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Page last updated on April 2, 2020 at 10:58 am

For more information, please contact

Adam Wason

Director, Department of Public Works

(812) 349-3410


Craig Shonkwiler

Transportation and Traffic Engineer

Department of Planning and Transportation

(812) 349-3598

Kirkwood and School Zone Enhancement Projects Get Earlier Start; Bike Lanes, Multi-use Paths, Traffic Calming Among Other Improvements Underway

Bloomington, Ind. - Road improvements and other public infrastructure projects will proceed on schedule and in several cases earlier than projected as a way of making use of currently underutilized streets and sidewalks.  While the Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order (Executive Order 20-08) restricts all but essential business and travel throughout the state until April 7 as a measure to limit the spread of COVID-19, public projects enhancing safety and transportation are among the essential activities permitted to proceed.  Several City-led projects have been pushed forward in consideration of the suspension of classes for the spring semester at Indiana University and MCCSC’s current contingency learning plan.   


Kirkwood Avenue Maintenance Project 

A project to repair crosswalks and install bollards on Kirkwood Avenue will begin six weeks ahead of schedule on or around April 1.  The project will replace the deteriorating brick crosswalks at each intersection and install removable bollard barriers to restrict traffic during street fairs and festivals.  Work will begin with the installation of a new north-south crosswalk on the west side of Indiana Avenue. At the same time, crosswalk replacement will begin at the intersection with Grant and possibly, Washington.  Throughout the project, traffic will be able to flow through the intersections not under construction. By mid-May, work is expected to proceed to the intersections at Dunn, Lincoln, and Walnut, opening up the intersections that have been completed.  After milling and paving the entire length of Kirkwood, the project is expected to be complete by the end of July. More information is available here.  


School Zone Enhancements Project 

While local schools are operating on a contingency learning plan, crosswalks normally used by children walking to and from school are being improved in anticipation of students’ return.  This project will install or improve school zones throughout the City. School zones will include signs and flashing beacons that alert drivers to reduced speed limits. The beacons will be active for a period of time before and after school near areas where students must cross a street. These enhancements are expected to be in place and operational before the beginning of the 2020-21 academic year.  More information is available here.


West Allen Traffic Calming Project

Construction has begun on a project to install three-speed humps on West Allen Street between Adams Street and Patterson Drive to reduce high traffic speeds recorded along this corridor. Two of the speed humps will serve as raised crosswalks to facilitate pedestrian access to the existing bus stops (one near Mother Hubbard's Cupboard and one near The Willows apartments) and the third will be located approximately midway between the two bus stops.  Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard remains open during construction, which is expected to last through the end of May.  During construction, all westbound traffic on this section of Allen Street is being detoured. The street will remain open to eastbound traffic throughout the project.  More information about the project is available here.   


Adams Street Sidewalk and Intersection Improvements Project

Work continues on a project to construct a sidewalk along the east side of South Adams Street from South Patterson Drive to West Kirkwood Avenue, along with the city’s first protected bicycle lanes on each side of the street.  The project also replaces the traffic signal equipment and implements lane changes at the intersection of Adams and Kirkwood. The project is designed to improve the safety of the intersection for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists.  Drivers should be attentive to lane changes and ongoing construction at the intersection. The project is scheduled for completion on June 1. More information about the project is available here.  


INDOT East Third Street Resurfacing/Reconfiguration Project                                                       

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has begun mobilizing onsite of a resurfacing/reconfiguration project on East Third Street between College Mall Road and State Road 446.  The project will include patching, milling and paving, and curb ramp replacement along the 1.4-mile section. Following paving, the roadway will be reconfigured between Clarizz Blvd. and S.R. 446 to include a center turn lane, with one travel lane in each direction. Bike lanes will also be incorporated on each side.  The changes are designed to improve safety by giving drivers a dedicated area from which to turn into the homes and businesses along this corridor.  Nighttime lane closures will be in effect during paving operations, with flaggers on-site to manage traffic. Temporary lane closures will occur during the day when curb work is in progress.  The project is scheduled to be completed by August 2020.  More information about the project is available through INDOT at or 1-855-463-6848. 


West Seventeenth Street Reconstruction Project

Work continues on the 17th Street Reconstruction Project to add pedestrian infrastructure and roadway improvements along this busy corridor.  Crews will finish concrete work, including approach aprons and driveway connections, and lay asphalt. This project has required a full closure of West 17th Street from the roundabout at Arlington Road to the Vernal Pike/17th Street overpass.  Residents are being apprised of construction details affecting local traffic by way of door hangers. All through traffic, including pedestrians, must use an alternate route due to safety concerns.  The tentative completion date for the 17th Street Reconstruction Project is June 14, weather permitting.  More information about the project can be found here.   


Winslow/Henderson Path and Intersection Improvements Project

Work continues on a project to construct a new multi-use path on the north side of East Winslow Road between South Walnut Street and South Henderson Street, and the east side of South Henderson Street from East Winslow Road to approximately 650 feet north of East Winslow Road.  The project includes intersection improvements for East Winslow Road at South Walnut Street Pike and short sidewalk connections to adjacent facilities as necessary. The intersection improvements are proposed in order to enhance safety at a location that has experienced numerous vehicular accidents. More information is available here.  The project is scheduled for completion on April 19.  


Winslow/Henderson/Rogers Multi-use Path Project

Tree removal has begun in anticipation of this project to construct a new multi-use path on the north side of Winslow Road from Henderson Street to Highland Avenue, on the east side of Henderson Street from from approximately 650 feet north of Winslow Road to Hillside Drive, and on Rogers Road from High Street to Stands Drive/Winding Brook Circle.  The Rogers Road portion of the project will provide an improved pedestrian crossing of Rogers Road at The Stands. Utility relocations are underway and are expected to be complete by the end of April or the beginning of May. Please consult the City’s engineering projects page for more information about the Winslow multi-use path, the Henderson Street multi-use path, or the Rogers Road multi-use path. The project is scheduled for completion on November 21.


Sare Road Multi-use Path and Intersection Improvements

Tree removal has begun in anticipation of this project to construct intersection improvements at the Sare Road-Moores Pike intersection and a multi-use path on the west side of Sare Road from approximately Cathcart Street to Buttonwood Lane.  The project is scheduled for completion on October 31, 2021. More information is available here.   

When encountering these improvement projects, drivers are asked to travel slowly, cautiously, and distraction-free through every construction zone for the safety of the workers.