomington has again been awarded a perfect score on the annual Municipal Equality Index (MEI).

Public Works/Fleet Division Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

On Friday, December 11, an employee of the Department of Public Works’ (DPW) Fleet Division received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test administered on Tuesday, December 8. The DPW employee is the first within that division to have had a positive test result.  Having first experienced symptoms on Saturday, November 28, the employee has been on paid leave since Monday, November 30. 

City of Bloomington Utilities Accepting Proposals for 2021 Residential Stormwater Grants

The City of Bloomington Utilities Department (CBU) invites homeowners to apply for funding through the third annual Residential Stormwater Grants Program. CBU has allocated $70,000 for the 2021 program to assist owners of single-family residential property with environmentally-friendly drainage projects such as rain gardens, bioswales, and detention pond maintenance.

CDFI Friendly Bloomington and Bloomington Cooperative Living Team Up to Construct 18 New Affordable Units on Near West Side

Boston-based Local Enterprise Assistance Fund (LEAF) will invest $425,000 to help Bloomington Cooperative Living (BCL) construct 18 new affordable housing units at 921 West 9th Street. In addition, CDFI Friendly Bloomington (CFB) will invest $408,000 and the City of Bloomington’s Housing Development Fund (HDF) will invest $120,000 to support BCL’s renovation of the long-vacant single-family home into a housing cooperative. 

Four Bloomington Fire Department Employees Diagnosed With COVID-19

Four Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees have received positive results of COVID-19 viral tests, and are currently isolating at their respective homes, on paid leave. The employees were not identified as close contacts of one another according to CDC guidelines (having been within six feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset--or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection--until the time the patient is isolated.) Today’s announcement brings to nine (9) the total number of positive cases at the BFD since the start of the pandemic; the department’s previous COVID case was reported on Thursday, December 3.  

City Recommends Park Board Approve Update to Special Use Policy

This afternoon, the City’s Parks and Recreation Department, with the support of the administration, will recommend that the City’s Board of Park Commissioners amend the Park and Facility Policy (#13040) to prohibit “camping upon or otherwise inhabiting any property, structure, or facility of the department, at any time without a permit.”  Currently, the policy requires that a special use permit be obtained for certain activities in and uses of the park, including, among other uses, “camping on lands of the department or inhabiting any structure or facility overnight without a permit.”  

Musical Acts Invited to Apply for Parks and Recreation's 2021 Summer Concert Series

Apply by Jan. 8 for full consideration.

COVID-19 Case at City of Bloomington Utilities

A City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) employee received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test on Wednesday, December 2 after being tested that day.  The employee first experienced symptoms on Monday, November 30, and began quarantining immediately thereafter, per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protocols.  The employee, who works at the Monroe Water Treatment Plant, is now isolating at home on paid leave. 

Bloomington Fire Department Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

A Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee has received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test. The employee began experiencing mild symptoms on Wednesday, December 2 and received the positive result the same day.  Having last worked Monday November 30, the employee is taking paid leave to recover.  The employee is the fifth member of the BFD to receive a positive COVID-19 viral test result; the BFD’s previous COVID case was reported on October 26.  

City Announces Andrew Cibor to Lead City’s New Engineering Department

Mayor John Hamilton announces the appointment of Andrew Cibor to the position of City of Bloomington Engineer.  Cibor will lead the City’s new Engineering Department, to which transportation and traffic engineering operations currently housed within the Planning and Transportation Department will migrate in January 2021.  Cibor, who previously served as the City’s Transportation and Traffic Engineer, will assume his new position on January 11, and receive an annual salary of $101,418. 

COVID-19 Case at Bloomington Police Department

A Bloomington Police Department employee received a positive result today (Wednesday, December 2) of a COVID-19 viral test administered Tuesday, December 1. 

COVID-19 Case at City Hall

A City of Bloomington employee who works at City Hall received a positive result Friday, November 27 of a COVID-19 viral test administered Wednesday, November 25.  The employee last worked in the office Tuesday, November 24, and started experiencing symptoms on Thursday, November 26 while out for the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Second Black Lives Matter Street Mural Scheduled for Installation in 2021

Painting date for the second mural is tentatively scheduled for Saturday April 17, 2021.

Four Additional COVID-19 Cases at Public Works, CBU, BT

An employee of the City of Bloomington’s Public Works Department, two employees of the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU), and a Bloomington Transit (BT) employee received positive results of COVID-19 viral tests in the last several days. 

Driver is Fourth BT Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

A Bloomington Transit (BT) driver received a positive test result of a COVID-19 viral test on Tuesday, November 24. Having first experienced symptoms on Monday, November 16, the employee has not worked since that day and is taking paid leave to recover. 

Waldron Recommendation Task Force Members Named, First Meet in December

The Waldron Recommendation Task Force has named members and announced a tentative schedule for the development of recommendations of future uses for the circa-1915 building at 122 South Walnut Street that will revert from Ivy Tech Community College to City of Bloomington ownership in January 2021.  

City of Bloomington Releases Draft Digital Equity Plan, Hosts Public Feedback Meeting

The City of Bloomington has published the first draft of a Digital Equity Strategic Plan in service of the goal of improving internet accessibility and affordability for Bloomington residents.

City Offers Free On-Street Parking For Thanksgiving Weekend and in City Garages Saturdays in December

The City of Bloomington will offer free parking on the street downtown and in City garages from Thursday, November 26 through Sunday, November 29  in recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday.  

Three Additional City Employees Report Positive COVID-19 Test Results Monday

Three additional City of Bloomington employees reported positive results of COVID-19 viral tests--two employees work in the Sanitation Division of the Public Works Department and the other is an employee of the Bloomington Police Department (BPD) Central Emergency Dispatch Center.  

Sanitation Customers Reminded of Non-Recyclable Items, Schedule Delays

City of Bloomington sanitation customers are reminded to place only recyclable items in their recycling carts for pickup. 

Recover Forward Grants for the Arts Announced, Additional Applications Sought for 2021 Awards

As part of Mayor John Hamilton’s initiative to Recover Forward from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA) has awarded $48,000 in grant funding to 21 nonprofit organizations that foster the arts and cultivate community in Bloomington.  The following grant recipients representing a range from visual arts and letters to music and theater have availed themselves of online, digital, and other platforms to provide arts and cultural opportunities to residents during this challenging time: 

Parks and Recreation Facilities' Operation Status to Change in Response to County Health Department's Public Health Order

The Frank Southern Ice Arena is closed until further notice; the Twin Lakes Recreation Center is open to members only.

