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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on January 19, 2024 at 4:07 pm

For more information, please contact

Crystal Ritter, Interim Director of Public Engagement, Office of the Mayor or 812-349-3406

Mayor Thomson Announces Board And Commission Appointments

Before taking office, Mayor Kerry Thomson put out a call to the community, asking residents to get involved in their local government by volunteering to serve on City boards and commissions. The community has answered that call, and today Thomson is pleased to announce her appointments to the following boards and commissions.


Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association

Philip Amerson

Chris Cockerham

Virginia Githiri

Mike Hover

Jane Kupersmith

Heather Robinson


Board of Public Safety

Philip Amerson

Jon Barada

Barbara McKinney

Maqubé Reese


Board of Public Works

James Roach


Capital Improvement Board

Jay Baer

Adam Thies


Plan Commission 

Chris Cockerham

Chris Smith


Redevelopment Commission

Deborah Hutton

Sue Sgambelluri

John West


“As we work to build an even better Bloomington, bringing new voices and different perspectives to the table is essential to our future success,” added Thomson. “I am grateful to the many residents who have stepped up to serve our community in this way and look forward to their contributions to our community.”


Residents interested in serving on one of the City’s many boards and commissions, may explore the various opportunities and submit applications by visiting onBoard, the City’s board and commission dashboard.