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2022 News Releases

CBU Logo

City of Bloomington Utilities 2022 Sewer and Stormwater Rate Case Approved

The City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) received approval for an updated rate for sewer and stormwater services from the Bloomington Common Council and Utilities Service Board. The new rates will support continued improvements to the wastewater plants as well as accelerated infrastructure replacements. The average CBU customer should expect a monthly increase of less than $6 on their bill.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Three New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Three City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the December 22 update, including one Department of Public Works (DPW) employee and two City Hall employees. 

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Centerstone Job Placement Partnership with Public Works

In the last video update in 2022, Mayor John Hamilton and Department of Public Works Director Adam Wason continue the discussion about the City’s employment placement initiative with Centerstone. 

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Human Rights Campaign Perfect Score

In this week's video update, Deputy Mayor Don Griffin and Human Rights Director/Assistant City Attorney Barbara McKinney discuss the City’s recent eighth perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Index. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor Hamilton Vetoes Resolution 22-20 - A Resolution Responding to Monroe County Board of Commissioners Ordinance 2022-46

This afternoon, Mayor Hamilton submitted the following veto message to members of the Common Council and City Clerk's Office.

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Centerstone Job Placement Partnership with Parks and Recreation

In this week's video update, Mayor John Hamilton and Parks and Recreation Director Paula McDevitt discuss the City's employment placement partnership with Centerstone.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Five New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Five City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the December 15 update, including one Department of Public Works (DPW) employee, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, and three City Hall employees.

Macro photo of a snowflake on top of snow on a dark blue background

Cold Weather Safety and Resources

In anticipation of inclement weather later this week, including precipitation and single-digit temperatures, the City of Bloomington advises residents for their safety to avoid prolonged outdoor exposure and to check on older family members and neighbors often to ensure their safety.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City as “Employer of Choice” Launches New 2023 Employee Benefits and Adds Two Pilot Programs: Parental Leave and CDL Training

Eligible City of Bloomington employees may soon participate in two new pilot programs in addition to receiving extensive new and ongoing benefits in 2023. The new pilot programs include six weeks paid parental leave and paid Commercial Driver’s License training. 

Stop sign against bright blue sky.

New All-way Stop at Maxwell and Sheridan

As of today, Monday, December 19, The City of Bloomington has converted the Maxwell Lane and Sheridan Road intersection from a two-way stop-controlled intersection (with stop signs on Sheridan only) into an all-way stop-controlled intersection. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Eleven New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Eleven City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the December 8 update, including three Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees, three Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, two Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees, and three City Hall employees (including Mayor Hamilton).

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor Hamilton Appoints Mary Catherine Carmichael as Deputy Mayor and Kaisa Goodman as Public Engagement Director; Emily Fields as Interim HR Director

Mayor John Hamilton announced today the appointment of Mary Catherine Carmichael to the position of Deputy Mayor and Kaisa Goodman as Public Engagement Director for the City of Bloomington. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Statement from Mayor Hamilton Regarding Convention Center Expansion

Mayor John Hamilton has issued the following statement regarding the Convention Center expansion ahead of the City Council’s special session on December 14.

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Bloomington Fire Department's New Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program

Each week, Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin provide video updates on recent news and key initiatives. Access all of the weekly video updates at

Mockup of ParkMobile App on an iphone on top of a blue background

New ParkMobile Enhancements and Upgrades Announced

The City of Bloomington Parking Services is excited to introduce a new parking feature for ParkMobile users. Users can now pre-set the amount of time they want to park and can stop the parking session when desired. Duration of a parking session can easily be managed directly in the app and from a phone. The completely digital process puts parkers in charge of parking time. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Eight New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Eight City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the December 1 update, including two Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees, one Utilities (CBU) employee, one City Hall employee, and four Bloomington Transit (BT) employees.

Bloomington gateways schematic design by Rundell Ernstberger Associates

City Seeks Input on Proposed Designs for Bicentennial Gateways

Concepts to be unveiled at public open house Dec. 15 from 6-7 p.m. at City Hall

City Logo Thumbnail

City Commission on the Status of Women Seeks Nominations for Annual Awards

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women is seeking nominees for the 2023 Woman of the Year, Toby Strout Lifetime Contribution, Emerging Leader, and Young Woman of the Year awards. The deadline for submission of nominations for 2023 is Friday, January 20, 2023. Otherwise, nominations for these awards are accepted throughout the year. The 2023 awards will be presented during the Women’s History Month Luncheon in March 2023. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

New Public Wi-Fi Access in Peoples Park and Waldron, Hill & Buskirk Park

As part of continuing efforts to improve digital equity in our community, the City of Bloomington Information & Technology Services Department (ITS) is pleased to announce public Wi-Fi in two City parks, with work currently underway in three more. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Four New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Four City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the November 23 update, including two Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees, one Utilities (CBU) employee, and one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee.

A dog with its tongue out sitting on a gray bench wearing a santa hat.

Park Celebrations for People and Dogs; Giving Opportunities Throughout the Community; and Skating with Santa

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage, socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City and AFSCME Reach Agreement on Union Member Salaries and Benefits

The City of Bloomington and Local 2487 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) (AFL-CIO Council 962) have reached an agreement on the terms of a contract that will govern salaries and benefits for union members for the next four years. 

Image of the Human Rights Campaign's MEI 2022 Report

City of Bloomington Earns Eighth Perfect Score on Human Rights Campaign Index

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation (, in partnership with the Equality Federation (, has announced that Bloomington has again been awarded a perfect score on the annual Municipal Equality Index (MEI). Now in its eleventh year, the index of 506 cities nationwide uses 49 criteria to evaluate how inclusive a city’s laws, policies, and services are of the LGBTQ+ people who live and work there. Bloomington was one of 120 cities in the U.S. to earn a perfect score this year, up from 110 cities last year. 

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: New Public Safety Investments

In today's video update, Mayor Hamilton discusses the new proposed public safety investments with Deputy Mayor Griffin. Yesterday, the City announced plans for $34 million in new investments in public safety including the issuance of $29.5 million in general revenue bonds to fund the projects. Details are available online at  

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Statement from Mayor Hamilton Regarding Today’s Announcement From Catalent

City Logo Thumbnail

Holiday Season Brings Winter Wonderland to Banneker, Opportunities to Give and Volunteer

The City of Bloomington invites area children, together with their families, to a Winter Wonderland celebration at the Banneker Community Center (930 West Seventh Street) on Saturday, December 10 from noon to 3 p.m. The free event will feature seasonal activities including arts and crafts, cookie decoration, holiday carols, free photos with Santa, and a toy giveaway. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Kiln Collective Acquires Showers Kiln Building and Prepares for Redevelopment

On November 28, 2022, the City of Bloomington Redevelopment Commission and the Kiln Collective closed the sale of the Showers Brothers Furniture Factory Kiln Building at 642 N Madison Street, setting the stage for redevelopment of the historic structure.

A Bloomington Transit bus stuffed with toys and clothes. Clothes are hanging from handle bars and toys fill the walkway.

Bloomington Transit Celebrates 23 Year Anniversary of Stuff-A-Bus

To mark the 23rd anniversary of the Stuff-A-Bus, Bloomington Transit will partner with Hoosier Country 105.1 and B97, with all donations going to the Monroe County Indiana Department of Child Services to help make the holidays merrier for children and families in need in our community.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Announces Investments Planned for Public Safety

The City of Bloomington has announced plans for $34 million in new investments in public safety including the issuance of $29.5 million in general revenue bonds to fund the projects.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Four New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Four City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the November 17 update, including three Public Works (DPW) employees and one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee.

North shore of Griffy Lake with hardwood trees with no leaves, lake in foreground

Griffy Lake Nature Preserve Re-opens Following Two, Two-Day Deer Hunts

Two, temporary weekend-long closures held in November to facilitate annual deer hunt.

Convention Center

City Outlines Paths For Convention Center Expansion

The City of Bloomington has released a memo outlining options for a 501c3 nonprofit organization and a Capital Improvement Board (CIB) for the Convention Center expansion.

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Thanksgiving Message

In this week’s video update Mayor Hamilton offers a Thanksgiving message to residents and provides an update on a few upcoming events and free parking details.

4th Street Public Art

City Offers Free On-Street Parking For Thanksgiving Weekend and in City Garages Saturdays During December

The City of Bloomington will offer free parking on the street downtown and in City garages from Thursday, November 24 through Sunday, November 27, recognizing the Thanksgiving holiday and Small Business Saturday, a day to celebrate Bloomington’s small businesses and their contribution to our community.  