Two City Employees Report Positive COVID-19 Test Results Wednesday

Two City of Bloomington employees reported positive results of COVID-19 viral tests today--one employee works in the Sanitation Division of the Public Works Department and the other is an employee of the Parks and Recreation Department, who works at Twin Lakes Recreation Center.  

2020 Recover Forward Projects Update

Recover Forward projects to expand access to jobs, housing, transportation options, renewable energy, social services, local food, the arts, and digital services are underway.  As proposed by Mayor John Hamilton and approved by the Bloomington Common Council on August 12, these projects are the first steps in a multi-phase strategy to protect and strengthen the community as it grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic fallout, the climate crisis, and longstanding racial injustice. 

Two Additional Dispatch Employees Report Positive COVID-19 Results

Two employees of the Bloomington Police Department (BPD) who work in the Central Emergency Dispatch Center received positive results of COVID-19 viral tests Monday afternoon, November 16. These employees were identified as possible close contacts of one of the two dispatch employees who received positive COVID-19 results Monday morning.  In total, four dispatch workers have received positive COVID-19 results this week.

Three City Employees Report Positive COVID-19 Test Results

hree City of Bloomington employees received positive results of COVID-19 viral tests over the weekend--one employee works in the Sanitation Division of the Public Works Department and the other two are employees in the Central Emergency Dispatch Center of the Bloomington Police Department (BPD). 

City of Bloomington Accepting Applications for 2020 Digital Equity Grant Fund

The City of Bloomington Information & Technology Services Department (ITS) invites Bloomington-based nonprofit organizations to apply for Digital Equity Grants to support their efforts to bridge the digital divide and increase digital resources for residents.

City of Bloomington Safe and Civil City Program to Host Unapologetically Me: The Second Annual Young Women’s Leadership Summit

The City of Bloomington Safe and Civil City Program invites middle and high school-aged female-identifying students to attend a one-day Young Women’s Leadership Summit on Thursday, November 12, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. via Zoom. “Unapologetically Me” is the theme of the second annual summit.  Although focused on African American and Latina girls, the summit is open to young women of all races and backgrounds.

Dedication Ceremony for Elm Street Black Lives Matter Mural Friday, November 13

Community members are invited to a virtual dedication ceremony for the City’s newly completed Black Lives Matter street mural project Friday, November 13 at 4:30 p.m. Streamed live over the Banneker Community Center Facebook page at, the event will feature remarks from local leaders and City officials to recognize the recent public art installation on West Elm Street beside the Banneker Community Center, and the organizations and individuals that collaborated in its realization.   

Public Presentation of the Draft Final Master Plan for Hospital Site Redevelopment

The City invites residents to participate in the public presentation of the draft final master plan for the redevelopment of the current IU Health Bloomington Hospital site on Wednesday, November 18, at 6:30 p.m. The draft final master plan will be presented during the regular meeting of the Bloomington City Council. The presentation is for informational purposes and no action will be taken by City Council. 

Community Hunting Access Program Deer Hunts Scheduled at Griffy Lake Nature Preserve in November

The nature preserve will be closed to the public on these weekends, beginning at 11 p.m. on the Friday before the hunt through 5 a.m. the Monday after the hunt.

City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Children and Youth Celebrates S.W.A.G.G.E.R. Award Recipients

Three area students were named recipients of the City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Children and Youth’s (CSCY) sixth annual S.W.A.G.G.E.R. Awards on Thursday, November 5. Binford Elementary student Allan Eanes, and two Bloomington High School North students, Tara Ganguly and Fabrian Salcedo Paez were presented with this year’s S.W.A.G.G.E.R. Awards in a ceremony held virtually in accordance with current public health guidelines.

City’s 2020 Leaf Collection Program to Begin November 9

The City of Bloomington’s annual leaf collection program launches next week with several updates designed to make it more useful and in closer alignment with the City’s goals for environmental and economic sustainability, as captured in Mayor John Hamilton’s Recover Forward initiative. 

City's King Commission Seeks Nominees for Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award

The City of Bloomington's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission is soliciting nominations for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award. The award recognizes and affirms those who have made significant contributions in the areas of race relations, justice, and human rights and is presented annually at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration in January.

Parks and Recreation Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

On Sunday, November 1, a City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department employee received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test administered Thursday, October 29.

Mayor Hamilton Reminds Residents to Vote, Contribute to Safety and Fairness of Election

Mayor John Hamilton encourages residents to exercise their right to vote in the current election and to be patient in learning the results of local, state, and national races.

City and County Partner to Support Winter Contingency Shelter for Women

Together with the Monroe County government, the City of Bloomington is supporting a new Winter Contingency Shelter for Women to house up to 40 women currently experiencing homelessness. Each governmental entity will commit $54,250 toward the operational costs of a shelter at Wheeler Mission from November through March.

Mayor Hamilton Encourages Residents to Participate in Election, Be Patient for Results

Mayor John Hamilton today issued the following statement reminding residents to exercise their right to vote in the current election and to be patient in learning the results of the election:

Parks and Recreation Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

On Monday, October 26, a City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department employee received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test administered Friday, October 23. 

City Names Co-Chairs of Waldron Recommendation Committee

Mayor John Hamilton has asked Miah Michaelsen, Deputy Director of the Indiana Arts Commission, and Valerie Peña, Assistant Vice President/Chief of Staff for the Office of Government Relations & Economic Engagement at Indiana University, to co-chair the Waldron Recommendation Committee, an advisory group that will evaluate and provide recommendations for the future use of the building currently known as the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center. 

City Announces Timeline for Water Shutoff in City Parks

Water service must be discontinued each fall, to keep ice from damaging water fixtures.

New Draft Bloomington Zoning Map Released for Resident Input

A draft of the proposed new Bloomington Zoning Map has been published to the City’s website as a step in the last phase of the process of updating the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and Zoning Map, which began nearly three years ago in February of 2018.  Approved in April 2020, the UDO brings the City’s land use and development laws into closer alignment with the City’s 2018 Comprehensive Plan to support such goals as housing equity, compact urban form, and sustainability.  

