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City Receives Award for New Playground at Third Street Park

[Playful kids are invited to Design Day to draw their dream playgrounds and offer ideas for new play equipment at Third Street Park|image:8586,right]

March 21, 2011

For more information contact
Mick Renneisen, Director, City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, (812) 349-3711 or [|]

Bloomington, Ind. - The City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, in partnership with The Bloomington Project School, was selected by Indiana University Health and non-profit KaBOOM! to participate in a community-build playground project. The playground at [Third Street Park|292] was selected for the project.

Design Day, scheduled for March 24 at the [Allison-Jukebox Community Center,|allison-jukebox] 351 S. Washington St., is the kickoff for the Third Street Park playground project. Area play experts-namely, kids-are invited to participate in Design Day from 3 - 4 p.m. Children will put crayon to paper and draw their dream playgrounds, which will ultimately become reality. Playful grownups are invited from 4 - 7 p.m. to find out more about the project, volunteer to help during the work days to prepare for and install the new playground, and help develop a "wish list" of playground equipment.

"I want to thank Indiana University Health and KaBOOM! for providing this great opportunity to the community," said Mayor Mark Kruzan. "Bloomington is lucky to have organizations who are active contributors to the quality of life of residents, especially our future generations."

The Project School, whose students spend their recess time at Third Street Park, is eager to see playground changes that will enhance their students' enjoyment of the partk as well as make the area appealing for neighborhood residents and park users.

"Writing the KaBOOM! playground grant, in partnership with Bloomington Parks and Recreation and the Bloomington Boys and Girls Club was an absolute dream come true. As we have worked the last four years to create the school of our dreams, we are thrilled to work in partnership to now create the community playground of our dreams. Supporting new options for play for this community is a joy to all at BPS," said Cathy Diersing, School Leader at The Project School.

KaBOOM!, a national non-profit dedicated to saving play, collaborated with Indiana University Health to select an Indiana community to receive a new playground. According to a statement from KaBOOM!, Third Street Park was identified as the best match for the KaBOOM! mission and the IU Health community development goals.

The Third Street Park playground will be constructed following the KaBOOM! community-build model-much like an old-fashioned barn raising-that is designed to both build a playground and strengthen the community.

The Third Street Park playground Build Day is Friday, May 20. Numerous communityi volunteers are needed to serve on planning committees that include recruiting additional volunteers, involving local youth, providing food, assisting with logistics, and safety and maintenance. To sign up to volunteer fo rhte playground project, contact Kim Ecenbarger, Special Services Coordinator, Bloomington parks and Recreation Departmenht, at 349-3739 or via e-mail at [|].

For more information about the Third Street Park playground, contact project manager Dave Williams at 349-3706 or via e-mail at [|].