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Showers Plaza To Be Renamed Fernandez Plaza in Honor of John Fernandez, Former Mayor of Bloomington

Mayor John Hamilton will dedicate Showers Plaza as the Fernandez Plaza during the annual Holiday Market. Logo

City of Bloomington and Fellows Launch CiviForm Benefit Application Portal

The City of Bloomington is pleased to announce the public launch of three online applications made available through the innovative collaboration between Bloomington's Information & Technology Services Department (ITS) and to deploy the CiviForm platform. CiviForm is an open-source tool originally developed by the City of Seattle with support from Fellows to simplify and centralize online applications for government assistance. Bloomington is the second city after Seattle to deploy the CiviForm system. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Two New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Two City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the November 10 update, including one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee and one Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employee.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor Hamilton Announces Plans for 2023

Tune in to Mayor John Hamilton as he announces his plans for 2023. Mayor Hamilton will not seek a third term.

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Dillman Road Wastewater Plant Modernization Project

Join Mayor Hamilton and City of Bloomington Utilities Director Vic Kelson as they discuss the recent modernization project at Dillman Road Wastewater Plant and its recent 40th Anniversary.

Katie Rodriguez with student winner in council chambers.

Bloomington Recognizes Students Who Act Generously, Grow, and Earn Respect with annual S.W.A.G.G.E.R Awards

Tuesday evening in a ceremony at City Hall, seven young nominees won S.W.A.G.G.E.R (Students Who Act Generously, Grow, and Earn Respect) Awards. They were selected from among 17 impressive young people, all of whom were recognized for their meaningful and generous acts.  

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions:

City Logo Thumbnail

Organizations Invited to Apply for Downtown Outreach Grants

The City of Bloomington invites 501(c)(3) organizations to apply for City funding for projects that will improve the human condition of Bloomington residents who are unhoused or who are in jeopardy of becoming homeless. 

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Be a Climate Champion–Mow Mulching

Join Mayor Hamilton as he demonstrates the easiest way to get rid of the fall leaves in your yard. The finely chopped leaves decompose and return nutrients back to the soil.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Seven New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Seven City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the November 3 update, including one Utilities (CBU) employee, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, two Public Works (DPW) employees, and three Bloomington Transit (BT) employees.

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Convention Center Expansion

Join Mayor Hamilton and Public Engagement Director Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss a path forward for a convention center expansion.

Ground fire through dead leaves in hardwood forest at Griffy Lake in spring 2020

Prescribed Burn, Deer Hunts to Improve Plant Diversity at Griffy Lake Nature Preserve

Griffy Lake is closed Nov. 9, and the weekends of Nov. 12-13 and Nov. 19-20.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports One New COVID-19 Employee Case

One City worker has reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the October 27 update, including one Utilities (CBU) employee.

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Citywide High-Speed Internet Access

oin Mayor Hamilton and GigabitNow/Isofusion CEO Stephen Milton as they discuss high-speed internet access to all of Bloomington as part of the Meridiam/Hoosier Network's $50-million-plus fiber-network project.

four service members wearing runner's bibs for Veterans 5K. One member holding a leash to white and brown dog.

Gather ‘round the Table for Accessibility; Visit the Holiday Market; Sign up for Veteran’s 5k; and Get a Free Well Check

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage, socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Gasoline Leak Identified as Hydrocarbon Odor Source

Early Monday evening, the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) issued a statement regarding hydrocarbon odors coming from the sewage flowing to the Dillman Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. A thorough search was conducted and determined the smell resulted from a release of gasoline fuel into the sanitary and storm sewer near a Marathon Gas Station located at 1307 West Third Street.  

Hopewell logo on rendering of street scene

Progress on Hopewell Neighborhood Moves Bloomington Toward Greater Diversity, Sustainability, and Affordability

On Friday, Hopewell Steering Committee co-chairs Mayor Hamilton and Vi Simpson, along with members, and city staff received updates in a Hopewell Steering Committee meeting on the Hopewell Neighborhood project. Progress continues, with Phase 1 East demolition and site restoration that began in late August now complete. Material haul-off for recycling and disposal took place over a few weeks in September and October. The Hopewell Phase 1 East project site is bounded by 2nd Street to the north, 1st Street to the south, B-Line to the east, and Rogers Street to the west. 

Trahan Report Mockup

City of Bloomington Releases Arts Feasibility Study Report

The City of Bloomington, in partnership with Trahan Architects, has released recommendations to advance the arts across the city. The study was recommended by the 2021 Waldron Recommendations Task Force and was part of the Recover Forward initiative to help the community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Trahan coordinated a Study Team to investigate the need for a new facility to accommodate the City’s burgeoning arts community and explore potential non-facility-based programs and initiatives to develop Bloomington as a purpose-built arts community.

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Community Criminal Justice

Each week, Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin provide video updates on recent news and key initiatives. In today's video update, Mayor Hamilton discusses community criminal justice with Deputy Mayor Griffin. Deputy Mayor Griffin recently authored an op-ed published in Wednesday's online edition of the Herald-Times.

Logo on Pink Background

Emergency Reproductive Health Care Grant Applications Available

On August 5, 2022, the Indiana General Assembly and Governor Holcomb enacted Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), which came into effect on September 15. This law bans nearly all abortions in the state and requires any abortions allowed under the law’s very narrow exceptions to be performed in hospitals or ambulatory outpatient surgical centers that are hospital-owned, rather than in the clinics in which the vast majority of abortions have been safely performed in the state for decades.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Four New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Four City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the October 20 update, including one City Hall employee, one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee, one Utilities (CBU) employee, and one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee.

The right photo is looking southwest from the intersection of 2nd and Morton Street, there is a cleared site with exposed earth and the same equipment as the left photo working in the middle ground, the legacy hospital is shown in the background.

New Paving on the Square; Continuation of the 17th Street Multiuse Path; and Final Project Update of the Season

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors.  As we enter the colder weather seasons, projects and improvements wind down. This is the final update of the season. We will resume this weekly communication in the spring. Please watch for the monthly event and program updates and take advantage of all that Bloomington has to offer. 

A video of Mayor Hamilon and Deputy Mayor Griffin on a laptop

Video Update: Bicentennial Bonds

In today's video update, Mayor Hamilton discusses the Bicentennial Bonds with Operations and Development Division Director Tim Street for Bloomington Parks and Recreation.

Man sitting at drum set on Switchyard Park stage with green hills in the background

Musical Acts Invited to Apply to Perform in Parks and Recreation's 2023 Summer Concert Series

Applications accepted online through Jan. 13, 2023.

City Logo Thumbnail

City’s Commission on the Status of Children and Youth Call for 2022 SWAGGER Nominations

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Children and Youth (CSCY) is seeking nominations for the 2022 SWAGGER (Students Who Act Generously, Grow, and Earn Respect) Awards. Effective nominees have taken action that enhances the lives around them through generous acts, personal growth, and the promotion of respect. We seek nominations from educators, neighbors, friends, relatives, and clergy of students who live or attend school within the Monroe County Community School Corporation area.

Mockup of the Climate Action Plan Progress Report on light gray background

2022 Climate and Sustainability Progress Report Presented to Council

Assistant Director of Sustainability Lauren Clemens provided the community and members of the City Council with an update on October 19 concerning the progress toward achieving community climate and sustainability goals.

Phone mockup with video of Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin

Video Update: Climate Action Plan

Each week, Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin provide video updates on recent news and key initiatives. In today's video, Mayor Hamilton discusses the Climate Action Plan with Assistant Director of Sustainability Lauren Clemens.

Hidden River Pathway Project Logo on a Dark blue background.

Hidden River Pathway Project Substantially Completed Ahead of Schedule

Four months ahead of schedule and on budget, the Hidden River Pathway Project is substantially complete. A reconstruction project of the downtown stormwater infrastructure from 2nd & Washington upstream/northeast to 4th & Grant launched by the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) in February 2021 was contracted with Milestone Contractors, LLP. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Two New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Two City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the October 13 update, including one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee and one Utilities (CBU) employee.

Photo shows a red barn at Goat Farm Park, with six people sitting on the roof and scraping off black shingles to reveal light colored decking beneath.

Water Main Replacement, Playground Progress, and a New Barn Roof

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

Two men, one kneeling and one standing, use an orange vacuum hose to clear water pipes.