City Releases Plan to Advance Racial Equity and Announces Two Resident-led Task Forces

The City today released its Plan to Advance Racial Equity, following more than a year of activity and community collaboration. The plan recommends, among other actions, the formation of two resident-led task forces that will undertake long-term processes to evaluate, report on, and propose recommendations to address racism and other types of discrimination in Bloomington, including within the context of law enforcement.

Bloomington Transit Driver Diagnosed With COVID-19

City Parks Department Launches Website to Connect A Fair of the Arts Customers with Local Artisans

The website will remain live through Nov. 27.

Contactless App-Only Parking to Become Available in Two Bloomington Locations

Starting later this month, motorists will have the opportunity to use a contactless approach to find, reserve, and pay for parking at over 150 spots in two app-only parking zones in Bloomington:

Artists Respond to Architecture, Environment of Southern Indiana in Paper Pavilions Exhibition

The Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District in collaboration with the Columbus Area Arts Council is hosting the exhibition Paper Pavilions, a group show on view October 1 through November 21 at 411 Gallery, 411 Sixth Street in Columbus, Indiana. 

BPD Employee Receives Positive COVID-19 Viral Test Result

An employee of the Bloomington Police Department received a positive COVID-19 viral test result today. 

City of Bloomington Accepting Applications for 2021 Community Development Block Grant Funds

The City of Bloomington Housing and Neighborhood Development Department (HAND) invites Bloomington-based organizations serving low- and moderate-income residents to apply for the federal funds the department administers through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program. 

Nominations Sought for City’s 2020 SWAGGER Awards to Recognize Students Who Act Generously, Grow and Earn Respect

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Children and Youth (CSCY) is seeking nominations for the 2020 SWAGGER (Students Who Act Generously, Grow, and Earn Respect) Awards.

Third Public Forum to Engage Community on Hospital Site Redevelopment

The City invites residents to participate in the third public forum of the master planning process for redevelopment of the current IU Health Bloomington Hospital site on Tuesday, October 6, at 6 p.m.

City and BEDC Apply for Federal Funds to Establish Trades District Technology Center

With support from the Bloomington Redevelopment Commission, the City of Bloomington, together with the Bloomington Economic Development Corporation (BEDC), submitted an application on Monday, September 28 for federal funds to support the establishment of a technology center in the downtown Trades District, the city’s Certified Technology Park (CTP). 

Local “CDFI Friendly Bloomington” Model Gains National Exposure

Mayor John Hamilton will participate in a national panel discussion on Wednesday, September 30 about the CDFI Friendly Strategy he pioneered in Bloomington that is being adapted and adopted by other communities around the country.

Mayor Hamilton Appoints Scott Robinson Director of Planning and Transportation

Mayor John Hamilton has appointed Scott Robinson director of the City of Bloomington Department of Planning and Transportation, pending approval by the City’s Plan Commission at its next meeting, scheduled for October 12.

High-School Students Invited to Participate in Third Annual Teen Roundtable

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Children and Youth (CSCY) invites high school-aged students to participate in the Third Annual Teen Roundtable.

Projects Update: Downtown Alley Activation, Garage Progress, Sidewalk Enhancements

The City of Bloomington continues to advance infrastructure projects that enhance economic vitality, environmental sustainability, safety, transportation, and quality of life.

City Supports Free Biomanufacturing Tech Apprenticeship Program Accepting Students for October

Bloomington residents may now register for a free three-week training in skills needed to gain employment in the region’s robust biomanufacturing sector.

Commission on Aging Member, Jack Kahn, Receives Golden Hoosier Award

City of Bloomington Commission on Aging member Jack Kahn has been selected as a recipient of the 2020 Golden Hoosier Award, which recognizes older Hoosiers who serve others in an exemplary manner and dedicate their lives to bettering the community where they live. 

City Council Renders Four Votes for 0.25% Local Income Tax Increase

Four of the nine members of the Bloomington Common Council this evening voted in favor of Resolution 20-13, which would have proposed an ordinance to the other members of the Monroe County Local Income Tax Council to increase the local income tax (LIT) by 0.25% for the purpose of economic development.

The Mill Code School Currently Seeking Applications for Free Digital Skills Training

Funded in part through a $100,000 investment by the City of Bloomington, The Mill Code School will begin instruction for its first cohort of up to 40 participants on October 5.

CBU Employee is City’s First COVID-19 Case in Six Weeks

An employee of the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) Engineering division received a positive COVID-19 viral test result September 10.

City’s Innovation Team Hosts Community Meetings to Gather Input on Leaf Collection Program

City and County Public Safety Agencies to Hold 09/11 Ceremony at Ivy Tech

Mayor Hamilton Responds to Loss of Bloomington Family in Apparent Triple Homicide and Suicide

Mayor John Hamilton would like to share the following statement in response to today’s news of the deaths of four members of a Bloomington family: 

City Council to Consider Local Income Tax Increase and Proposed Investments

Applications Sought for 2020 Recover Forward Grants for the Arts

The Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA) and the Bloomington Arts Commission (BAC) are seeking applications for a second round of funding to foster the arts and cultivate cultural experiences in Bloomington as part of Mayor John Hamilton’s initiative to Recover Forward from the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Parks and Recreation Department Hosts Virtual Public Engagement Session to Collect Input for Master Plan

An online Master Plan public input session will take place virtually via Zoom from 4 until 6 p.m. on Thursday, September 3.

Projects Update: City Garage Construction Progresses, Generates up to 500 Jobs

Local-Motion Grant Program Accepting Proposals for Bike/Ped Projects and Programming

The City of Bloomington Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission (BPSC) is seeking ideas that incorporate bicycle and pedestrian mobility into local events, programs, or other community activities.  Local-Motion grants of up to $2,000 per project will be awarded to proposals for initiatives that celebrate and promote Bloomington’s walk- and bike-friendly culture and infrastructure and advance active mobility accessibility.  The BPSC will make their announcement of the Local-Motion Grant award announcement near the beginning of November. 

Mayor and Parks & Recreation Staff Host Opening of Switchyard Park Dog Park August 28

The Switchyard Park dog park opens Aug. 28 at 5:30 p.m.

