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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on September 25, 2017 at 10:01 am

For more information, please contact

Vickie Provine, Program Manager, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development,, 812-349-3505

“Takin’ it to the Streets” Project in Broadview Neighborhood September 30

“Takin’ it to the Streets,” a one-day neighborhood enhancement project, will focus on the Broadview neighborhood on Saturday, September 30. Neighbors, city employees and volunteers will work together removing refuse, trimming vegetation, installing smoke alarms, distributing information, and clearing street drains among other efforts. City of Bloomington employees from the Office of the Mayor, Housing and Neighborhood Development, Public Works, Community and Family Resources, Planning and Transportation, Police and Fire Departments, Parks and Recreation, and City of Bloomington Utilities, as well as local volunteers, will be in the neighborhood from 8:00 a.m. to noon next Saturday, September 30. Services will focus on a targeted area of the Broadview neighborhood.

“This quick, targeted neighborhood enhancement effort is something we haven’t tried before. We will try it out in Broadview, evaluate the quality and usefulness of the program and then see if it makes sense to do it in additional locations. I appreciate the input and feedback from the neighbors as we planned this event and will certainly look forward to learning more during and after the work morning is over,” Mayor John Hamilton commented.

“Takin’ it to the Streets” is a City and neighborhood partnership. Denise Valkyrie, president of the Broadview Neighborhood Association, stated, “As a community it would be very difficult to do anything at all without our wonderful civil servants and dedicated public officials and employees. I want to urge Broadview neighbors to join Mayor Hamilton and representatives from City of Bloomington Departments at the shelter house to ask questions and give suggestions. I believe that Bloomington serves as a fine example of the partnership that should exist between community and government. The Broadview Neighborhood Association is pleased to partner with the Mayor’s Office and our fine city departments and agencies for this pilot program.”

The program was initiated by Deputy Mayor Mick Renneisen after he attended a conference in Louisville, KY where they had implemented the “Building our Blocks” program. The Housing and Neighborhood Development Department is organizing “Takin’ it to the Streets” based on the Louisville model.