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Page last updated on March 5, 2025 at 9:41 am

Established in 1961, the Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) employs a staff of 30 employees and provides housing assistance to over 2,500 Monroe County households each year. The BHA operates three affordable housing communities and provides more than 1,300 Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) that allow income eligible families to rent in the private market. The BHA also maintains active service coordination programs including the Family Self-Sufficiency Program and Step Up Program.

BHA Commissioners serve as the governing officers of the Bloomington Housing Authority, a public-corporate entity that functions as a developer and landlord of local low-income housing programs. Among their principal responsibilities are:

  • Providing leadership and advocating for public housing;
  • Setting policies governing the operations of the public housing authority and charting the direction of current and future programs;
  • Ensuring, through independent reviews and audits, that the Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) operates within the law and according to HUD regulations, taking into consideration the economy and efficiency of operations;
  • Hiring a qualified Executive Director to manage the day to day operations;
  • Obtaining and managing monies to support the authority;
  • Adopting operating budgets; and
  • Establishing policies to prevent fraud, abuse, mismanagement and discrimination and to ensure that the BHA acts legally and with integrity in its daily operations.

Statutory Authority: (I.C. 36-7-18) (36-7-18-5 members) (36-7-18-7 4yr term staggered)

All regular meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Lindsey A. Smith Community Center, located at 1002 N. Summit St. Bloomington, IN 47404. For cancellations or changes, please refer to Public Notices in the Herald Times and on the BHA website.

The Summit Hill Community Development Corporation (SHCDC) is a subsidiary of the City of Bloomington Housing Authority. Its mission is to create and sustain vibrant communities for low to moderate income individuals, seniors and families by providing high-quality affordable housing, supportive services, community and economic development. Through the Community Land Trust and ongoing development projects throughout the community, SHCDC is ensuring permanent affordable housing and homeownership opportunities that support diversity, health and economic self-sufficiency. The Summit Hill Community Development Corporation is governed by a Board of nine Directors made up of BHA Board Commissioners, and community representatives. A minimum of five board directors will be BHA Commissioners.


To provide decent, safe and sanitary housing to low-income families. Director of Housing Authority reports to this Board with budgets, employee issues and modernization programs.


Four Years


  • Appointees may not be an officer or employee of the City;
  • Must be a resident of the area serviced (City limits + 5 miles);
  • No more than four members may be of the same political party.


$25 per meeting


Elaine Amerson

Appointed By:
Term Expires:

Sherry Clay

Appointed By:
Term Expires:

Jerry Cravens

Appointed By:
Term Expires:

Tracee Lutes

Appointed By:
Term Expires:

Nordia McNish

Appointed By:
Term Expires:

Mary Morgan

Appointed By:
Term Expires:

Sue Wanzer

Appointed By:
Term Expires: