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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on May 4, 2023 at 10:30 am

For more information, please contact

Andrew Krebbs, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor or 812-349-3406




City Reports Three New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Bloomington, Ind. – Three City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the December 22 update, including one Department of Public Works (DPW) employee and two City Hall employees. 


Details of the case are as follows: 


  • A DPW employee tested positive since the last update. The exact date was unavailable at the time of this release. Close contacts have or are being contacted.


  • One City Hall employee started experiencing symptoms on December 23 and received a positive COVID-19 test result on December 24. Close contacts have or are being contacted.


  • A second City Hall employee started experiencing symptoms on December 23 and received a positive COVID-19 test result on December 24. There were no close contacts.


To date, 505 positive COVID-19 viral test results have been reported since the start of the pandemic by City workers, including those employed by the municipal corporations that operate the water utility (CBU), transit system (Bloomington Transit), and public housing (Bloomington Housing Authority). Additionally, COVID-19 was listed among the causes of death of one City worker.  


This will be the last weekly press release reporting employee cases, but the online dashboard will continue to be updated weekly. The COVID-19 Dashboard with data about cases among City employees in the county, the state, and the nation are available at


City of Bloomington Utilities continues its weekly COVID-19 wastewater sampling program. While it is presently in the early stages of development, wastewater sampling has been proposed as a future “early warning” methodology. As of December 15, the most recent date for which data is available, sample concentrations were 1008 gene copies/100mL at the Dillman plant and 83088 gene copies/100mL at the Blucher Poole plant. Sampling data is available at


The City of Bloomington is committed to sharing information about how its operations and workforce are affected by this public health emergency and will continue to provide weekly updates about confirmed cases among staff while protecting employees’ privacy.


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