City Announces Seasonal Water Shutoff Timeline for City Parks

Water service must be shut off prior to the onset of freezing temperatures to prevent damage.

Floating laptop with open data portal website displayed on a light gray background

City’s Data Portal and Dashboards Named in Best of Indiana Awards for Best Application Serving the Public

The City of Bloomington has been awarded the 2022 Best of Indiana Award for Best Application Serving the Public at the local government level for its updated data portal and new dashboards, which went live in 2021 at

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions

Fall leaves in orange, brown, red and green laying on top of green grass

Fall and Winter Tips: Options for Leaves, and Keeping Sidewalks and Storm Drains Clear

As the seasons change, the City of Bloomington reminds residents of the options for handling fallen leaves at their property and requests residents’ assistance in keeping storm drains clear of leaves and debris, and adjacent sidewalks free of leaves, snow, and ice. Starting Monday, November 14, the City offers residential leaf collection and curbside leaf vacuuming.

Image shows a sedan drives south on Grant between Longfei Restaurant and Soma Coffeehouse. Fall leaves line the sidewalk.

Grant Street Reopens From Hidden River Construction; More Trees are Planted; and Neighborhood Greenway Public Meetings are Scheduled

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Three New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Three City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the October 6 update, including one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee, one City Hall employee, and one Utilities (CBU) employee.

City Logo Thumbnail

Gather ‘round the Table for an Accessible Journey: Traveling With a Disability

The City of Bloomington Council for Community Accessibility (CCA) will be hosting Gather ‘round the Table for an Accessible Journey on Monday, November 7, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Monroe Convention Center. Please join us as we explore this year’s theme, traveling with a disability. Registration to attend the event is available at

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Indiana Supreme Court Hands Bloomington Legal Victory in City of Bloomington v. Guenther

This past May, the Indiana Court of Appeals issued a ruling in Bloomington v. Guenther and agreed with the City that under state law (a) otherwise qualified residents need not affiliate with a political party to serve on the Bloomington Plan Commission, reflecting all residents’ shared interest in the City’s development, and (b) Mayor John Hamilton was the only person empowered in this case to fill the vacant plan commission seat.

Front of the Waldron Center

Community Invited to Attend Waldron Arts Center Reopening Celebration on Thursday, October 13

The City of Bloomington and Constellation Stage & Screen will celebrate the reopening of the John Waldron Arts Center on Thursday, October 13 from 5-7 p.m. The facility has been closed since July 1, 2022, when Constellation, an organization that formed as a merger of Cardinal Stage, Bloomington Playwrights Project, and Pigasus Institute, took on the management of the Waldron Arts Center and initiated a series of interior renovations. 

Phone mockup with video of Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin

Video Update: 2023 City Budget Part Two

Each week, Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin provide video updates on recent news and key initiatives. Tune in as Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Don Griffin discuss the 2023 city budget ahead of tonight's City Council meeting and provide updates since last week's meeting. 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering speech in Washington DC

City’s King Commission Seeks Nominees for Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award

The City of Bloomington Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission ( is seeking nominations for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award. The award recognizes and affirms those who have made significant contributions in the areas of race relations, justice, and human rights and is presented annually at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration in January.  

Phone mockup with video of Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin

Video Update: Hoosier Networks Fiber-Network with Meridiam CEO Nicolas Rubio

Each week, Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin provide video updates on recent news and key initiatives. In today's video, Mayor Hamilton discusses the Hoosier Networks Fiber-Network with Meridiam USA CEO Nicolas Rubio.

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day and 10.10.22 text on a teal background.

City of Bloomington Recognizes Indigenous Peoples Day

Indigenous Peoples Day honors the Native or Indigenous Peoples of North America in all their diversity and complexity. While not a federal holiday, it is celebrated by more than a dozen states and more than 130 cities. In 2018, Mayor Hamilton proclaimed October 8 as Indigenous Peoples' Day (, making Bloomington the first city in Indiana to recognize the important day.

Phone mockup with video of Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin

Video Update: Regional Climate Convening

Each week, Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Griffin provide video updates on recent news and key initiatives. In today's video, Mayor Hamilton discusses the Regional Climate Convening with Economic & Sustainability Development Director Alex Crowley.

A bright blue pumpkin with a navy blue city of bloomington logo on a dark gray backdrop

2022 Halloween Trick-or-Treat Hours for Bloomington

The City of Bloomington trick-or-treat hours for 2022 have been set for Monday, October 31 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., rain or shine.  

Three City workers in reflective safety vests install an ADA-compliant curb ramp on S Walnut Street Pike.

Traffic Calming Measures Continue; New Playground Installation Begins at the Waldron, Hill and Buskirk Park; and Smith Road is Resurfaced

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Three New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Three City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the September 29 update, including one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee, one Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employee, and one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee.

Climate Convening logo on a dark gra blue background with the logos of Columbus and Bloomington

First Regional Climate Convening Assembled To Discuss and Address Climate Change

On Tuesday, October 4, Mayors of Bloomington and Columbus, John Hamilton and Jim Lienhoop, hosted a Regional Climate Convening to bring together about 100 critical players from Bartholomew, Brown, and Monroe Counties, from the private, nonprofit. educational, and government sectors. The goal was to address the shared challenge that is climate change and explore preparation, adaptation, and mitigation measures. 

City Logo Thumbnail

Call for Presenters for 2022 Young Women’s Leadership Summit

The City of Bloomington Safe and Civil City Program (SCCP) and Young Women's Leadership Summit (YWLS) committee invite proposals from prospective speakers for the Fourth Annual Young Women’s Leadership Summit. The dates of the summit are Thursday, November 3 at Bloomington North High School and Thursday, November 10 at Bloomington South High School.

Network cables and optic fibers on bright blue background

Community Invited to Celebrate Launch of Hoosier Networks Fiber-Network Project

Hoosier Networks, LLC the fiber network utility provider established by Meridiam, plans to break ground on the transformational $50-million-plus network this month bringing high-speed internet access to all of Bloomington. GigabitNow will deliver fiber-based broadband services when construction is completed to the first residents at the end of January 2023.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

October Brings Bugs, Pumpkins, and Adoptable Dogs!

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage, socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

Behind a construction fence demolition materials are being salvaged and placed in an industrial recycling truck.

Work Begins on Goat Farm Native Prairie; City Accessibility Increases with ADA-compliant Curbs; Hopewell Demolition Materials are Recycled

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Two New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Two City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the September 22 update, including one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee and one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee.

Close up of solar panels

Bloomington Designated “SolSmart Gold” for Advancing Solar Energy Growth

Bloomington has received a Gold designation from the national SolSmart program ( for advancing the growth of solar energy across Bloomington. This designation recognizes the City of Bloomington for taking steps that make it faster, easier, and more affordable for local homes and businesses to go solar by increasing education and awareness of solar energy. Achievement of the SolSmart Gold designation is a goal of both Bloomington’s Climate and Sustainability Action Plans. 

A man kneels in shallow water in a swimming pool to support a child who is learning to float

Bloomington Parks & Recreation Joins Biden-Harris Administration in Recognizing Parks Role in Impacting Public Health

On Wednesday, September 28, the Biden-Harris Administration will host the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.

Bloomington transit Logo on green background

Bloomington Transit Celebrates 40 Years of Service and Thanks Bloomington With a Day of Free Ridership

Bloomington Public Transportation Corporation (BPTC), which has been in operation since 1982, will celebrate 40 years of serving the Bloomington community on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at the downtown transit facility located at 301 North Walnut Street. John Connell, BPTC General Manager, will open the event, followed by guest speakers Mayor John Hamilton,  BPTC Board of Directors James McLary, and Bloomington Common Council President Susan Sandberg.  

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Four New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Four City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the September 15 update, including one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, one City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) employee, one Public Works (DPW) employee, and one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee.

Meridiam and Bloomington Graphic

Bloomington Updates Meridiam Open-Access Fiber-Network Project

Since Meridiam announced its plans in May 2022 to bring high-speed internet access to all of Bloomington, the City of Bloomington and Meridiam have activated the operations phase of this transformational project.

Sidewalk construction near Bloomington Community Orchard

Bloomington Community Orchard Becomes More Accessible; Crestmont Traffic is Calmed; and Hopewell Demolition Continues

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve as Alternate on Board of Zoning Appeals and Parking Commission

CALEA logo on dark blue background of police vehicle

Bloomington Police Awarded National CALEA Re-accreditation

On July 23, 2022, the Bloomington Police Department (BPD) achieved full Tier 1 accreditation status for the second time through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). This award will remain in effect for four years and the Bloomington Police Department will retain all privileges associated with being a CALEA-accredited agency during that time period. BPD was first awarded full Tier 1 law enforcement accreditation in July of 2018. 

