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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on September 26, 2023 at 3:16 pm

For more information, please contact

Holly Warren, Assistant Director for the Arts, Economic and Sustainable Development


Since the pandemic, cities and towns across the country have been challenged with attracting visitors back to their downtowns to visit shops, restaurants, and concerts. Bloomington has seen a resurgence in residents and visitors coming back downtown to experience everything it has to offer. Downtown Bloomington is appreciated by thousands of tourists every year, due in part to its walkability and architectural charm. 


What could be missing from Downtown Bloomington’s allure and intrigue? Since 2020, business owners, community leaders, and local artists have all asked this same question. With the help of Downtown Bloomington Inc, the City’s Economic and Sustainable Development Department (ESD), and a group of stakeholders; the group set out to explore ways to activate downtown alleyways and urban spaces. 



Before 2020, the City’s Department of Public Works had been exploring alleyway activation and the potential for preliminary infrastructure upgrades in downtown alleys. How does one activate an alley, you may be wondering? An alleyway activation occurs by converting an alley into an area with removable elements such as seating, shade elements, or artwork. The City of Bloomington allocates 1% of funding for new construction, so Director of Public Works Adam Wason, Special Projects Manager Michael Large, and ESD’s Assistant Director for the Arts Holly Warren considered how to revitalize alleyways to ensure their safety, durability, and vibrancy. Active alleyways can also contribute toward a vibrant downtown by expanding the public realm for pedestrians, supporting adjacent businesses, and inviting those exploring downtown Bloomington to relax and socialize. 


As the COVID-19 pandemic began to fade, Executive Director of Downtown Bloomington Inc. (DBI) Talisha Coppock noticed a renewed interest from community members in reinvigorating downtown. After some discussion, the City collaborated with DBI to begin workshops aimed toward gauging downtown stakeholders with their ideas of how to reinvigorate downtown Bloomington. ESD granted DBI a small budget to explore strategic ways to activate downtown. 


A series of workshops using design thinking led by the invaluable Dave Huber followed, and a team of local stakeholders developed five topics to explore, all relating to downtown activation: placemaking, “uniquely Bloomington”, live events and entertainment, summer business, and sustainability, diversity and inclusion. 


On June 2nd 2023, DBI piloted its first downtown innovation showcase, and the event was a success! Four alleyways were brought to life with activities like live muralists, live music, food, and talks from guest speakers about sustainability, diversity, and inclusion! With simultaneous events like the Limestone Comedy Festival and a gallery walk, visitors to downtown Bloomington were given an immersive experience with curiosities to find around every corner. 



Downtown Bloomington Inc. covered 100% of costs for this year’s first downtown innovation showcase.




So, what are all the benefits of an activated alleyway? 


Activated alleyways can serve as pedestrian-friendly paths that connect parts of a neighborhood. These alleys can encourage people to explore their surroundings, fostering a sense of community and connectivity. Often, neglected alleyways can become areas prone to illicit activities or crime due to their hidden nature. 


By activating and transforming these spaces, they become more open and visible, leading to improved public safety, increased foot traffic and greater community engagement. By creating attractive and inviting spaces, alleyways can attract businesses, such as boutique shops, galleries, cafes, or restaurants, which can generate foot traffic and stimulate economic activity. 


This partnership with the City of Bloomington and DBI instigated innovative, creative placemaking to take  advantage of assets and amenities right here in Bloomington. Look out for future events featuring active alleyways and downtown musical busking series taking place Friday September 15 and 29 by visiting Downtown Bloomington, Inc or DBI’s instagram



Department(s): Economic and Sustainable Development

Department Point(s) of Contact: Holly Warren

Partner(s): n/a

Partner Point(s) of Contact: n/a

Type of Innovation: New Service

Date Implemented: December 2021