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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on August 17, 2023 at 1:28 pm

Since inception, the LMC has engaged in numerous activities and projects in support of its mission and by-laws. Among the most notable:

The LMC established and endeavors to maintain standard operating procedures for both treatment plants.

The LMC has conducted numerous surveys of plant employees, to determine their satisfaction with the work of the committee and to solicit suggestions for improvement.

The LMC established a subcommittee structure within which all employees are required to serve in at least one capacity.

The LMC established a process for issuing Plant Operation Policy Statements covering matters such as financial support for training and maintaining effective shift procedures.

The LMC holds an annual meeting and training retreat, to build committee skills and discuss goals for the future.

The LMC has sponsored employee recognition events such as an annual picnic and a tenth anniversary celebration.

The LMC, through its Safety/Training Subcommittee, has become significantly more involved in identifying and conducting a variety of programs to improve overall conditions at the treatment plants.

The LMC meets on a regular basis with CBUD engineering staff, to discuss and resolve operations and maintenance issues.

The LMC has successfully initiated numerous cost-saving projects related to overall treatment plant operations.

The LMC has established ongoing channels of communication with the Utilities Service Board and other City officials.