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Wininger/Stolberg Group donates trail, greenspace to Bloomington Parks Foundation

October 6, 2011

For more information contact
Mick Renneisen, Director, City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, (812) 349-3700 or [|]


Bloomington, IN - The Wininger/Stolberg Group, in partnership with the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, donated 7 acres of land and a 4/10-mile trail to the [Bloomington Parks Foundation|parkfoundation] Thursday.

[See photos from the donation ceremony.|]

The donated land connects tot he nine-acre [Southeast Park,|Southeast Park] located just south of Moores Pike at 1600 Sycamore Ct. The Wininger/Stolberg group also made some improvments to Southeast Park, including paving the existing sidewalk and gravel path through the park, building a new parking area next tothe Southeast Park shelter, and paving the entrance drive from Sycamore Court to the shelter parking area.

[(L to R) Eric Stolberg presents Mick Renneisen, Maria Heslin and Les Coyne with a deed for land containing the Renwick Trail, to be added to Southeast Park.|image:10246,right]About 30 people, many of whom are residents of the Renwick community, attended the donation ceremony. Wininger/Stolberg Property Group presdient Eric Stolberg presented Deputy Mayor Maria Heslin, Bloomington Parks and Recreation Deparmtent director Mick Renneisen, and Bloomington Parks Foundation representative Les Coyne with a stylized deed for the land and associated improvments, which are valued at more than $420,000.

Heslin commended the Wininger/Stolberg team for recognizing the value of the donated land as greenspace for the use of the entire community.

"The greenspace and trail you are gifting to the Bloomington Parks Foundation today is truly an oingoing gift for future generations of Bloomingtonians," she said.

The paved trail along a fork of Jackson Creek is named the Renwick Trail. The trail is part of the Community of Renwick's 4.45 miles of sidewalks and trail paths meant to foster a walkable community. As a result of the expansion and improvements to Sourtheast Park, the surrounding neighborhoods and the Bloomington community have more opportunity to enjoy additional bike and pedestrian trails.

[Download a map of the Renwick Trail|file:renwicktrailmap.pdf] and walking and biking routes through the Renwick neighborhood.
