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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on November 3, 2023 at 3:41 pm

For more information, please contact

Shawn Miya, Assistant Director of Sustainability, Department of Economic and Sustainable Development or 812-349-3418


Grant Funding Available to Neighborhoods Through the Sustainable Neighborhoods Grant Program

The City of Bloomington’s Department of Economic and Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Bloomington Commission on Sustainability (BCOS), is launching the Sustainable Neighborhoods Grant program to provide financial support for small-scale neighborhood projects that enhance residential capacity to support Bloomington’s community-wide climate action goals. 


The Sustainable Neighborhoods Grant will fund capital projects with community-wide benefits that increase neighborhood adoption of and resident engagement with sustainability practices. All projects awarded funding through the program will encourage neighborhood adoption of sustainability practices in line with Bloomington Climate Action Plan (CAP) strategies. The maximum funding award for each application is $1,000.


“We recognize the immediate and critical action we must take at all levels–from the international community to the individual–to address climate change. As a community we have taken bold steps to meet the goals in our Climate Action Plan, and this program further empowers residents to take action literally in their own backyards,” said Mayor John Hamilton. “Thanks to our staff in Economic and Sustainable Development and BCOS for this innovative grant program that encourages neighborhood residents to work together toward our common sustainability goals.”


Registered neighborhood associations; multifamily unit associations; civic or community service associations; education, ethnic, cultural or religious organizations; and designated non-profits are all eligible to apply for the Sustainable Neighborhoods Grant. In order to apply, applicants must select a designated neighborhood liaison through whom all project-related communications will flow. In order to receive funding, applicant organizations must demonstrate neighborhood support with a minimum of four households in the neighborhood who will benefit from the project. 


Projects should demonstrate environmental benefits in one or more of the following areas: transportation and land use, energy and the built environment, waste management, water and wastewater, local food and agriculture, health and safety, or greenspace and ecosystem health. Examples may include the development of a neighborhood community garden, starting a neighborhood composting collection, group purchasing of electric lawn equipment, or hosting an educational workshop for the neighborhood on a sustainability topic of your choice. Projects are not pre-determined by the City, but applicants will be asked to identify which CAP goals their project supports and elaborate on its benefits in their application. 


The program does not require a funding match to participate, and grants are disbursed on a reimbursement basis. Neighborhood liaisons will be required to submit proof of project completion, along with documentation that qualifies as proof of purchase in order to receive the grant funding. If a participating entity is unable to afford the project costs for reimbursement, they may submit a form to the City to be considered for up-front payment rather than a reimbursement. 


Interested neighborhoods are invited to apply starting November 10, and should apply via the Department of Economic and Sustainable Development’s grant portal at Once your application has been received, you will receive confirmation of its receipt and City staff and BCOS members will conduct a thorough review of your application to make a funding decision. The review process may take up to 8 weeks. Applications will remain open until funding runs out. 


For more information on the program and how to apply, please visit Questions can be sent to