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Page last updated on September 14, 2020 at 2:38 pm

For more information, please contact

Yaël Ksander

City of Bloomington Communications Director



CBU Employee is City’s First COVID-19 Case in Six Weeks

Bloomington, Ind. - An employee of the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) Engineering division received a positive COVID-19 viral test result September 10. Having self-isolated since first experiencing symptoms September 8, the employee was tested September 9 and has been placed on paid leave to recover. This positive COVID diagnosis is the first known case among City staff in six weeks. 

The City has completed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to identify co-workers with whom the employee may have interacted and prevent further viral transmission. The employee had been working remotely and does not regularly interact with the public in the course of their work. Also per CDC guidelines, the facilities, vehicles, and equipment that the employee came into contact with have been decontaminated.  

Today’s announcement marks the sixth reported COVID-19 diagnosis among CBU staff and the tenth among City staff; in addition, two Bloomington Transit employees reported a positive COVID-19 viral test result and one City employee reported a positive COVID-19 antibody test result. The City of Bloomington is committed to sharing information about how its operations and workforce are affected by this public health emergency, and will continue to provide updates about confirmed cases among staff while protecting employees’ privacy.