City Funds “Recover Forward” Projects to Increase Economic, Racial, Climate Justice

2020 Women’s Achievement Award Winners to be Celebrated on Women’s Equality Day

Mayor Issues Executive Order Limiting Private Gatherings to 15, Joins with IUB Provost to Urge Compliance

Mayor John Hamilton is today issuing an emergency executive order limiting the size of private gatherings within city boundaries to protect the health and safety of the community upon the return of the Indiana University student population.

Projects Update: Expanded Seating Between Washington and Walnut Continues, Garage Progress

n keeping with current public health regulations, the City of Bloomington continues to advance Infrastructure projects enhancing safety, transportation, economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and quality of life for all.  Updates about a selection of current projects and programs follow:

City Upgrades Open Finance Portal With More Data, Greater Accessibility

The City of Bloomington has upgraded its Open Finance financial transparency portal, to provide greater access to the City’s financial information.  Updated daily, the interactive website provides user-friendly visualizations of the City of Bloomington's expenditure, revenue, and payroll information for the current fiscal year, as well as a historical view of previous years.  The portal can be used to search details and chart the history of municipal expenses and revenues by category, department, function, fund, and vendor. 

City Shares Organizational Assessments of Public Safety Departments

The City of Bloomington today is releasing two organizational assessment reports of its public safety departments. Mayor John Hamilton last year directed that independent, third-party assessments of the Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) and the Bloomington Police Department (BPD) be undertaken, in order to review operations and inform budgetary and organizational decision-making for each department.  

Projects Update: Parking Innovations, Sidewalk Assistance, Garage Webcams

In keeping with current public health regulations, the City of Bloomington continues to advance Infrastructure projects enhancing safety, transportation, economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and quality of life for all.  Updates about a selection of current projects and programs follow:

City Parks and Recreation Department Launches New Five-Year Master Planning Process with Community-wide Survey

Watch the mail for a postcard invitation to take a community interest survey about Bloomington parks.

Results of Digital Equity Study Will Inform City’s Plans for Better Broadband Access

The City of Bloomington has published the results of a survey assessing how residents use internet services as the first step in the development of Mayor John Hamilton’s Digital Equity Strategic Plan.

City Releases Study Assessing Bloomington's Housing Needs

The City of Bloomington today released a study assessing the city’s housing needs and recommending strategies to provide safe, affordable housing for all residents. 

Bloomington Transit Driver Diagnosed With COVID-19

A Bloomington Transit (BT) driver has received a positive test result of a COVID-19 viral test. The employee began experiencing symptoms on Wednesday, July 29 and received a positive result on Saturday, August 1. 

Community Invited to Second Virtual Town Hall on Hospital Site Redevelopment

The City invites residents to participate in and learn more about the master planning process for the redevelopment of the current IU Health Bloomington Hospital at the second virtual town hall public forum Thursday, August 6, at 6 p.m.  Participants may join from computer or mobile by registering in advance at the following link:

City of Bloomington Utilities Reports New COVID-19 Case

An employee of the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) Transmission and Distribution (T&D) meter services division received a positive COVID-19 viral test result Wednesday, July 29.  The employee has self-isolated since first experiencing symptoms July 24, and has been placed on paid leave to recover.  The employee was not identified through contact tracing conducted after four other CBU employees’ recent positive COVID-19 viral test results.  

Leaf Collection Survey Part of Innovation Pilot to Improve City Service Delivery

The City of Bloomington is currently conducting a survey about the annual leaf collection program.  Through Monday, August 3, residents are asked to provide feedback on their experience of the curbside leaf vacuuming program the City provides in the fall. Accessible in both English and Spanish, the survey invites residents who are renters or homeowners to share their experience.

Road and Bike/Ped Infrastructure Improvements, Garage Projects Progress

Improvements to city streets and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure, garages, and other public works proceed this summer, as current public health guidelines allow.  Updates on several projects follow, starting with those nearing or having reached substantial completion:   

Parking Meters Reactivated August 1; 15-Minute Pick-Up/Drop-Off Pilot Launches

The City of Bloomington is implementing two measures August 1 to maximize the availability of downtown parking upon the return of the university population and to support the local economy as part of Mayor John Hamilton’s Recover Forward initiative. 

Neighborhood Residential Parking Permit Sales Go Online Today

In keeping with current guidelines for physical distancing, the process of applying for a residential parking permit in the City of Bloomington has transitioned online. Starting today (Monday, July 20) residents of Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 may submit an application to purchase a 2020-2021 neighborhood parking permit at

City of Bloomington Invites Residents to Adopt-a-Drain

The City of Bloomington Utilities Department (CBU) invites residents to participate in a new family-friendly volunteer program, Adopt-a-Drain. In this partnership, residents help maintain storm drains to reduce flood risk and increase water quality. 

Mayor Executes Order to Accelerate COVID-Preventive Measures

Mayor John Hamilton signed an executive order today that will accelerate the implementation within Bloomington city limits of several aspects of the Monroe County Public Health Order of July 17. In light of continued concern about local signs of increasing transmission, and in “wholehearted support” of the provisions of the county order, the mayor’s Executive Order 20-02 will accelerate the effective dates of certain requirements of the county order for the protection of the community. 

Sixth City Employee Receives Positive COVID-19 Viral Test Result

A second employee of the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) Transmission and Distribution services has received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test. The employee received a positive test result over the weekend. Having self-isolated since first experiencing symptoms on Wednesday, July 15, the employee has been placed on paid leave to recover.

BT Maintenance Staffer Diagnosed With COVID-19

A Bloomington Transit (BT) employee has received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test. The employee, who works in the bus maintenance section of the organization, received the positive test result Wednesday, July 15. 

Sanitation Division Updates Recycling Info on Carts

Staff from the Sanitation Division are currently applying a new informative sticker to the lid of each residential recycling cart on residents’ regular trash/recycling day.  Over the next two weeks, residents are asked to leave their recycling containers at the curb after collection to allow staff the opportunity to complete this task.  Sanitation personnel wearing high visibility safety vests identifying them as City of Bloomington employees will be arriving at each scheduled recycling stop to update each recycling cart. 