City Logo

Zero In Bloomington Climate Action Website Launches to Accelerate Bloomington Climate Action Plan

The City of Bloomington’s Department of Economic and Sustainable Development has launched the “Zero In Bloomington” initiative ( to help individuals and groups track progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions in support of Bloomington’s communitywide climate goal to reach net zero by 2050. Zero In Bloomington helps drive community-driven action to increase climate resiliency and meet climate goals outlined in Bloomington’s sustainability vision (, while building momentum around achieving community climate action.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions:

City dump truck and back hoe excavating ground for new ADA curb ramp.

Speed Limit Changes on Rogers; Cascades Park is Celebrated; and Sidewalk Crews Continue to Increase Accessibility

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Four New COVID-19 Employee Case

Four City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the September 8 update, including one City Hall (City Hall) employee, two City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) employees, and one Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employee.

Fiber Optic Cable on Multi-Color Background

Hoosier Networks Announces Partnership with Internet Service Provider GigabitNow

Hoosier Networks, the fiber network utility provider established by Meridiam, announced today its partnership with GigabitNow as the primary ISP (Internet Service Provider) under the Meridiam agreement with the City.

Pumpkin Launch devices lined up in the grass and preparing to launch

Launch Device Engineers, Builders Needed for Annual Pumpkin Launch Competition

Launch builders must register their device by Oct. 14.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Provides the ADA Transition Plan for Community Review

The City of Bloomington Council for Community Accessibility (CCA) invites community members to review and provide feedback to the City’s ADA Transition Plan until September 30, 2022 available at The feedback form is available at

New LED Light Installation

More Trees are Planted at Lower Cascades Park; Hopewell Demolition Materials are Hauled Away; and Traffic Calming Comes to Crestmont

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Eleven New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Eleven City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the September 1 update, including two City Hall (City Hall) employees, two City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) employees, two Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, four Public Works (DPW) employees, and one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee.

GO Bloomington Artwork

Go Bloomington Launch Event at Showers Plaza Celebrates Mobility and Sustainability

Tuesday afternoon at Showers Plaza in front of City Hall, residents gathered to learn about and celebrate the launch of Go Bloomington, a program that supports mobility options that are alternatives to single occupancy vehicles with the goals of reducing carbon emissions, calming traffic congestion, and improving parking availability.

Digital inclusion trailblazers

Bloomington Again Recognized as Digital Inclusion Trailblazer

The City of Bloomington has been recognized by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance as a 2022 Digital Inclusion Trailblazer (  First launched in 2016, Digital Inclusion Trailblazers is a public inventory of local government initiatives promoting digital literacy and broadband access for underserved residents.  The City was commended for its continuing efforts to bridge the digital divide, including conducting a scientific survey on broadband equity, developing a Digital Equity Strategic Plan, establishing a Digital Equity Grants Fund for nonprofit organizations, and efforts to make high-speed broadband more available and affordable.

Goat Farm barn and Jackson Creek Trail from Winslow High Rogers roundabout

New Trail, Shade Structures, Seating and Shelter Coming to Goat Farm Park

Funds for amenities and maintenance of barn and silo donated by the Sherman and Meredith Rogers Family

Fiesta del Otoño 2022

The City Celebrates National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month; GO Bloomington Launches a New Era of Transportation Options; and September Brings Some Glowing Opportunities

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage, socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Nine New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Nine City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the August 25 update, including one City Hall (City Hall) employee, three City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) employees, one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee, two Public Works (DPW) employees, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, and one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee.

Hidden River Project

Crosswalks Become Safer; The B-Line Trail Reopens Near Johnson Creamery Smokestack; and Frank Southern Becomes More Accessible

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors.

GO Bloomington Logo

Go Bloomington, Mobility Options for a Better Commute, To Begin Promoting Transportation Alternatives To The Single Occupant Vehicle

The City of Bloomington is committed to sustainable transportation alternatives such as walking, biking, public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, micro-mobility and telecommuting. The goal is to reduce the number of single-occupant vehicles (SOVs) operating in town, which will decrease carbon emissions, relieve traffic congestion, and improve parking availability. The City of Bloomington is launching its new program - Go Bloomington. This event is free, family-friendly, and open to the public. 

Budget Proposal Thumbnail

Mayor Hamilton To Present Transformative $229 Million City Budget for 2023

Mayor John Hamilton will present a $229 million combined operating budget to the Bloomington City Council this evening with key investments in the city workforce and services, climate change preparedness and mitigation, housing, and public safety to improve the quality of life for all residents. The $229 million budget includes funding for the City of Bloomington, Bloomington Transit, Bloomington Housing Authority, and Utilities, and represents a 29% increase over the combined 2022 budget.  

City Goal Update Report

City Releases 2022 Annual City Goals Mid-Year Update

In keeping with the Hamilton administration's commitments to transparency and accountability, this update offers the opportunity to monitor each City department's progress toward stated goals.

Hidden River Pathway Project

Seminary Park Gets New Lights; Hopewell Demolition Continues; and the New Dunn Street Sidewalk is Substantially Complete

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Five New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Five City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the August 18 update, including one City Hall (City Hall) employee, one City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) employee, two Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, and one Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employee.

BT Transit Headquarters

Federal Funds Bringing Eight Battery Electric Buses to Bloomington Transit

Bloomington Transit (BT), has been awarded $7 million from the federal government to add new electric buses to its fleet. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Low or No Emission Program discretionary grant funds in the amount of $7,040,000 will be used for eight (8) zero emission Battery Electric Buses (BEB) needed for transit service expansion. The resources from the FTA project will provide the necessary capital funding for zero emission BEB’s to be used for service expansion. 

Bloomington Fire Department Logo

Bloomington Fire Department Pilots New Housing Incentives

In an effort to expand the number of Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) firefighters living in the community they serve, the City of Bloomington is now offering a new housing incentives pilot program within BFD.

Digital Equity Grant Graphic on Laptop Screen

City of Bloomington Awards 2022 Digital Equity Grants Funds to Eleven Area Nonprofits

The City of Bloomington Information & Technology Services Department (ITS) announces the 2022 Digital Equity Grants awards to support Bloomington-based nonprofit organization efforts to bridge the digital divide and increase digital resources for residents. Now in its third year, this grant program began as part of Mayor John Hamilton’s Recover Forward initiative to help Bloomington recover from the pandemic and economic collapse, and advance racial, economic, and climate justice. Starting in 2022 these grants are funded from the ITS Department’s regular annual budget.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Five New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Five City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the August 11 update, including one City Hall (City Hall) employee, one Department of Public Works (DPW) employee, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, and three Bloomington Transit (BT) employees.

Scatter Garden at Rose Hill

New Sidewalks on 7th Street; Neighborhood Greenways Near Completion; and Demolition Preparation Begins at Hopewell Site

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Bloomington Recognizes Mayors Fight Back – A Week of Action Against Violent Crime

Mayor Hamilton joins Democratic mayors across the nation in highlighting and addressing the increase in gun violence across the nation. In June of this year Congress passed and President Biden signed into law the Safer Communities Act, the first major gun reform legislation in 30 years and the sort of progress needed to improve our safety. This is why the Democratic Mayors Association (DMA), in partnership with the Center for American Progress Action Fund, announced Mayors Fight Back – A Week of Action Against Violent Crime for the week of August 15.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions:

wreath of dried green, pink and red flowers

City's Holiday Market Accepting Vendor Applications from Local, Regional Artists

Deadline to apply to sell artwork at the Holiday Market is Sept. 30, 2022.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Fourteen New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Fourteen City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the August 4 update, including one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee, four City Hall (City Hall) employees, two Department of Public Works (DPW) employees, two City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) employees, three Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employees, one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee, and one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee.

Park Ridge East Park

Graham Drive Gets Green Line Pavement Marking; Park Ridge East Park Courts Get Updates; and 7th Street Gets Speed Cushions

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

Black y Brown Artwork

City of Bloomington Black y Brown Arts Festival Seeks Artists

The City of Bloomington encourages local artists of color to apply for participation in the Fourth Annual Bloomington Black y Brown Arts Festival (BBBAF), taking place Saturday, September 10, at the Switchyard Park Pavilion, with the performance stage beginning at 1 p.m.

