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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on May 7, 2020 at 6:22 pm

For more information, please contact

Yaël Ksander

Communications Director

(812) 349-3406



City Shares Health Update About First Family

Bloomington, Ind. - Mayor John Hamilton announced that he received a negative test result for COVID-19 today. Having self-quarantined since his wife Dawn Johnsen received a positive diagnosis on April 9, the mayor began experiencing flu-like symptoms several days ago and was tested April 18. Dawn Johnsen has been hospitalized since April 11 for COVID-19-related pneumonia and is expected to be discharged and return home soon. The mayor and his family members will continue to follow CDC protocols to protect the health of their family and the community. Since mid-March, the mayor has been practicing physical distancing and other recommended protocols and teleworking.

“Dawn and I could not be more grateful for the kindness our community has shown us in the past days, and the dedication of the healthcare workers who are putting themselves and their own families at risk to care for others,” said Mayor Hamilton.  “We will keep you posted on our progress. In the meantime, I also want to thank all my City colleagues who continue to work hard to deliver services and care for those most impacted by this health and economic crisis.”

The City of Bloomington during this public health emergency will continue to provide updates about confirmed cases among or affecting staff while protecting employees’ privacy. Since March 28, the City has announced two confirmed cases of COVID-19 among its staff.