Summer Brings Improvements to Roads and Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure

The construction season proceeds this summer, as current public health guidelines allow, bringing improvements to city streets and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure, among other public works.  City employees are continuing to practice (and work with contractors to implement) CDC protocols regarding physical distancing, face covering, hygiene, and disinfection of vehicles and equipment to protect workers engaged in these projects and prevent community transmission of COVID-19. Updates on several projects follow, with an opportunity for Bloomington homeowners leading this week’s list: 

Mayor Hamilton to Propose “Recovering Forward” in Thursday Remarks

On Thursday, July 16, Mayor John Hamilton will present remarks about the range of challenges currently confronting the community and propose strategies for addressing them in a transformative way. 

Fifth City Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

A fifth employee of the City of Bloomington has received a positive result of a COVID-19 viral test. The City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) Transmission and Distribution employee received the positive test result Monday, July 13.  Having self-isolated since first experiencing symptoms on Tuesday, July 7, the employee has been placed on paid leave to recover.  

Bloomington Police Department Apprehends Hit-and-Run Driver

The City of Bloomington announces that the Bloomington Police Department (BPD) has apprehended the driver who injured two pedestrians after a demonstration in downtown Bloomington on Monday, July 6.

BPD Investigating July 6 Incident to Identify and Locate Driver Who Struck Pedestrians

The Bloomington Police Department (BPD) is currently conducting an investigation to determine the identity and location of the driver (and passenger) of a vehicle that drove into pedestrians last night after a peaceful rally on the courthouse square, injuring two pedestrians, before leaving the scene.

Mayor Hamilton and City Clerk Bolden Release Statement

On behalf of the City of Bloomington, we would like to express outrage and grief relating to two apparent racially motivated incidents reported in our community over the July 4 weekend.

Mayor Receives Positive COVID-19 Antibody Result

Mayor John Hamilton learned late Wednesday evening that the result of a COVID-19 antibody test he was administered was positive, indicating that he has very likely experienced a COVID-19 infection. The mayor had received two negative results to COVID-19 viral tests administered April 18 and 21, after having experienced moderate flu-like symptoms and been potentially exposed to COVID-19. 

Fourth City Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

A fourth employee of the City of Bloomington has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee is one of eleven employees of the Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) tested last week as a result of an internal contact tracing process launched upon a fellow fire department employee’s positive test result (announced Wednesday, June 24 here).  The other ten results were negative.  

Spray Pad at Switchyard Park Opens June 30

The spray pad at Switchyard Park opens at 10 a.m. June 30, 2020.

Bloomington Health Foundation Grant Triples the Value of Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Vouchers at the Bloomington Community Farmers' Market

Grant will assist the Farmers' Market in supporting access to nutrition for vulnerable populations and boost the local food economy.

Redevelopment Commission to Review Housing Design Proposal for Affordable Housing Development at Switchyard Park

Property adjacent to the City of Bloomington’s new Switchyard Park will be transformed into affordable housing and commercial space. The City’s Redevelopment Commission (RDC) will review a proposed affordable housing design at its meeting on Monday, June 29 at 5:00 pm.

After Nearly 12 Weeks Without a New Case, Third City Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

After nearly 12 weeks without a new case, a third employee of the City of Bloomington has tested positive for COVID-19. Upon displaying symptoms consistent with COVID-19, an employee of the Bloomington Fire Department was placed on leave last week awaiting test results for coronavirus, the positive result of which was returned today.

Kirkwood Complete, East Third Street Construction Continues

This summer the City of Bloomington continues to advance projects enhancing safety, transportation, economic vitality, and quality of life. Improvements to city streets, parking facilities, and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure are among the essential activities permitted to proceed by state and local regulations and in compliance with current public health guidelines.

Trial Run of Kirkwood Avenue as Pedestrian and Outdoor Dining Space

The City of Bloomington announces the trial closure of Kirkwood Avenue between Indiana and Grant Streets to vehicular traffic from Friday afternoon, June 19, through Sunday evening, June 21.

Tuesday Market Moves to Switchyard Park, Opens 2020 Season June 16

The Bloomington Community Farmers' Market opens the weekday version of the Market for the 2020 season on June 16 from 4 until 8 p.m. at the Pavilion at Switchyard Park, 1601 S. Rogers St. 

Community Invited to 7-Line Information Session Thursday, June 18

An informational meeting to be held Thursday, June 18 will offer residents the opportunity to learn more and offer input about the new 7-Line, which will provide a protected east-west bicycle lane and improved bus corridor along Seventh Street.

Community Invited to Virtual Town Hall on Hospital Site Redevelopment

The City invites residents to participate in and learn more about the process of redeveloping the current site of IU Health Bloomington Hospital at a virtual town hall public forum Tuesday, June 16 at 6 p.m. 

Kirkwood Reopened with Pedestrian Enhancements; Board of Public Works to Consider Petition for Temporary Weekend Street Closures to Expand Seating

The City of Bloomington continues to advance projects enhancing safety, transportation, economic vitality, and quality of life this spring. Improvements to city streets, parking facilities, and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure are among the essential activities permitted to proceed by state and local regulations and in compliance with current public health guidelines.

Indiana Solar for All Grant Deadline Extended to July 1, 2020

Indiana Solar for All (IFSA), a nonprofit project of the Center for Sustainable Living working in partnership with the Solarize Bloomington campaign, is currently accepting grant applications for solar systems from area homeowners with fixed or limited incomes. Applications will be accepted at until an extended deadline of July 1.

City Seeks Proposals for Public Art Installation at Trades District Garage

Bloomington Community Farmers' Market Permits On-site Sales This Saturday

The Farmers' Market offers a combination of online shopping and on-site purchasing for the first time in the 2020 season June 6.

Kirkwood Scheduled to Reopen Week of June 8 with Pedestrian Enhancements; Progress on Garage Projects

The City of Bloomington continues to advance projects enhancing safety, transportation, economic vitality, and quality of life this spring.  Improvements to city streets, parking facilities, and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure are among the essential activities permitted to proceed by state and local regulations and in compliance with current public health guidelines.

City's Bryan Park and Mills Pools Will Not Open in Summer 2020

The Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department today announced that its two outdoor pools will remain closed for the summer in order to protect the community from the spread of COVID-19.