Front of the Waldron Center

City Enters Five Year Lease Agreement with Constellation Stage and Screen to Manage the John Waldron Arts Center

The City of Bloomington has signed a contract with Constellation Stage & Screen that will allow the new theater and film company to lease the John Waldron Arts Center for five years.

Convention Center

City Proposes Plan to Activate Convention Center Expansion

The City of Bloomington, following the lead of The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, Visit Bloomington, and Downtown Bloomington, Inc., has submitted a proposal to the Monroe County Board of Commissioners and County Council for activating the Convention Center expansion.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Eight New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Eight City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the July 28 update, including three Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, one City Hall (City Hall) employee, two Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees, and two Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees.

Street Paving

Mills Pool Closes for the Season; Griffy Lake Nature Preserve is Celebrated; and 17th Street Reopens to Two-Way Traffic

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize impact to Bloomington residents and visitors. 

Winston Thomas Site Entrance

City Considers Relocating Utilities to the Winston Thomas Site

During its August 1 meeting, City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) staff recommended to the Utilities Service Board Property and Planning subcommittee the potential relocation of the CBU Service Center to the former Winston Thomas Wastewater Treatment Plant site. After reviewing the Winston Thomas Site master plan (, including its proposal to relocate the service center, the subcommittee asked CBU staff to proceed with a preliminary financial analysis in anticipation of a possible project design study. 

City Logo Thumbnail

City Commission on the Status of Women to Honor Local Women at Women’s Achievement Celebration

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women announces the Women’s Achievement Celebration “Reflecting Back, Moving Forward,” which will take place on August 19, 2022 at the FAR Center for Contemporary Arts at 505 W 4th St in Bloomington.

4th Street Public Art

Community Invited to Celebrate Urban Fabric Art Installation at the 4th Street Garage

The City of Bloomington invites community members to celebrate Urban Fabric, the art installation at the Fourth Street Garage. Guests are invited to see the artwork up close and enjoy music by the Sergio Ospina-Romero Trio.

Yellow Bamboo

City to Work with Residents on Eradication of Prohibited Invasive Bamboo

Yellow groove bamboo (Phyllostachys aureosulcata) is included on the list of prohibited invasive plant species under the Unified Development Ordinance, adopted into Bloomington Municipal Code (BMC) in 2020 by the City Council. Under Title 6 of the BMC, it is unlawful for the owner of any lot or tract of ground within the city to plant or maintain, at a height in excess of eight inches, any plant species that is prohibited under federal, state, or local regulations. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Fourteen New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Fourteen City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the July 21 update, including one Utilities (CBU) employee, one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee, two City Hall (City Hall) employees, two Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees, and eight Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees.

Hidden River Project

Southeast Park Improves Accessibility; Businesses Around the Hidden River Construction are Open; and Installation of ADA-Compliant Ramps Continues

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

City Logo Thumbnail

Commission on the Status of Black Males to Welcome Students on the First Day of School at Fairview Elementary

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Black Males (CSBM) will join area fathers, father figures, caregivers, mentors, and role models to welcome students back to school in person on Wednesday, August 3 at 8:30 a.m. at Fairview Elementary School, 500 West 7th Street.  

Parking permits

2022-2023 Neighborhood Residential Parking Permits Available for Purchase

Neighborhood residential parking permits for 2022-2023 are now available for purchase online. Residents in Neighborhood Parking Zones 1-6 & 9-11 may submit an application at  

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Ten New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Ten City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the July 14 update, including four Utilities (CBU) employees, three Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, two Public Works (DPW) employees, and one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee.

Speed Cushion

First Section of Newly-Constructed Griffy Loop Trail Open; Traffic Pattern Around the Hidden River Project Has Changed; and Traffic Calming Speed Cushions Are Installed

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington’s Office of the Mayor is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City’s boards or commissions:

CFC Showers Building Entrance

City Considers Relocating Public Safety to the Showers Building Complex

The City of Bloomington has made an accepted offer to purchase 320 W. 8th Street, a 64,000 square-foot section of the Showers Building where City Hall is currently located. City ownership of this section of the historic building could allow the Police Department and the Fire Department administration offices to be housed together, centrally located downtown and as part of City Hall. After both departments suffered major flood damage last summer, this consolidation would allow for new and improved facilities, as well as enhanced collaboration with other components of City Hall. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Ten New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Ten City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the July 7 update, including three Utilities (CBU) employees, two Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, one City Hall employee, one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee, and one Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employee.

New Bollards at City Hall

City Hall Parking Lot is Open at Both Entrances; B-Line Trees are Trimmed; and New Traffic Signals are Installed on Walnut Street

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

City Logo Thumbnail

City to Celebrate 32nd Anniversary of Americans With Disabilities Act

The City of Bloomington Council for Community Accessibility (CCA) invites community members to a celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The event will also celebrate the anniversary of Bloomington’s Council for Community Accessibility (CCA), founded in 1990 shortly before the ADA was signed into law. This event is free and open to the public.  

Robert Loviscek, Jr.

Fire Department Announces Funeral Arrangements for Robert Loviscek, Jr.

Bloomington Fire Department and the City of Bloomington commemorate the life and mourn the loss of active firefighter Robert “Bob” Loviscek, Jr.

Woman golfer chips ball toward the green on the Ridge Course at Cascades Golf Course

Cascades Golf Course Seeks Applicants for Advisory Council

Selected applicant will represent the golfing community.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Four New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Four City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the June 30 update, including one Public Works (DPW) employee, one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee, one City Hall employee, and one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee.

Bollards being installed at City Hall

Work Continues on the Hidden River Pathway Project; Arrows and a Crosswalk are Added to Switchyard Park's Rogers Street Entrance; and New ADA-Compliant Sidewalk Curb Ramps are Installed on 17th Street

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Six New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Six City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the June 23 update, including one Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employee, two Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, two City Hall employees, and one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee.

Bryan Park Pool

Fourth of July Celebrations Include a Parade and Free Swimming; The Street Department Continues to Increase Accessibility; and Lights come on at Lower Cascades

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

2022 Fourth of July Parade route through downtown Bloomington, Ind.

City, Downtown Bloomington Inc. Celebrate Fourth of July with Annual Parade

The Fourth of July Parade begins at 10 a.m. Monday, July 4.

Logo on Pink Background

Mayor Hamilton Releases Statement Regarding the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade Ruling

Mayor John Hamilton issues the following statement: “Earlier today a radical conservative majority of the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, pushing women’s reproductive privacy and options to the states.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Six New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Six City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the June 13 update, including one Utilities (CBU) employee, two Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, two City Hall employees, and one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee.

Street Paving

Bloomington Improves Accessibility with More ADA-compliant Curb Ramps; A New Griffy Hiking Trail is Being Constructed; and a Short Length of 17th Street is Closed Through the End of the Month

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize the impact on Bloomington residents and visitors. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington’s Office of the Mayor is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City’s boards or commissions:

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Ten New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Ten City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the June 9 update, including one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee, five Parks and Recreation (Parks) employees, one City Hall employee, and three Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees.


Goat Farm Plans Move Forward; Accessible Curb Ramps Improve Bloomington for all Residents; and Crosswalk Improvements Increase Safety

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize impact to Bloomington residents and visitors. 

CBU Lead Water Service Line Demonstration

City of Bloomington Utilities Begins Inventory to Identify Lead Water Service Lines

The City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) has launched an infrastructure project to identify all active lead (Pb) water service lines in its distribution system. The Service Line Inventory (SLI) is a new requirement of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for municipal utilities with the goal of identifying lead service lines by October 2024 that remain active on both the private and public side of the water distribution system.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Five New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Five City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the June 2 update, including one Public Works (DPW) employee, two Utilities (CBU) employees, one City Hall employee, and one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee.

Hidden River Project Thumbnail

Headley Road Reopens to Two-Way Traffic; Barricades Create a Safe B-Line Detour; ADA-Compliant Ramps are Installed in Gentry Estates

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. City departments coordinate with one another, as well as with private developers, to minimize impact to Bloomington residents and visitors. 

Juneteenth logo

City of Bloomington and Indiana University Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center Host 2022 Juneteenth Celebration

The City of Bloomington and Indiana University Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center will host a Juneteenth celebration on Saturday, June 18, from 2:00 - 7 p.m. at Switchyard Park (1601 South Rogers Street).

