
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Ordinance 56-31 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-31 Amendment to an Ordinance to Regulate the Production, Transportation, Processing, Handling, Sampling, Examination, Grading, Labeling, Regarding, and Sale of Milk and Milk Products; the Inspection of Dairy Herds, Dairies, and Milk Plants; the Issuing and Revocation of Permits to Milk Producers and Distributors; Permit Fees, Appointment of Inspectors and Sanitary Police; the Placarding of Restaurants and Other Establishments Serving Milk and Milk Products, and Repealing All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Therewith and Fixing Penalties

Ordinance 56-29 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-29 An Ordinance Concerning the Annexation of Adjacent and Contiguous Territory Pursuant to the Filing of a Voluntary Petition for Annexation

Ordinance 56-27 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-27 An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of a Building to be Removed from City Owned Lands Pursuant to the "Fiftieth" Clause of the Powers Granted to the Common Council, Pursuant to Chapter 129, Section 53 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana for the Year 1905

Ordinance 56-26 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-26 An Ordinance of the City of Bloomington Ratifying, Confirming and Approving Action of the Board of Public Works and Safety Concerning the Purchase, Construction, and Acquisition of a Sanitary Sewer and Pumping Station Ratifying and Confirming a Contract for Purchase of Sanitary Sewer with Bloomington Advancement Association, Inc., an Indiana Not-For-Profit Corporation, and a Contract for Reimbursement for Contribution on Sewer Construction Cost with Westinghouse Electric Corporation, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Establishing Sewer Connection Charges and Rates

Ordinance 56-25 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-25 An Ordinance Authorizing Owner of Property to Obtain Parking Privileges, Establishing Regulations and Fees Therefor 

Ordinance 56-24 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-24 An Ordinance to Protect the Public Health Against Disease and Poisons Resulting from Insanitary Accumulation or Dumping of Garbage, Rubbish or Trash, Prescribing Regulations Therefor and Providing Penalties for Violations

Ordinance 56-23 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-23 An Ordinance Fixing the Rules and Regulations and Charges for the Use of Certain Off-Street parking Lots Acquired or Being Acquired by the City of Bloomington

Ordinance 56-20 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-20 An Ordinance Relating to and Regulating the Rates to be Charged and Collected, by the City of Bloomington, Indiana, from Consumers Outside the City Limits of Bloomington, Indiana, Purchasing Water from the City of Bloomington, Indiana, and Repealing All Ordinances, or Parts of Ordinances, in Conflict Therewith

Ordinance 56-18 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-18 An Ordinance Authorizing and Establishing Regulations for the Care, Sanitary Control, Protection from Contamination, and Other Injury of Griffey Creek Lake Constructed for Water Supply Purposes by the City of Bloomington, Indiana, and Providing for the Licensing of Boats, Setting Forth Rules and Regulations Governing the Use of Boats on Griffey Creek Lake; and Providing Penalties for the Violation of this Ordinance and for the Enforcement Thereof 

Ordinance 56-17 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-17 An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing of All Dogs Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Bloomington; Prohibiting Dogs from Running at large Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Bloomington During Certain Periods of Time and Under Certain Conditions; Prohibiting Horses, Cows, Calves, Colts, Goats or Kids, or Any Other Domestic Animal from Running at Large of Being Pastured or Staked Out in the City of Bloomington, Except as Otherwise Provided; Authorizing the Impounding and Destruction of Dogs and Domestic Animals; Creating Office of Humane Officer; Providing for Appointment of Humane Officer; Providing a Penalty, and Repealing All Other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in Conflict Therewith

Ordinance 56-16 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-16 An Ordinance of the City of Bloomington Concerning the Purchase, Construction, Maintenance, Operation and Financing of Off-Street Parking Facilities, the Issuance of Revenue Bonds to Provide the Cost Thereof, the Collection, Segregation, and Distribution of the Revenues of Said Project, the Safeguarding of the Interests of the Holders of Said Bonds, and Other Matters Connected Therewith 

Ordinance 56-14 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-14 An Ordinance to Provide for Payment of Disability Benefits from the Police Fund of the City of Bloomington to Police Officers Disabled While Actively Engaged in Duty as a Police Officer 

Ordinance 56-12 (Passed) download

Ordinance 56-12 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 10, 1953 as It Pertains to Regulations for the Size and Speed of Boats, and Providing Penalties Therefor