Bicentennial Bonds Projects Progress on Seventh Street, Lower Cascades, and Beyond

Seven public improvement projects announced in Bloomington’s bicentennial year as a gift to its future are making significant progress this spring.  Proposed by Mayor John Hamilton and supported by a $10 million bond approved by the Bloomington Common Council in 2018, the projects will add miles of new greenways and trails, reactivate downtown alleyways, expand the city’s tree canopy, and create attractive gateways to the community.

Ivy Tech Plans to Return Waldron Arts Center to City of Bloomington

Updated Historic Structures Survey Data Now Searchable at City Website

The results of the Bloomington Historic Sites and Structures Survey of more than 6,000 city addresses may now be searched at the City of Bloomington website via myBloomington and at the B-Clear open data portal.

Kirkwood Pedestrian Enhancement Project Progress, Paving/Concrete Updates

The City of Bloomington continues to advance projects enhancing safety, transportation, economic vitality, and quality of life this spring.  Improvements to city streets, parking facilities, and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure are among the essential activities permitted to proceed by state and local regulations and in compliance with current public health guidelines. 

Bloomington Transit Launches Summer Break Schedule Monday, June 1

Starting Monday, June 1, Bloomington Transit (BT) will begin operating most routes on a summer break schedule, with several important changes.  Please note the following features of this summer’s schedule:

Kirkwood Pedestrian Enhancement Project and City Garages Progress, Paving Schedule

The City of Bloomington continues to advance projects enhancing safety, transportation, economic vitality, and quality of life this spring.  Improvements to city streets, parking facilities, and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure are among the essential activities permitted to proceed by state and local regulations and in compliance with current public health guidelines. 

City Announces Cancellation of 2020 Fourth of July Parade, Delay in Opening Outdoor Pool Operations

Decision about outdoor pool operations is pending.

City of Bloomington Accepting Applications for Community Development Block Grants CARES Act Funding

Local agencies that serve low- and moderate-income households in Bloomington may now apply for federal assistance to alleviate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Kirkwood Pedestrian Enhancement Project Progess, Plus Paving and Road Improvement Updates

The City of Bloomington continues to advance projects enhancing safety, transportation, economic vitality, and quality of life this spring. 

City of Bloomington Utilities Begins Water Main Replacement Project on Courthouse Square

The City of Bloomington Utilities’ (CBU) program to update the city’s water transmission and distribution system proceeds this week with the replacement of a water main near the courthouse square.  Starting today, crews are working in the block bounded by West 6th Street, West 7th Street, North College Avenue, and North Walnut Street, and in the alleys in that block. 

CBU Begins Final Stage of Demolition at Decommissioned Griffy Plant

The City of Bloomington Utilities Department (CBU) has begun demolition of the decommissioned Griffy Water Treatment Plant this week.  Located on North Dunn Street on the northern edge of the lake, the plant supplied drinking water sourced from Griffy Lake from 1925 until 1996, when Lake Monroe became Bloomington’s sole water source and the plant was taken out of service.  

City of Bloomington Utilities Issues Precautionary Boil Water Advisory

During repair of a water main on South Coppertree Drive this morning, some City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) customers were temporarily disconnected from water service.

Mayor Urges Community Members to Register to Vote, Request Absentee Ballot, Participate in Census

Mayor John Hamilton reminds community members that the deadline to register to vote in the June 2 primary election is Monday, May 4.  Voters may register to vote and check the status of their registration record at the online state portal at  

Bloomington Human Rights Commission Announces 29th Annual Essay/Art Contest Winners

Updates to Kirkwood Pedestrian Enhancement Project, Garages, Bike Lanes, Paving Schedule

Bloomington Community Farmers' Market Moves to Showers Common in May, Expands Online Ordering Capacity to 750

The Bloomington Community Farmers' Market, with support and direction from the Monroe County Health Department, is merging its successful online ordering system with a physically distanced walk-through customer order pick up as the market returns to its usual location at Showers Common, 401 N. Morton St. on Saturday, May 2.

Bloomington Transit Service Change Decision and Implementation Postponed Until 2021

Bloomington Transit (BT) will not implement recommended service changes to most of its fixed routes before January 2021, per last week’s decision by the Bloomington Public Transportation Corporation Board of Directors.  At their Tuesday, April 21 meeting, the board voted to postpone decisions on approval and implementation of service changes recommended by the Route Optimization Study conducted in 2018-19.

City of Bloomington Utilities Encourages Flushing Pipes in Vacant Buildings

The City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) is encouraging building owners and property managers to consider implementing a water management program (as described below) in currently unoccupied properties to prevent water stagnation in the service line and plumbing system. 

Webinar to Offer Information for Business Owners Navigating COVID-19 Relief Programs

The City of Bloomington’s Economic Stabilization & Recovery (ES&R) working group invites local small businesses, nonprofits, and media to attend an interactive webinar on COVID-19 funding programs on Friday, April 24, at 10:00 am. 

Digital Equity Community Survey to Identify Internet Needs and Gaps in Bloomington

In the next few days, a randomized sample of 6500 Bloomington households will be receiving a survey from the City of Bloomington to assess how residents use internet services. 

First Round of Funds Distributed to City Businesses, Nonprofits From Rapid Response Fund

The first round of financial awards is being disbursed today from the City’s Rapid Response Fund (RRF) to businesses and nonprofits that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Thus far, $240,600 has been distributed to seven applicants, and fifteen additional applicants have been selected for awards amounting to another $310,170 for a total of $550,700 in approved funding.  

City Joins Global Observance and Encourages Climate Action for Earth Day 2020

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day on April 22, the City of Bloomington is participating in a 24-hour showcase of climate action from around the globe and encouraging residents to pursue and share their own environmental action. 

City Shares Health Update About First Family

Mayor John Hamilton announced that he received a negative test result for COVID-19 today. Having self-quarantined since his wife Dawn Johnsen received a positive diagnosis on April 9, the mayor began experiencing flu-like symptoms several days ago and was tested April 18.

Virtual Ribbon Cutting Celebrates Completion of Switchyard Apartments

Mayor John Hamilton and other City officials, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis, South Central Indiana Housing Opportunities and other partners are part of a virtual ribbon-cutting presentation released today to officially open the first phase of Switchyard Apartments.