Retreat at the Switchyard Rendering

Public Invited to Groundbreaking for Retreat at Switchyard Thursday–New Affordable Housing Next to Switchyard Park

Mayor John Hamilton and RealAmerica invite community members to attend a groundbreaking for Retreat @ the Switchyard. Located next to Switchyard Park, Retreat @ the Switchyard will provide a mix of supportive and affordable housing as well as market-rate units in a new apartment building at 1730 South Walnut Street. 

Kitchen Faucet Running Water

Annual Drinking Water Quality Report Shared by City of Bloomington Utilities

City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) published their annual drinking water quality report, providing information about local drinking water quality, data from tests conducted the previous year, and contact information for any questions or concerns. Logo

City of Bloomington Partners with to Improve Access to Government Services

Mayor John Hamilton announced today that the City of Bloomington will receive pro bono support from a team of Fellows to deploy CiviForm, a tool to simplify and centralize online applications for government assistance programs. CiviForm is an open-source tool developed originally by the City of Seattle with support from to make applying for government programs easier and faster. 

Michael Large holding 7-Line Decal

Accessibility increases in Bloomington; B-Line Detour Defined; and a New Sidewalk Installation on Dunn Street

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Five New COVID-19 Employee Cases

Five City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the May 26 update, including two Public Works (DPW) employees, one Utilities (CBU) employee, one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee, and one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee. 

Group of Residents Wearing Orange Shirts at County Courthouse

City of Bloomington Wears Orange to Honor Survivors of Gun Violence

The City of Bloomington invites the community to observe National Gun Violence Awareness Day on Friday, June 3, and join in events raising awareness about gun violence during Wear Orange weekend.


City to Update Street, Sidepath, Sidewalk and Accessible Curb Ramp Condition Data

The City of Bloomington Street Division is conducting a citywide survey that will assess the current condition of streets, sidepaths, sidewalks and accessible curb ramps. This project builds upon a similar effort that was last performed in 2017 by Public Works with the support of the Office of Innovation and will update the now five-year-old condition data for these important transportation assets.  

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on Board of Public Works

The City of Bloomington’s Office of the Mayor is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on the Board of Public Works.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Eleven New COVID-19 Cases

Eleven City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 tests since the May 19 update, including three Public Works (DPW) employees, one Utilities (CBU) employee, two Bloomington Police Department (BFD) employees, one Parks and Recreation (Parks) employee, one Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employee, and three Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees. 

Switchyard Spray Pad

Bryan Park, Mills Pool, and Switchyard Spray Pad are Scheduled to Open; Crosswalk Improvements Project Begins; and New Traffic Signals on North Walnut and Tapp Road

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

Firefighter Luke Murphy

Bloomington Fire Department 2022 Awards Ceremony Honors 55 Firefighters

The Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) recognized 55 firefighters for exceptional service to the community during 2021. The annual event is routinely conducted on the anniversary date of BFD becoming a professional fire department on February 17, 1900. This year, however, the event was delayed due to COVID. The presentation occurred at 4 p.m. on May 20, 2022 at the Switchyard Park Pavilion.    

City Logo Thumbnail

Future of Policing Task Force Releases Initial Report

The Future of Policing Task Force (FPTF) has released a report covering the first nine months of their work. This report covers the methodologies used for gathering data, challenges faced by the task force, as well as initial recommendations that were submitted to Mayor John Hamilton in late April. 

Police Department Badge

Bloomington Police Department Plans Mobile Roll Calls in Neighborhoods

In an effort to continue strong connections with the neighborhoods of Bloomington, the Bloomington Police Department (BPD) will begin conducting mobile roll calls throughout the City. As officers begin each of the three work shifts in a day, they meet together at roll call to receive specific assignments and any pertinent information for the day. Members of the community are invited to attend when they see the Mobile Field Office truck, to communicate their concerns with officers and to meet the people patrolling their neighborhoods.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Five New COVID-19 Cases

Five City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the May 12 update, including one City Hall employee, three Public Works (DPW) employees, and one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee. 

Police Department Badge

Bloomington Police Department Offers New Hiring and Retention Incentives

In an effort to attract the highest quality candidates, the City of Bloomington is now offering several new incentives within the Bloomington Police Department (BPD). Significant salary increases were agreed upon through the collective bargaining process, and are reflected in the recently approved contract between the City of Bloomington and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). 

Street Being Repaved

Bryan Park and Mills Pool are Scheduled to Open; Headley Road Gets New Guardrail; and New Traffic Signals on North Walnut and Tapp Road

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

Sandy Keller

Sandra Keller Wins 2022 Human Rights Award

The Bloomington Human Rights Commission selected founder and executive director of My Sister’s Closet, Sandy Keller, as the recipient of its 2022 Human Rights Award.

Scout placing American flag on grave of veteran

City Announces Memorial Day Service, Decoration Policies at City Cemeteries

Rose Hill hosts a Veterans Memorial Day service May 30.

Human Rights Commission Artwork

30th Annual BHRC Essay/Arts Contest Winners Announced

The Bloomington Human Rights Commission (BHRC) announced the winners of its annual essay/art contest for area students in grades K-6 and will host an awards ceremony for the winners at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17, at City Hall. Mayor John Hamilton will present the awards to this year’s winners. 

Meridiam and Bloomington Graphic

Bloomington Fiber Initiative and Meridiam FAQ

Since the City's announcement of its intent to partner with Meridiam to deploy Gigabit class fiber internet services, we have received questions from City residents. Here's an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page to help answer common questions.

Meridiam and Bloomington Graphic

Meridiam and City of Bloomington Announce Plans for $50 Million City-Wide, Fiber-to-the-Home Network

Infrastructure company Meridiam and the City of Bloomington announced today that Meridiam plans to invest more than $50 million to bring high-speed internet access to virtually every neighborhood and resident in the City. Meridiam will build and operate an open-access-model fiber network, embodying net neutrality, with a strong emphasis on digital equity. The City of Bloomington will partner in the digital equity components with up to a $1 million investment. 

Lower Cascades Boardwalk

Lower Cascades Waterfall Boardwalk Opens; Rosehill Cemetery Resurfacing Project Begins; Bryan Park Gets New Accessible Curb Ramps; Construction Will Affect Grant Street Traffic

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Two New COVID-19 Cases

Two City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the May 6 update, including one City Hall employee and one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington’s Office of the Mayor is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City’s boards or commissions:

Trades Dancer Image

Community Invited to Celebrate Aurora Almanac Art Installation at Trades District Garage

The City of Bloomington invites community members to Twilight at the Trades, an event celebrating the Aurora Almanac art installation at the Trades District Garage. Guests are invited to see the artwork up close, enjoy empanadas from Maíz Comida Colombiana, and experience music and performance. 

House Keys

Public Invited to Attend City-hosted Resource Fair for Tenants on Saturday, May 21

The City of Bloomington Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND), in partnership with the Housing and Eviction Prevention Project (HEPP), will host a Tenant Resource Fair in City Hall Council Chambers (room 115), 401 N Morton St. on Saturday, May 21 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Zero New COVID-19 Cases

The City received no reports of employees having received positive COVID-19 test results since employee cases were last announced on Thursday, April 28.  

Griffy Lake Construction Project

Bryan Park and Griffy Lake Improvements Increase Accessibility; Improvements to Olcott Blvd.; Bloomington is Brighter with Cleaning and Energy Efficient Lighting

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Council Unanimously Approves Local Income Tax Increase, Supporting Major New Investments in Bloomington’s Future

All nine members of the Bloomington Common Council voted yesterday to enact an Economic Development Local Income Tax (ED-LIT) that will fund a range of critical measures across public safety, essential city services, climate change preparedness, and mitigation including major public transit enhancements, and equity and quality of life for all. The funds raised by the ED-LIT will allow the City to address future critical needs and meet fundamental obligations to its residents, present and future. 

Waltdon Arts Center

Public Invited to Attend Waldron Arts Center Awakening Art Exhibition Opening Reception on Friday, May 6

The City of Bloomington will celebrate the opening reception of a new art exhibition at the John Waldron Arts Center on Friday, May 6 from 5-8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. 

Be More Awards Logo

Be More Awards Recognize Volunteers for Service to the Community

Seven Bloomington community members will be honored in an invitation-only presentation of the Be More Awards from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 5.  Recipients will be presented with their award by Mayor John Hamilton and with a $1000 cash award for their host organization from Tina Peterson of the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County.

