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Page last updated on September 7, 2021 at 1:52 pm

For more information, please contact

Yaël Ksander

Communications Director

City of Bloomington



Mayor Hamilton to Propose “Recovering Forward” in Thursday Remarks

Bloomington, Ind. - On Thursday, July 16, Mayor John Hamilton will present remarks about the range of challenges currently confronting the community and propose strategies for addressing them in a transformative way.  The mayor will offer his remarks in a video presentation available starting at 12 noon Thursday at the City’s Facebook page.  Titled “Recovering Forward,” the mayor’s public address will examine some critical issues at hand -- including the current public health crisis; racism, discrimination and inequity; the climate emergency; and the economic collapse.  The talk will explore various and integrated solutions so Bloomington can not only recover from these threats, but emerge as a more resilient, just, and sustainable community.  

The remarks are Hamilton’s fourth major address of the year, including the Inaugural Address of January 1, the  State of the City address February 18, and Ten Tough Weeks, a reflection on the community’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, presented May 22.  Follow the links to find the mayor’s statements about recent race-related incidents and COVID-19.  A complete list of Mayor Hamilton’s public remarks is available here.  



You can watch the full video at The full transcript is located at