City Partners with Community Volunteer Mask Drive to Amplify Effort and Equip City Workers

City of Bloomington employees are currently being issued fabric masks produced through the efforts of the Bloomington Fabric Mask Drive.  The City coordinated with the volunteer effort led by the Bloomington Quilters’ Guild and Patient Physical Therapy to provide space for mask making and distribution at the Allison-Jukebox Community Center, a Parks and Recreation Department property closed since the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Temporary Two-Way Traffic Pattern on Washington from Fourth to Kirkwood as Kirkwood Project Proceeds

Having begun April 1, the project to repair crosswalks and install bollards on Kirkwood Avenue has proceeded to the intersection with Washington Street this week.  The intersection has been closed to traffic and the block of Washington south of Kirkwood has been temporarily converted to a two-way street to allow access to affected businesses from Fourth Street. 

Mayor Hamilton Increases Regular Media Appearances During COVID-19 Crisis

In an effort to be as available to residents and to share information as broadly as possible during the COVID-19 crisis, Mayor John Hamilton and his staff have increased regular media appearances to provide updates on City services, highlight resources, and answer questions.

Harmless Sodium Permanganate Residual May Turn Tap Water Pink

City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) experienced an equipment malfunction at the Monroe Water Treatment Plant that may result in some customers noticing a pink tint to their tap water in the coming days. The pink tint does not pose any threat to human health.

City Shares COVID-19 Case Information

City Accepting Applications For Loans to Small Businesses, Nonprofits, Cultural Groups

CDC Protocols Continue Across City Operations After Second Employee Diagnosed With COVID-19

COVID-19 Protections in Place for April 3 Prescribed Burn at Griffy Lake

Prescribed burn to improve wildlife habitat, plant diversity at Griffy Lake Nature Preserve

117 Vendors Accepted for 2020 Bloomington Community Farmers' Market; Season Launches April 4 With Online Shopping and Drive-Through Pickup

With 99 farm vendors and 18 food and beverage artisans accepted for the 2020 season, the Bloomington Community Farmers' Market is poised to launch Saturday, April 4 -- initially with an online shopping experience that will allow the Market to continue as an essential food source and key component of the local food economy while following health and safety protocols necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bloomington Transit and BT Access To Continue Operating on Spring Break Schedule Next Week

Kirkwood and School Zone Enhancement Projects Get Earlier Start; Bike Lanes, Multi-use Paths, Traffic Calming Among Other Improvements Underway

Road improvements and other public infrastructure projects will proceed on schedule and in several cases earlier than projected as a way of making use of currently underutilized streets and sidewalks.  While the Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order (Executive Order 20-08) restricts all but essential business and travel throughout the state until April 7 as a measure to limit the spread of COVID-19, public projects enhancing safety and transportation are among the essential activities permitted to proceed.  Several City-led projects have been pushed forward in consideration of the suspension of classes for the spring semester at Indiana University and MCCSC’s current contingency learning plan.   

CDC Protocols Continue at Bloomington Fire Department After Confirmed Case of COVID-19

Residents Asked to Bag Trash Before Placing in Cart to Protect Sanitation Workers, Limit Spread of COVID-19

City Hall to Close to Public For Two Weeks Per Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order

Following Governor Eric Holcomb’s Stay-at-Home order (Executive Order 20-08) issued Monday, March 23, the City of Bloomington will close City Hall and other facilities to the public after the close of business today in an effort to limit the opportunity for viral transmission in the community and the City workforce.

Free Fares and Rear-Door Boarding Begins Tuesday, March 24

Bloomington Transit (BT) will begin providing free fares on all fixed-route and BT Access service buses Tuesday, March 24.

Update on Bloomington Transit Service Plans for Week of March 22

Bloomington Transit (BT) fixed route service will continue to operate on a spring break schedule during the week of March 22 to March 29, 2020.

City of Bloomington Utilities Improves Safety Measures for Customers & Employees

Following the Center of Disease Control (CDC) recommendations to maintain physical distance between people to avoid transmission of the COVID-19 virus, the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) Customer Service Center will temporarily suspend walk-in hours starting Monday, March 23.

City Withdraws Appeal in Case to Acquire Property for Fourth Street Garage

The City of Bloomington moved to withdraw its Notice of Appeal in the eminent domain action to acquire the property at 222 South Walnut Street.

City Maintains Services While Protecting Community Health, Well-Being

Along with federal, state, and local agencies, the City of Bloomington is implementing protocols to maintain continuity of City government services to support the community’s well-being and protect residents’ and employees’ health during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

City Implements Precautions, Preparations to Limit Local Impact of COVID-19

The City of Bloomington is following public health advice to take precautionary and preparatory measures to limit the local impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus).  

City Partners with SIREN for Solarize 2020 to Make Going Solar Easier

Homeowners, businesses, and nonprofits in Bloomington and Monroe and surrounding counties can learn more about installing solar panels at affordable rates during the fourth year of the Solarize initiative.

Bloomington Fire Department Returns to Sierra Leone On State Department-Sponsored Trip

A group of firefighters from Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) makes its second trip to Freetown, Sierra Leone March 20-30.  Supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of State, administered by IREX, the trip will allow firefighters to continue their collaboration to improve fire safety in the West African country.

Media Advisory: Transportation Demand Management Plan Report to Council

A draft Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Implementation Plan for the City of Bloomington will be presented to the Bloomington Common Council for review. 

Bloomington Residents Sought to Represent Farmers' Market Customers on the Farmers' Market Advisory Council

Open positions are for people who will represent the needs and desires of Market customers.

Pilot Road Conversion Project at Lower Cascades Park Pending Approval

The City is preparing to launch a pilot project to convert Old State Road 37 North through Lower Cascades Park to a bicycle- and pedestrian-only trail.

Board of Public Works to Consider City Sanitation Rate Increase Request

The Sanitation Division will be requesting a rate increase for sanitation services at the March 3 meeting of the Board of Public Works.  An effort partially to offset the rising costs of recycling, the request will result in an average increase of $.70/month per customer.

Meeting at the Mill: A Conversation About a Sustainability Investment Fund

Mayor John Hamilton and the Bloomington Common Council invite community members to participate in a discussion of a Sustainability Investment Fund and the local income tax that would support it. 

Five Local Women to be Honored During Women’s History Month Events

Mayor John Hamilton announced today that five local women will be honored for their outstanding service to the community during the local observance of Women’s History Month in March. 