BT Transit Headquarters

Bloomington Transit Announces the Replacement of Late Evening Service with Uber/Lyft Delayed Until June

Bloomington Transit (BT) is announcing the delay of a plan to replace late evening service on most routes, with those trips to be provided through partnerships with Uber and Lyft. The new service delivery method was originally announced to take effect on May 9, 2022, and has been delayed to June 2022.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Five New COVID-19 Cases

Three City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the April 21 update, including one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, and three City Hall employees.

Bloomberg Innovation - Photo of City Scene

Bloomington Chosen as One of Thirteen International Cities for New Bloomberg Innovation Training

The City of Bloomington has been selected as one of 13 international cities participating in the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation (CPI) at Johns Hopkins University’s 2022 Innovation Training program, which will provide consulting, training, and networking to address a key issue facing its residents. 

Residents Academy Logo

Residents are Invited to Apply for 2022 Residents Academy

The City of Bloomington Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) invites residents to apply for the 2022 Residents Academy, to be held on ten consecutive Thursday evenings from August 25th to October 27th, from 6-8 p.m.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Council Approves Two $5 Million Infrastructure Bonds; Final Local Income Tax Vote Moved to April 27

The Bloomington City Council on Wednesday evening approved two five-year $5 million general obligation (G.O.) bonds to invest in important Bloomington infrastructure projects spread across the community.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

No COVID-19 Employee Cases in Last Week

The City received no reports of employees having received positive COVID-19 test results since employee cases were last announced on Thursday, April 14.  

2022 Digital Equity Grants

City Nonprofits Invited to Apply for 2022 Digital Equity Grants

The City of Bloomington invites nonprofit organizations to apply for funding to support their efforts to bridge the digital divide and increase digital resources for residents.  The Digital Equity Grants program will award $50,000 in funds to Bloomington-based nonprofits, with 2022 proposals accepted digitally Monday, May 2 through 5 p.m. on Friday, June 10 at

Catalent Headquarters

Bloomington’s Catalent to Hire 1,000 New Employees at Average Wages of $32 an Hour or More, and Invest at Least $350 Million

This morning brought very exciting news: Catalent Pharma Solutions has formally signed an agreement to bring a $350 million expansion to Bloomington, including at least 1,000 new high-quality jobs paying an average of $32 per hour. 

CBU Logo

City of Bloomington Utilities Receives Stormwater Award

City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) has received the 2022 Education and Outreach Award from the Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management (INAFSM). Established in 2015, this award recognizes an outstanding program promoting the advancement of education regarding stormwater management. CBU was recognized specifically for its Residential Stormwater Grants Program. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington’s Office of the Mayor is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions:

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Three New COVID-19 Cases in Past Week

Three City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the April 8 update, including one Parks & Recreation (Parks) employee, one Utilities (CBU) employee, and one City Hall employee.

City Logo Thumbnail

Community Invited to Participate in Future of Policing Public Forum

The Future of Policing Task Force invites community members to a public forum via Zoom on Monday, April 18, 2022, from 6-7:30 p.m. The forum is an opportunity for residents throughout the community to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences regarding law enforcement in Bloomington and Monroe County.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports One New COVID-19 Case in Past Week

One City worker from the Department of Public Works (DPW) reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the March 24 update. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Council to Consider Local Income Tax Increase, Two Bonds

Mayor John Hamilton will ask the Bloomington Common Council to implement an increase to the Monroe County Local Income Tax (LIT) by 0.855% for the purposes of economic development and to adopt two $5 million general obligation (G.O.) bonds to invest in local infrastructure. Mayor Hamilton will present the proposed increase and bonds to the Council this evening at their regular session beginning at 6:30 p.m. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City of Bloomington Kicks Off Arts Feasibility Study in Partnership with Trahan Architects, Seeks Public Input

The City has contracted with Trahan Architects to conduct an arts feasibility study in Bloomington following Mayor Hamilton’s commitment to a study announced in May 2021 as part of the Recover Forward initiative to help the community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The study will include an evaluation of arts facilities and activities in the City and result in a report of recommended strategies for successfully advancing the arts across the City.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Files Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of Statute Voiding Sewer Contracts

Today the City of Bloomington filed a lawsuit in Monroe County challenging the validity of a 2019 law that retroactively voided eighty percent of Bloomington’s sewer extension contracts. The 2019 law purports to nullify hundreds of contracts that allow non-municipal residents to connect to the City’s sewer system in exchange for those residents waiving their right to contest a future annexation.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on the Bloomington Redevelopment Commission

The City invites residents to apply for an upcoming vacancy on the Bloomington Redevelopment Commission (RDC). The RDC oversees housing and neighborhood development, investigates opportunities for economic development and redevelopment in the city of Bloomington, and creates economic development areas, areas needing redevelopment, and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor at the Market Returns to the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market

Mayor at the Market is a community outreach program that invites Market-goers to interact with the mayor and various department heads from the City of Bloomington government. Most Saturday mornings, either Mayor Hamilton, Deputy Mayor Don Griffin, or one of nineteen department heads will be at the Farmers' Market to answer resident questions and discuss issues of interest in the city.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Two New COVID-19 Cases

Two City workers from the Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Parks and Recreation Department (Parks) have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the March 10 update.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor Hamilton Shares New Revenue Proposal with City Council

Mayor John Hamilton has shared a proposal with the Bloomington City Council outlining the need for new revenue. 

Tech Center Thumbnail

City Invites Community to Trades District Technology Center Information Session

The City of Bloomington and the Bloomington Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) invite the public to an information-sharing event for the Trades District Technology Center, which is funded in part by a $3.5 million Economic Development Administration CARES Act Recovery Assistance Grant awarded in 2021.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington’s Office of the Mayor is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City’s boards or commissions

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports One New COVID-19 Case in Past Week

One City worker from the Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) has reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the February 25 update. 

ECO-Heroes Thumbnail

Bloomington Environmental Commission’s Tenth Annual Eco-Heroes Art Contest Open for Submissions

The City of Bloomington’s Environmental Commission is announcing its annual Eco-Heroes Art Contest. The 10th annual art contest is calling on all amateur artists to submit art showcasing their creativity and appreciation of the natural environment. This year’s theme is “Fighting Fragmentation!,” which asks artists to learn about, and present artistic pieces related to the benefits connecting native habitats can have on wildlife and plant species alike. 

City Logo

Bloomington Restaurants in the Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District Invited to Apply for New Composting Program

The City of Bloomington’s Department of Economic and Sustainable Development, in partnership with EarthKeepers, is providing support for restaurants and retail food establishments to reduce and divert food waste from the landfill through the newly created Compost Up Downtown program. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Reaches Historic Contingent Agreement with Fraternal Order of Police

The City of Bloomington and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) have reached a contingent agreement on the terms of a new collective bargaining agreement, which includes unprecedented investments in public safety. The new contract would govern salaries and benefits for FOP members for four years starting in 2023.

Waldron Illustration

Public Invited to Attend Waldron Arts Center Reopening Celebration on Friday, March 4

The City of Bloomington will celebrate the reopening of the John Waldron Arts Center on Friday, March 4 from 5-8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public*. 

Be More Awards Logo

City Accepting Nominations for Be More Awards Honoring Volunteers

City of Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton encourages all community members to nominate outstanding volunteers for the Be More Awards, the community volunteer awards presented by the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network, a program of the City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Department. Nominations are being accepted now through Monday, March 21 at 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Four New COVID-19 Cases

Four City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the February 17 update, including two Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees, one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee, and one Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employee. 

State of the City Logo

Mayor Hamilton to Present Seventh State of the City Address: Forward Together

Mayor John Hamilton presents his seventh annual State of the City address to the community at the Buskirk Chumley Theater*. All are invited to attend the free event. Complementing the Mayor’s remarks, the work of local artists will be showcased, including live music poetry readings, and a video presentation of community portraits. The event will be convened and adjourned by the Bloomington Common Council, for which it serves as an official meeting.

Black History Month Logo

City’s 2022 Black History Month Gala Celebration Features “Black Health and Wellness” Theme

The City of Bloomington invites the community to attend the 18th Annual Black History Month Gala, which will take place on Saturday, February 26, beginning at 6 p.m. The ticketed, public event will be held over Zoom video conferencing, with e-ticket reservations available in advance through the Buskirk-Chumley Theater, online at, or by phone at 812-323-3020.  