Let's Get Visual! to Generate New Perspectives on Public Data

A City-centered data visualization challenge to explore and reveal information contained within the City of Bloomington’s 200-plus data sets.  The four-hour event will leverage experts in the field of data analysis and visualization to help unlock the content of some of the data tables housed at B-Clear, the City’s open data portal. 

City of Bloomington Recognized As One of 105 Cities Leading Climate and Sustainability Action Worldwide

Bloomington has been recognized as a global leader on environmental action and transparency, achieving a place on CDP’s Cities A List.

City Pilots Pay-By-Plate Parking Stations in Two Downtown Lots

Starting in early March, two highly trafficked parking facilities downtown will be upgraded from single-space metered parking to multi-space meters (pay stations). 

City Proceeds with Design for Fourth Street Garage on Existing Footprint

The City will present an updated design for the Fourth Street Garage to the Plan Commission Monday, March 9.  The proposed design, revised by CSO Architects to occupy property currently owned by the City, will add capacity for at least 500 vehicles, 150 more than could be accommodated by the previous, now-demolished garage.

Mayor Hamilton to Present Fifth State of the City Address Thursday at Buskirk-Chumley Theater

Mayor John Hamilton presents his fifth annual State of the City address to the community.  All are invited to attend the free event, which will also include live musical entertainment, a short story reading, and a slide show of community portraits.

Bridge Initiative Reconvenes Community Members, Awards Training Toward Implementation of Next Steps

Facilitators from the Divided Community Project’s (DCP) Bridge Initiative@Moritz will return to Bloomington Friday, February 21 to meet with community members previously interviewed for the project’s report released in December 2019.

Press Release: City Housing and Neighborhood Development Department Invites Neighborhoods to Apply for Grant Funding

The City of Bloomington Housing and Neighborhood Development Department distributes funding for neighborhood projects with community-wide benefit.

Bloomington Fire Department To Push In New Fire Engine at University Station

Fire Chief Jason Moore and Mayor John Hamilton invite the press and the public to attend a push-in ceremony for the Bloomington Fire Department’s (BFD) new fire engine, a 2019 E-One Typhoon Pumper that will primarily serve Station 3, also known as the “University Station.” The event will include refreshments and tours of the new vehicle.  

Bloomington Residents Encouraged to Participate in Climate Threats and Action Planning Survey

Starting today, Bloomington residents are invited to share their experiences, concerns, and ideas related to climate change in an online community survey (at the City’s Sustainability page, please click on the grey info card labeled “Bloomington Climate Survey”). 

Bloomington Parks and Recreation Partners with Monroe County Health on Syringe Disposal Pilot Program in Three City Parks

At their meeting, this morning, the Monroe County Commissioners approved an agreement approved by the City of Bloomington Board of Park Commissioners January 28 creating a partnership between the City's Parks and Recreation Department and the Monroe County Health Department to install sharps containers in the following parks by the end of February: Seminary Park, 100 West 2nd Street; Rev. Ernest D. Butler Park, 812 West 9th Street; and Building Trades Park, 619 West Howe Street.

Online Directory Listing Over 1,700 Social Service Resources Launches Friday February 7

An online social services database Helping Bloomington Monroe ( listing over 1,700 free and reduced-cost programs serving area residents will be officially launched Friday, February 7. 

Media Advisory: Fourth Annual Public Safety Report Tuesday February 4

Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton invites the press and the public to attend the fourth annual joint Public Safety Report to the Community.

Media Advisory: Mayor Hamilton Joins Community, State, and National Leaders to Announce Grant Funding from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

An announcement of grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help individuals experiencing homelessness in Bloomington and Monroe County. 

2020 Black History Month Celebration Kicks Off with Reflections on “Black and Blooming” Theme

The City of Bloomington invites the community to a free kick-off event for the 2020 Black History Month celebration on January 30 at City Hall (401 N. Morton Street).

City and Graduate Bloomington Welcome Artist Nina Chanel Abney to Present Mural, Lead Youth Art Project

The City of Bloomington and Graduate Bloomington invite the press and public to a community gathering in celebration of the newly installed mural on the hotel’s western facade.

City of Bloomington Names David Hummons Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award Recipient

For his lifelong commitment to justice, passion for serving others and deep community involvement, David Hummons has been given the City’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award for 2020.

City of Bloomington Utilities Announces 2020 Residential Stormwater Grants Program

The City of Bloomington Utilities Department (CBU) invites homeowners to apply for funding through the second annual Residential Stormwater Grants Program.

Bloomington Farmers' Market Seeks Proposals from Prepared Food Vendors to Sell at Saturday Market in 2020

The Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department is seeking proposals from local businesses, organizations and individuals to manage all aspects of food and beverage artisan stands, or food truck/push cart vending stands, at the Bloomington Community Farmers' Market on Saturday mornings during the 2020 Market season.

Bloomington Parks Accepting Applications for Vendor Spaces at Summer Art Fairs

The Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department invites local and regional artists to apply to participate in the 2020 A Fair of the Arts, an art and fine craft fair held the second Saturdays of the summer season, May through October.

City’s Updated myBloomington Digital Service Expands Data and Access to Services for Residents

The City of Bloomington has updated its digital service known as “myBloomington,” available at, which offers City residents the opportunity to obtain information based on their street address.

Deadline for Nominations for 2020 Woman of the Year Award Extended to January 24

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women is seeking nominees for the 2020 Woman of the Year, Toby Strout Lifetime Contribution, Emerging Leader and Young Woman of the Year awards.

City To Mark New Chapter for Showers Kiln Building in New Trades District

The City of Bloomington Redevelopment Commission invites the press and public to an event marking the sale of the historic Kiln property in the City’s new Trades District and sharing plans for its development. 

Students to Reflect on “Black and Blooming” Theme for Black History Month Essay Contest

The City of Bloomington Black History Month Committee is seeking submissions from area students for the 2020 Black History Month Essay Contest.

Mayor Hamilton Shares Recommendation for Farmers’ Market with Board of Park Commissioners

The Board of Park Commissioners today received a statement from Mayor John Hamilton recommending that the City of Bloomington continue to operate the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market in 2020, with adjustments.

City Accepting Nominations for Be More Awards Honoring Volunteers

ity of Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton encourages community members and groups to nominate outstanding volunteers for the Be More Awards,  the community volunteer awards presented by the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network.