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Five New COVID-19 Cases

Five City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the February 10 update, including one Parks & Recreation (Parks) employee, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, one Utilities (CBU) employee, one Department of Public Works (DPW) employee, and one City Hall employee.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Invites Community Groups, Artists, Food Vendors to Take Part in Inaugural International Food & Art Festival April 10

Street fair-style festival to take place on Fourth Street between Dunn Street and Grant Street and in the Dunkirk Square parking lot.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Community Nonprofits and Organizations Invited to Apply for Grants Through City’s 2022 Solar and Energy Efficiency Loan (SEEL) Program

As part of Mayor John Hamilton’s Recover Forward initiative, the City of Bloomington’s Department of Economic and Sustainable Development is providing support for organizations to improve building efficiency through the 2022 Solar and Energy Efficiency Loan (SEEL) Program. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayors to Sign Nation’s First Sibling Cities Agreement at Kickoff on Tuesday

Sibling Cities USA and the cities of Palo Alto, California, and Bloomington, Indiana are hosting a virtual kickoff for the first-ever Sibling Cities relationship on Tuesday, February 15 at 12 p.m. EST.

Catalent Headquarters

City Council to Consider Incentive to Support Catalent Expansion

The City of Bloomington Economic Development Commission has recommended that the Bloomington Common Council approve a proposed tax abatement associated with investments being considered at Catalent’s South Patterson Drive facility that would potentially add up to 1,000 new biotech jobs in Bloomington over the next five years. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Nine New COVID-19 Cases

Nine City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the February 3 update, including four Parks & Recreation (Parks) employees, two Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees, one Utilities (CBU) employee, and two City Hall employees.

Image of tree in park

City's Bicentennial Bond to Fund Planting of 300+ Trees in 2022 to Achieve a More Equitable Urban Canopy

Mayor John Hamilton announced today that, following months of research, planning, and preparation, 304 locations in four different project areas in Bloomington have been identified to provide a more equitable urban canopy for all residents. These projects are part of the continuing Bicentennial Bond program the City Council and administration sponsored to invest in the future, in honor of our 200th birthday in 2018.

Annexation Artwork

City Submits Final Batch of Remonstrance Waivers to Auditor

On Friday, February 4, the City of Bloomington submitted its last responses to Monroe County Auditor Cathy Smith detailing which annexation remonstrators own properties subject to remonstrance waivers. 

Public Safety Report Logo

Bloomington Fire and Police Chiefs, Community and Family Resources Director Present Sixth Annual Public Safety Report

Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton invites the press and the public to attend the sixth annual joint Public Safety Report to the Community. The online presentation will update the community on the state of public safety in Bloomington, and the City’s continuous efforts to improve it.

Hopewell Rendering

Former Hospital Site Designated as “Hopewell” Neighborhood

The City of Bloomington is pleased to announce that “Hopewell” will be the name for the new neighborhood to be created following the decommissioning and demolition of the former IU Health Bloomington campus on West 2nd Street. The Hopewell name has a long history of association with the site.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Fourteen New COVID-19 Cases

Fourteen City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the January 27 update, including one Parks & Recreation (Parks) employee, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, three Utilities (CBU) employees, six City Hall employees, one Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employee, one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee, and one Department of Public Works (DPW) employee. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Shares Organizational Assessment of Appointed Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington released an organizational assessment report of its appointed boards and commissions today. Last year, Mayor John Hamilton directed that an independent, third-party assessment of the board and commission structure be undertaken to review and assess their scope, structure, and required resources. The recommendations in the report are intended to build upon the boards and commissions’ many existing contributions and enhance the City’s community-focused approach to decision-making and operations. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Sanitation Services Canceled for Thursday, February 3, 2022

In consideration of the predicted approaching winter storm, the closure of the Hoosier Disposal transfer facility, and the potential for significant snow or ice accumulation, the City of Bloomington Sanitation Division has announced that trash and recycling collection will be suspended on Thursday, February 3, 2022. 

Halson Vashon Eagleson Sr

Eagleson Avenue Officially Replaces Jordan Avenue Tomorrow, February 1

City crews will begin installing street signs denoting the new Eagleson Avenue name this week. Eagleson Avenue will officially become the new name for Jordan Avenue from Davis Street to 17th Street tomorrow, February 1.

Black History Month Logo

City’s 2022 Black History Month Celebration Features “Black Health and Wellness” Theme

The City of Bloomington invites the community to kick-off this year’s Black History Month celebration on February 1 at 6 p.m. at the FAR Center for Contemporary Arts (505 W 4th St, Bloomington, IN 47404). The event begins with a reception at 6 p.m. and the program and livestream (link below) begins promptly at 6:30 p.m. Masks, proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of the event are required. The event is free and open to the public.

Market food and beverage artisan cookies in white boxes

City Farmers' Market Accepting Proposals from Food and Beverage Artisans, Applications from Farmers and Growers, for Vending Spaces at 2022 Saturday Market

Proposals from food and beverage artisans and applications from farmers due Feb. 21.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Thirty New COVID-19 Cases

Thirty City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the January 20 update, including one Parks & Recreation (Parks) employee, two Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees, seven Utilities (CBU) employees, five City Hall employees, two Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees, two Bloomington Transit (BT) employees, four Department of Public Works (DPW) employees, and seven employees of the Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA). 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Federal Court Rules for City of Bloomington in Farmers’ Market Case

On Wednesday, a Federal District Court ruled in favor of the City of Bloomington in Schooner Creek Farms v City of Bloomington. The court rejected all the claims brought by the plaintiffs, awarding summary judgment to the City, Parks Administrator Paula McDevitt, and former Farmers’ Market Coordinator Marcia Veldman.

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Thirty-eight New COVID-19 Cases

hirty-eight City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the January 13 update, including three Parks & Recreation (Parks) employees, four Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees, five Utilities (CBU) employees, four City Hall employees, nine Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees, one Bloomington Transit (BT) employee, six Department of Public Works (DPW) employees, and six employees of the Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA). 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Commission Accepting Resident Proposals for Traffic Calming Projects

The City of Bloomington Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission (BPSC) is seeking proposals for resident-led projects to install traffic-calming devices on neighborhood and residential streets. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Women’s Commission Seeks Nominations for Annual Awards

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women is seeking nominees for the 2022 Woman of the Year, Toby Strout Lifetime Contribution, Emerging Leader and Young Woman of the Year awards. Although nominations for these awards are accepted year-around, the deadline for submission of nominations for 2022 is February 11. The awards will be presented during Women’s History Month in March 2022.  

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Twenty New COVID-19 Cases

Twenty City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the January 6 update, including four Parks & Recreation (Parks) employees, three Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employees, four Utilities (CBU) employees, one City Hall employee, three Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees, three Bloomington Transit (BT) employees, and two employees of the Department of Public Works (DPW). 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Deems Historic Johnson Creamery Smokestack Unsafe

The City of Bloomington Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) Department has issued an “Unsafe Building Order to Repair” to the owners of the property at 400 W. 7th St. The order was issued specifically for the 140-foot-tall Johnson Creamery smokestack located on the property, pursuant to Bloomington Municipal Code Chapter 17.16 and Indiana Code Chapter 36-7-9. 

A Fair of the Arts logo on black background

City Parks Department Accepting Applications for Vendor Spaces at 2022 Summer Art Fairs

Submit an application online by Feb. 25 for full consideration.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering speech in Washington DC

City Invites Public to Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Birthday Celebration

The City of Bloomington invites the community to the 2022 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration, Monday, January 17 at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater*. The event will include remarks by Deputy Mayor Don Griffin, members of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission, and others starting at 7 p.m. 

COVID-19 Update Graphic

City Reports Fourteen New COVID-19 Cases

Fourteen City workers have reported positive results of COVID-19 laboratory tests since the December 30 update, including two Parks & Recreation (Parks) employees, one Bloomington Police Department (BPD) employee, two Utilities (CBU) employees, two City Hall employees, three Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) employees, two Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employees, and two employees of the Department of Public Works (DPW). 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Cold Weather Safety and Resources

In anticipation of the extreme cold temperatures over the next few days, the City of Bloomington advises residents for their safety to avoid prolonged outdoor exposure, and to check on elderly family members and neighbors often to assure their safety.  

Waldron Arts Center

Waldron Arts Center Reopens

The Waldron Arts Center will reopen on January 4 for use by the public and visual and performing artists. This follows a 21 month closure, during which time the City of Bloomington completed repairs to both stabilize and upgrade the facility.